Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Johann heinrich von thuenen-institut, bundesforschungsinstitut fuer landliche raume, wald und fischerei"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 GHG EUROPE Greenhouse gas management in European land use systems 2010 8˙925˙737.00 6˙648˙703.00
2 SOCIOEC Socio economic effects of management measures of the future CFP 2012 3˙829˙884.00 2˙999˙939.00
3 ENVIEVAL Development and application of new methodological frameworks for the evaluation of environmental impacts of rural development programmes in the EU 2013 2˙335˙877.00 1˙738˙444.00

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L'Ente johann heinrich von thuenen-institut, bundesforschungsinstitut fuer landliche raume, wald und fischerei partecipato anche in questi progetti.