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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - POWVER (Power to the People. Verified.)


Embedded software innovations boost our society. But at the same time, proprietary embedded software locks us out of the products we own. A modern electronic device can only be controlled and maintained by its user to the extent enabled by the proprietary embedded software...


Embedded software innovations boost our society.

But at the same time, proprietary embedded software locks us out of the products we own.

A modern electronic device can only be controlled and maintained by its user to the extent enabled by the proprietary embedded software running the device.

POWVER addresses this problem as its central concern.

It provides technology to break open the (by now) traditional embedded software development process, so as to empower device users to gain back control over their devices.

To make this possible, POWVER provides them with quantitative verification technology for system level correctness, safety, dependability and performability of open embedded software.

In this endeavour, it focusses on embedded software for power management. Electric power is vital for mobile devices and their longevity.

The spearhead application is electrified mobility, but the technology developed is general enough to enable deeper analysis of other mobility problems including ordinary (combustion powered) road traffic.

Work performed

The POWVER project lays the foundation for a turn to open and hence customisable embedded software.

It develops quantitative verification technology for system-level correctness, safety, dependability, and performability, with a focus on power management software.

This is a long-term effort, in which the following highly successful spearhead actions have thus far been in our focus:

• We have designed a method for the optimal control of power-hungry nano-satellites in low earth orbit, with a battery-aware scheduling approach based on stochastic kinetic battery models. It is being tailored to actual satellites currently orbiting the earth in low orbit. We are preparing for fully automated optimal control of constellations and mega-constellations of satellites.

• We have contributed to the standardisation of charging infrastructure and charger interoperability for light electric vehicles, and have developed dedicated software tools for testing testing the various infrastructure components.

• We are working on the rigorous verification and model-based testing of an electrically assisted dandy horse, the Draisine 200.0, built by us as a focal point for our verification-centric research, encompassing system-level correctness, safety, dependability, and performability.

• We have explored the use of model-based testing and runtime monitoring for discovering the existence of software doping in diesel cars. We are intensively studying the suitability of our core technology for introspective analysis in the context of real driving emissions.

The project is on track.

Final results

Progress achieved:

• Effective and robust optimal control of satellites under strict power constraints.

• Software tools for testing charger interoperability and charging infrastructure for battery safety in light electric vehicles enforcing European standard EN 504060-1.

• Executable formalisation of real driving emissions (RDE) as regards emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles, spelled out in EU Commission Regulation 2016/427 of 10 March 2016.

Expected results:

• Deep analysis of RDE characteristics and its relation to ordinary road traffic – possibly based on crowd-sourced data.

• Fully automated robust optimal control of constellations and mega-constellations of satellites under complex power constraints.

• Quantitative verification technology for system-level correctness, safety, dependability, and performability, applicable to a range of embedded problems related to power-awareness.

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