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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TRISORP (Energy saving and reducing carbon emissions by applying decentralized advanced trigeneration (CCHP) technology to supermarkets and other commercial properties)


The grant for a Phase 1 project of the HORIZON 2020 dedicated SME Instrument for the beneficiary KKS Kälte-Klima-Sachsen GmbH in 04779 Wermsdorf (subsequent KKS) has been used for the implementation of a feasibility study primarily on economic aspects.The objective was to...


The grant for a Phase 1 project of the HORIZON 2020 dedicated SME Instrument for the beneficiary KKS Kälte-Klima-Sachsen GmbH in 04779 Wermsdorf (subsequent KKS) has been used for the implementation of a feasibility study primarily on economic aspects.
The objective was to prepare and validate the foundation for the market launch of the highly innovative efficiency system of Ecoice absorption chiller and periphery components.

The use of only one KKS ECOiCE AWA, which is driven by the heat of an electricity-driven CHP and provides 25 kW refrigeration capacity, leads to a saving of 6.9 kW and thereby 73%
of electric power compared to a conventional compression refrigerating machine of the same refrigeration capacity due to the application of otherwise useless waste heat.
Through the installation of ECOiCE AWA in discount supermarket chains in place of conventional refrigeration technology a significant amount of electric energy can be saved. In addition a saving of 73 % of exhaustible primary energy and another 73 % saving of climate-relevant carbon emission can be added.

In this way KKS refers to the topic SIE-01-2014-1: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system in the current call for the Horizon 2020 dedicated SME Instrument – Phase 1 2014. The management is convinced to be able to improve the innovation management capacity of KKS with support of the SME-Instrument (Innovations in SMEs), in order to finally implement its promising innovation and to establish as company in the field of refrigeration technology on a global scale.

Work performed

A feasibility study has been implemented on technical and primarily economic aspects. Relevant IP and market data has been analysed. The aim to get detailed customer feedback on the existing prototype has been achieved. Fields of application have been identified. The market analysis, which has been implemented, confirms the USPs claimed against the competitors and the growing market potential of absorption chiller systems on a global scale.

In the feasibility study the following topics are covered:

• Innovative Technology
• Market environment, possibilities of application and market potentials
• Relevant trends, drivers and opportunities
• Fields of application of the overall system
• Market potential, characteristics of selected geographical targets
• Competition Analysis and Patent Research
• Market Entry Strategy
• New business areas for international scaling of ECOiCE technology
• Sales activities
• Sales targets, cost development, investments

As main result it can be stated that the commercialisation of the innovation project of KKS is feasible.

Final results

The project will have a positive impact on the market position of the company. Through the envisaged commercialisation a new technological solution with improved product features can be offered to existing and new customers. The topic of energy efficiency and reduction of carbon emissions in the field of low refrigeration capacities ensures a USP to the company due to its importance in many different fields of application. In doing so KKS is able to enlarge its customer base additionally and contributes to a significant increase in sales, further growth of the company and to securing and creation of jobs in the region of Wermsdorf.
Hence, this provides the opportunity to not only respond to market developments but to shape the market by own capacity. The innovation leads to securing and expanding of the market position gained so far as well as further market shares. In addition competitiveness and the significance of the innovative capacity will be strengthened in the company.

The commercialisation of the future technology of ECOiCE will not only extend business divisions and establish new divisions at KKS but also exploit the full potential of innovation management and new product demonstration in the field of highly efficient refrigeration technology within the company and in the region as well.

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