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H2020 projects about "refined"

The page lists 138 projects related to the topic "refined".

# achronym  title  year 
1 EuroMix EuroMix 2015
2 O2RIGIN From the origin of Earth's volatiles to atmospheric oxygenation 2015
3 NextGenVis Training the Next Generation of European Visual Neuroscientists for the benefit of innovation in health care and high-tech industry 2015
4 RAWFIE Road-, Air- and Water-based Future Internet Experimentation 2015
5 CHEQUERS Compact High pErformance QUantum cascadE laseR Sensors 2015
6 AirWatt Feasibility study of a microturbine for delocalized electrical energy, off-grid generation 2014
7 MecaMorphEME Four-dimensional physical modeling and numerical simulation of the early mouse embryo morphogenesis. 2015
8 INVLOCCY Invariants of local Calabi-Yau 3-folds 2015
9 BHLOC The Quantum Entropy of Extremal Black Holes 2015
10 eTAG Thermoacoustic- based residential mCHP system 2015
11 USELA Useful energy from contaminated landfill gas 2014
12 CREST Climate Resilient Agriculture through revolutionary Weather Forecast and Data 2015
13 TurboFeasibility Feasibility assessment of direct drive high speed turbo compressors for production oil free compressed air for medium size applications 2015
14 SPM Strawberry Processing Machine 2015
15 BERTHA-G Bertha G - better enzymes - than gas 2015
16 REGHA Medical device combining viscosupplementation with pharmacological active molecule to regenerate cartilage in degenerative or traumatic osteoarthritis. 2015
17 Phoenix Exploring the Unknown through Reincarnation and Co-evolution 2015
18 ECLAIR Emulation of subgrid-scale aerosol-cloud interactions in climate models: towards a realistic representation of aerosol indirect effect 2015
19 MAFRI Molecular Ancient Fish Remains Identification 2016
20 Scaling up Novihum A Sustainable Soil Solution: Scaling up Novihum, an innovation to convert bad soil into better, make brown coal clean and barren land green, and profitably advance food security in Europe and beyond 2015
21 PLANTIBIOTICS Functional ingredient from fermented vegetable waste streams to diminish the use of antibiotics in pig husbandry 2015
22 GlucoBeam GlucoBeam: A portable device for pain-free glucose self-monitoring in diabetic patients 2016
23 CA3TCH Comprehensive Aerodynamic-Aeroacoustic Analysis of a Trimmed Compound Helicopter 2015
24 SYSMICS Syntax Meets Semantics: Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics. 2016
25 miRNA-DisEASY microRNA biomarkers in an innovative biophotonic sensor kit for high-specific diagnosis 2015
26 FURADO Full Fairing Rotor Head Aerodynamic Design Optimization 2016
27 SMARTool Simulation Modeling of coronary ARTery disease: a tool for clinical decision support 2016
28 GenTree Optimising the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe 2016
29 EKLIPSE Establishing a European Knowledge and Learning Mechanism to Improve the Policy-Science-Society Interface on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 2016
30 COPTRA COmbining Probable TRAjectories 2016
31 TIMBER Northern Europe's timber resource - chronology, origin and exploitation 2016
32 BioCircuit Programmable BioMolecular Circuits: Emulating Regulatory Functions in Living Cells Using a Bottom-Up Approach 2016
33 PEP-PRO-RNA Peptide-derived bioavailable macrocycles as inhibitors of protein-RNA and protein-protein interactions 2016
34 AMSEL Atomic Force Microscopy for Molecular Structure Elucidation 2016
35 TGIP Trans-generational immune priming: molecular basis and fitness consequences 2016
36 LIPSYNING Eat me microglia: lipid scrambling as a signal for synaptic pruning 2016
37 HEAT-WHEAT Highly Efficient and Thermotolerant Wheat 2016
38 RTHRIEL The Rhyme: Theory and History of the rhyme in Italian and European literature 2016
39 CompOLEDs Computational studies on materials for organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) 2016
40 ECOTRAIT Understanding the links between functional traits and ecological processes in lake Arcellinida (testate amoebae) (‘ECOTRAIT’) 2016
41 LogCorrelatedFields Extremes in logarithmically correlated fields 2016
42 NORMOPERF Normothermic perfusion devices for renal and hepatic preservation and viability assessment 2016
43 Tamed Cancer Personalized Cancer Therapy by Model-based Optimal Robust Control Algorithm 2016
44 HIPPOGRIFFE Hybrid simulations of flow properties using atomistic – fluctuating hydrodynamics modelling for nanoconfined water 2016
45 Miniature Robots Commercialisation of new miniaturised, automated robots for high throughput training and assessment of dexterity in rats and mice. 2016
46 SEEGLASS Glass Recovering Revolution: High performance Optical Sorter for glass collection from Waste 2016
47 HOLISHIP HOLIstic optimisation of SHIP design and operation for life cycle 2016
48 ViMM Virtual Multimodal Museum 2016
49 GEMex GEMex: Cooperation in Geothermal energy research Europe-Mexico for development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems and Superhot Geothermal Systems 2016
50 Q-RAPIDS Quality-Aware Rapid Software Development 2016
51 SweetAim Selective glycoimmuno-targeting for cancer therapy 2016
52 PJ25 XSTREAM Cross Border SESAR Trials for Enhanced Arrival Management 2017
53 DNA TRUSTAG DNA TRUSTAG - A paradigm shift in authentication technologies 2017
54 HyperMu Hyperfine splittings in muonic atoms and laser technology 2017
56 SEX_FIGHT_SLEEP A model to study how social interaction modulates sleep in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster 2017
57 MERCURY Modeling the European power sector evolution: low-carbon generation technologies (renewables, CCS, nuclear), the electric infrastructure and their role in the EU leadership in climate policy 2017
58 Habitat-OASIS Habitability of Oceans and Aqueous Systems on Icy Satellites 2017
59 REJUVENATION Repair of Junctional Atrioventricular Conduction and Impulse Formation 2017
60 MICROGLIA-CIRCUIT Microglia action towards neuronal circuit formation and function in health and disease 2017
61 ZIPgeting Quantitative understanding of target recognition on DNA based on directional zipping processes 2017
62 GlucoBeam GlucoBeam: A portable device for pain-free glucose self-monitoring in diabetic patients 2017
63 SuperSpinHyMol Modelling superconductivity and spin-related effects in hybrid molecular/two-dimensional materials 2017
65 SIFINS Stable isotope signatures in dorsal fin spines as a non-invasive and non-lethal alternative to otoliths for reconstructing fish life and environmental history 2017
66 ThromboForce Platelet tractions through the Glycoprotein (GP) GPIb receptor as a potential marker for platelet reactivity 2017
67 eSEAS Enhancing Seafood Ethics and Sustainability: A Values and Ecosystem-based Management Approach 2017
68 ENTIMENT Industrial Exploitation and Market Uptake of a Temporal Cognition Toolbox for Commercial Robots 2017
69 MAGNET Models and Algorithms for Graph centrality grounded on Nonlinear Eigenvalues Techniques 2017
70 PresWoodenHeritage Preserving Wooden Heritage. Methods for monitoring wooden structures: 3D laser scanner survey and application of BIM systems on point cloud models 2017
71 PI3K-VAs Activation of PI3K signalling in the pathogenesis of Vascular Anomalies 2018
72 HemTree2.0 Single cell genomic analysis and perturbations of hematopoietic progenitors: Towards a refined model of hematopoiesis 2017
73 COMSYN Compact Gasification and Synthesis process for Transport Fuels 2017
74 CREAM4 Chemical Reaction Engineering by Additive Manufacturing of Mesoscale MetaMaterials 2017
75 TRADE Turbo electRic Aircraft Design Environment (TRADE) 2017
76 ECOSHEET-PRO An Eco-Innovative Alternative to Plywood 2017
77 FEAR-SAP Function and Evolution of Attack and Response Strategies during Allelopathy in Plants 2018
78 StressGene The Genetics of Morbidity and Survival in Response to Significant Life Stressors 2017
79 ADDABU Automated detection of damage to buildings 2017
80 ASSEMBLE Plus Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories Expanded 2017
81 EMERG-ANT Ant navigation: how complex behaviours emerge from mini-brains in interaction with their natural habitats 2018
82 VIP Véhicule Intelligent et Propre ( Green and Smart Vehicle) 2017
83 CLOTHILDE CLOTH manIpulation Learning from DEmonstrations 2018
84 ECOLANG Ecological Language: A multimodal approach to language and the brain 2018
85 OPTICS2 Observation Platform for Technological and Institutional Consolidation of research in Safety and Security 2017
86 SmartCow SmartCow: an integrated infrastructure for increased research capability and innovation in the European cattle sector 2018
87 CERATONIA Valorisation of the carob pod into an added value natural extract for the food and drink industry 2017
88 LSO Liver Spatial Omics 2018
89 CohesinLooping Cohesin-mediated chromosomal looping: From linear paths to 3D effects 2018
90 HOLOBALANCE HOLOgrams for personalised virtual coaching and motivation in an ageing population with BALANCE disorders 2017
91 Family Myths Family Myths: Phraseology and Inherited Indo-European Thematic Structures in Greek Myth 2018
92 PiCoBoo 19th-Century European Picture-Books in Colour 2018
93 MIDAS Microbial Degradation of Jellyfish-Derived Substrates 2018
94 INTENSS INformation-Theoretic analysis of Embodied and Situated Systems 2018
95 LIAE Laughing in an Emergency: Humour, Cultural Resilience and Contemporary Art 2018
96 PERIL Post ERuption Incision of Landscapes (PERIL) 2019
97 TrAM Transport: Advanced and Modular 2018
98 Couplet Transient climate change in the coupled atmosphere--ocean system 2018
99 ENPMUC Elites, networks, and power in modern urban China (1830-1949). 2018
100 MiMus Ioculator seu mimus. Performing Music and Poetry in medieval Iberia 2018
101 LIGHTUP Turning the cortically blind brain to see: from neural computations to system dynamicsgenerating visual awareness in humans and monkeys 2018
102 MNEMOSYNE EU ERA Chair in Digital Cultural Heritage: Mnemosyne 2019
103 FeCHACT Catalytic Csp3-H functionalization via carbene insertion meets sustainability: Developing an unprecedented Iron methodology 2019
104 CURVATURE Optimal transport techniques in the geometric analysis of spaces with curvature bounds 2019
105 BIMERR BIM-based holistic tools for Energy-driven Renovation of existing Residences 2019
106 EnTimeMent EnTimeMent - ENtrainment and synchronization at multiple TIME scales in the MENTal foundations of expressive gesture 2019
107 GLOBALINTO Capturing the value of intangible assets in micro data to promote the EU's growth and competitiveness 2019
108 Highlift Stirling heat pump for high temperature industrial use 2019
109 MataDOR Medium Density Fibreboard Recovery 2019
110 PRODUCE-H2 PROtotype Demonstration Using low-cost Catalysts for Electrolysis to H2 2019
111 EXA MODE EXtreme-scale Analytics via Multimodal Ontology Discovery & Enhancement 2019
112 T-GRAND-SLAM Translating the Global Refined Analysis of Newly transcribed RNA and Decay rates by SLAM-seq 2019
113 HyPPOCRATES Medical Hyperspectral Image and Video Processing and Interpretation via Constrained Matrix and Tensor Factorization 2019
114 POTENT A new model for potato tuber initiation and yield development 2019
115 PIE ANIMALS Of beasts and men. The animals of the Proto-Indo-Europeans 2019
116 DEBOGAS Dilute Bose Gases at Positive Temperature 2019
117 CarboPorph Novel Cyclocarbon-Porphyrin Systems: Synthesis and Properties 2020
118 PreCoASD Assessing the predictive coding accounts of autism spectrum disorders 2019
119 RecPAIR Genetic landscape of the homology search 2019
120 SCOREwater Smart City Observatories implement REsilient Water Management 2019
121 COMFORT Our common future ocean in the Earth system – quantifying coupled cycles of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients for determining and achieving safe operating spaces with respect to tipping points 2019
122 HYPERION Development of a Decision Support System for Improved Resilience & Sustainable Reconstruction of historic areas to cope with Climate Change & Extreme Events based on Novel Sensors and Modelling Tools 2019
123 STRELECOID Stretchable mesh-electrodes interfacing human iPSC brain organoids 2019
124 BALLISTOP Revealing 1D ballistic charge and spin currents in second order topological insulators 2020
125 MAXIPLAN Cultivated barnacle offspring – the solution for realizing marine aquaculture growth 2019
126 MUSIC Market Uptake Support for Intermediate Bioenergy Carriers 2019
127 AstaFerm A natural and high quality ingredient for dietary supplement derived from yeast fermentation to reduce oxidative stress and promote health and wellbeing 2019
128 CVTVT A Non-Surgical Treatment to Restore Heart Valve Function 2019
129 WAY2GO Expedited emerge of Connected Car data ecosystems in Europe 2019
130 WaterSENSE Making SENSE of the Water value chain with Copernicus Earth Observation, models and in-situ data 2020
131 PLMSAT Power line vegetation monitoring and maintenance optimization with satellite imagery 2019
132 uHeart A beating Heart-on-Chip for pre-clinical early detection of drugs cardiac safety 2019
133 ELNANO Charge transport in nanochannels 2019
134 YADES Improved Resilience and Sustainable Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Areas to cope with Climate Change and Other Hazards based on Innovative Algorithms and Modelling Tools 2020
135 Hastlayer Hastlayer - turning software into hardware for faster computing 2020
136 NIPCT Non-invasive prenatal diagnostics – Isolation of circulating trophoblast cells using a malaria protein 2020
137 CoroPrevention Personalized Prevention for Coronary Heart Disease 2020
138 SPECTACLE The lure of the foreign stage: Italian art and artistry serving the French and European spectacle. 2020