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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SCODEV (Scooping Device for Aerial Forest Fire Suppressant)


The objective of the SCODEV project is to determine the final production model of a scooping-device that allows non-amphibious conventional firefighting air tankers to scoop water from a body of water (sea, lake, river or a dam-reservoir) flying at an altitude of +/- 10...


The objective of the SCODEV project is to determine the final production model of a scooping-device that allows non-amphibious conventional firefighting air tankers to scoop water from a body of water (sea, lake, river or a dam-reservoir) flying at an altitude of +/- 10 meters. This will increase their water dropping capacity by 5 times and their effectiveness by 8 times due to shorter intervals between water drops.
Currently only amphibious firefighting aircraft such as the Canadair CL 415 and Beriev Be200 can scoop water, and non-amphibious air tankers need to be filled with water at an airbase, resulting in a lower drop frequency. The fleet of amphibious firefighting aircraft is relatively small since they can perform only one mission: 110 Canadair CL415s and 10 Be-200. In comparison, there are 1000 non-amphibious air tankers. In addition there are 1500 large military aircrafts for disaster relief, and 1500 small air tankers SEAT that could benefit from the SCODEV. With forest fires increasing every year due to global warming and draught, this offers huge potential.
The SCODEV project will test and validate a 1:1 scale model under realistic conditions, apply for EASA airworthiness certification and prepare for market uptake.

Work performed

An architectural design has been performed for the entire system. Aspects covered are: definition of operating conditions and system requirements, selection of a stable scoop concept, hydrodynamic forces and moments analysis, analysis of impact on aircraft stability and aircraft performance, selection of the water transport mechanism from the scoop to the aircraft and water tanks, installation aspects in the aircraft, manufacturability, a Preliminary System Safety Assessment and the identification of required safety provisions.
The resulting architectural design has been captured in a deliverable report and will be used as input for detailed design in the next project phase. A set of validation tests has been defined as well to mitigate project and safety risks. In addition to technical progress, five potential end users and one aircraft manufacturer have been approached as part of the exploitation plan, and two patent applications have been filed for IP protection.

Final results

The SCODEV is a disruptive invention that allows non-amphibious conventional air tankers to scoop water from a body of water. There is no other device in the world that can be compared, except for the Canadair and similar aircraft with their mentioned limitations. The dropping capacity of the present non-amphibious conventional forest fire combating air tankers will increase by 5 times.
In addition it also unlocks new potential for firefighting, since the SCODEV system can be removed when there are no fires and the aircraft can be used for other missions. This allows countries like Portugal without a dedicated fire-fighting aircraft fleet to build up a fire fighting capability using its military transport aircraft capability, at very low investments.
At the end of the project a production model of the SCODEV will be developed and validated in a flight test, including certification by the aviation authorities. The three consortium partners will be ready for series production. Dissemination of project achievements, such as video footage of the test and presentations at relevant for a will have been performed, along with preparation of market up take and B2B contacts with potential customers.
The impact of forest fires is huge. It is estimated that 20 million hectares of forest are lost each year. Also hundreds of thousands of premature deaths are attributed to forest fires due to inhaling smoke, and the financial damage is hundreds of billions of Euros on a global scale. NASA estimates that 2.4 Billion Metric ton of CO2 is released into the atmosphere which is 30% of the total emission.
The use of the Scodev will not only decrease the loss of human life and financial losses, but the environmental and ecological damages will also be radically reduced.

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