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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PerPedes (PerPedes: AI-assisted therapy in stroke rehabilitation)


Schepp Medtech was founded with the aim of bringing to the market our disruptive product PerPedes, a new end effector-based neuro-rehabilitation device that offers to mobility impaired patients up to 25% faster recovery compared to current systems. Our goal is to allow as many...


Schepp Medtech was founded with the aim of bringing to the market our disruptive product PerPedes, a new end effector-based neuro-rehabilitation device that offers to mobility impaired patients up to 25% faster recovery compared to current systems. Our goal is to allow as many people as possible access to high-quality therapy through technically innovative devices and cost-efficient implementation.
Stroke is the leading cause of permanent disability leading to about 360,000 Europeans/year needing mobility rehabilitation therapy and costing about €15 Bn/year to the EU. Current mobility rehabilitation systems can hardly meet today´s expectations and lead to an increasing number of mobility impaired individuals, making difficult their reintegration into society and implying high rehabilitations and healthcare costs.
PerPedes applies common robotics technology to overcome the limitations of current systems and support mobility impaired patients on the way back to the highest possible degree of independence. Our current version of PerPedes is CE marked as a medical device. Furthermore, we have patented the gait mechanism of PerPedes in Europe, China and US.
We aim to improve our current version of PerPedes for commercialization in the European market adding major new functionalities.

Work performed

During the feasibility study we designed a work plan for the optimization of our technology and the implementation of new functionalities that will make possible a more efficient product allowing therapy personalization and patient´s progress monitorization.
In order to understand the feasibility of launching PerPedes in the European market we conducted an in-depth analysis of the market, its dynamics, environment, target customers and competitors, as well as the barriers that we foresee and the ways to overcome them. We have also updated the Freedom To Operate Analysis to ensure the freedom to exploit PerPedes.

Final results

PerPedes value proposition to rehabilitation clinics and mobility impaired patients includes: Higher throughput of patients per device, higher operational efficiency for clinics, better recovery from stroke-related disability, lower costs for society and higher chance of reintegration for patients.
The production and commercialization of PerPedes represents for Schepp Medtech a bright opportunity to improve our product to enable a better and cost-efficient rehabilitation system in line with the European policies that foster healthcare robotics and digitalization.

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