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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ARTofscience (Activities Releated to Science)


The overall concept of the proposal entitled “Art of science” relied on tending to generate awareness and interest towards science by bringing scientists and all sections of the general public close to each together on 26th Septemper 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey. The very...


The overall concept of the proposal entitled “Art of science” relied on tending to generate awareness and interest towards science by bringing scientists and all sections of the general public close to each together on 26th Septemper 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey.

The very purpose of the action consisted of enhancing public recognition of researchers and their work, encouraging public active participation into scientific planning, experimentation and outcomes in one approach.

The approach chosen tended pointing out towards attendees how they “live, love, fun and learn” science in their daily life. Opportunities were offered to discover how science affects their life, to experience science in daily life by hands-on and minds-on activities, and shape their view of science as a way of knowing.

Attendees were also offered the opportunity of discovering the latest scientific developments in various fields through meetings and exchanges with scientists.

Vice versa, researchers were offered the chance to make their work publically known and to improve their understanding of public needs and concerns, while also testing and improving their communication skills.

The action also allowed students to better understand the usefulness and interest of their science courses, feel closer to science and scientists, and could consequently become more confident about science.

Furthermore, the Turkish ART OF SCIENCE Researchers’ Night also pointed out towards attendees the role of European Union framework programmes, the impact and effects they have already achieved on the citizens’ daily life and well-being; in such a purpose, several interactive activities were organised through the European corner with the assistance of researchers, several of them being Marie Curie fellows or having in the past benefitted from EU support under another scheme.

Work performed


Target audiences

o Public at large, regardless of age and scientific background;

o Special attention to be paid to several target groups such as students, women, adults, handicapped/disabled people, elderly people, people coming from non-science areas (artists, not working, officials…)

Messages conveyed

o Researchers are amongst us;

o Researchers are ordinary people with an extraordinary job;

o Touch and speak science;

o Be scientist for a day;

o Science is fun;

o Come and live science;

o How many women scientists do you know?

Main communication tools to rely on

Off line

o Airing of announcements, interviews, advertisements, programmes on national TV and radio stations;

o Meetings with authorities and several institutions (governor, chamber of commerce, municipalities);

o Direct contacts with women societies, youth, youth clubs;

o Conception and production, display of videos and DVDs;

o Display of promotional items on university entrance, billboards, shopping centres, public spaces…

On line

o Setting up, constant updating and maintenance of project website;

o Setting up, updating and maintenance of social networks profiles;

o Advertisements and banners on social media;

o Setting up and animation of blogs;

o Electronic mailing;

Promotional material

o Flyers, posters, stickers, brochures, billboards;

o Electronic banners on blogs, websites and newspapers websites (university, municipality), display of promotional videos on blogs, websites, social networks…

o Mention of \"\"This European Researchers\' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions\"\" on all promotional material displayed;

o Promotional gadgets ( face paintings, rosettes, hats) (displayed through the European corner notably), complying with the general guidelines available at

Overview of the results

o Conception, production and display of promotional items such as posters, brochures, programmes;

o Publication of articles, interviews, announcements in several newspapers and magazines (list in Deliverable 1);

o Visits to various institutions and non governmental organisations dealing with educational matters;

o Direct invitations addressed to 8.000 schools in Istanbul city;

o Public advertising: display of banners on led screens in various frequented City squares, display on billboards in various city districts, advertisement in public transport (posters in metro and busses stops);

o Airing of live programmes on national radio and TV stations (ATV-Kanal D-CNN Turk-TRT);

o Setting up, constant updating and maintenance of project website ;

o Links and publication of banners on several popular and institutional websites (list in deliverable 1);

o Setting up, constant updating and maintenance of social network profiles (Twitter , namely @abbilimeglence , Facebook;

o Mailing to over 5.000 addresses (Ministry of Education, University rectors, deans, Municipality\'s managers, Provincial Education directors and Department Directors);

o Publication of an e-newsletter;

o About 3 million people made aware of the Researchers \'Night and is objectives.


List of locations and venues involved

Istanbul: halls and fair garden, labs (chemistry, molecular biology, biology, electronics and mecha-electronics), classes, amphitheatre.

Main types of activities planned

Science shows, hands-on experiments, special kids programme, simulations, demos, guided tours, dating with researchers, exhibitions, roundtables, seminars, science workshops, quizzes, games, competitions, social activities, EU corners…

Detailed programme of activities

o Science\"

Final results

Overview of the results

o Collection and processing of feedbacks (ex ante surveys, questionnaires, face to face interviews);
o Main conclusions:
o Typology of responders: male 55 % female 45 %, background university (36 %), secondary school (27 %), high school, primary school, master degree (9 %);
o Overall positive feedback regarding the event itself (activities, interest, contacts with researchers, scheduling, venues and location);
o Perception of the Researchers\' Night objective: endearing science to society (82 %), learning in a fun way (73 %), contribute to society through science (55 %), engaging scientists with general public (45 %), bring researchers together (18 %), bring schools otgetehr (9 %);
o Positive perception of scientists : innovative, clever, knowledgeable, hardworking, but for a few of the responders also boring, authoritarian and single (clearly none has a real perception of the possible fun aspects of science);
o General interest expressed for science or science-related careers (92 %);
o General positive appreciation of the researchers\' communication skills and of the accessibility of their speeches;
o Science remains perceived as rather difficult and scientists are specially gifted people;
o Potential impact of science on human development remains rather vague, as well as the way in which scientists consider the rest of the world, the potential interest of science for anyone;
o Clearly science is not considered as fun, and scientists keep perceived as relatively disconnected from reality, although responders claim not to be afraid interfering with them;
o Finally the EU funding clearly contributed to the success of the event as offering a guarantee of seriousness and effectiveness towards researchers, operators, sponsors and public authorities.

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