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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - JUPITER (Joint EUropean Project for International ITS/EGNSS awareness Raising)


JUPITER (Joint European Project for International ITS/EGNSS Awareness Raising) project aimed at fostering European GNSS, Galileo and EGNOS, business development in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) sector. In order to ensure that EGNSS comes to prominence in the ITS sector...


JUPITER (Joint European Project for International ITS/EGNSS Awareness Raising) project aimed at fostering European GNSS, Galileo and EGNOS, business development in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) sector. In order to ensure that EGNSS comes to prominence in the ITS sector (tolling, autonomous vehicles, Location-Based System (LBS), mobility applications…), the added value of EGNSS was clearly demonstrated and promoted through 4 main actions:

1. Development of a high-end EGNSS receiver providing signal processing algorithms which takes advantage of EGNSS signal specificities
2. Promotion and demonstration of innovative EGNSS based ITS applications during the ITS World Congresses
3. Fostering networking, share of good practices, market opportunities and business development for the EGNSS/ITS stakeholders
4. Organisation in Europe and worldwide of training sessions for application developers and local administrators and officers to take advantage of EGNSS specific features and integrate them in their applications.

The overall work performed by the JUPITER consortium in accordance with these four main actions of the project coupled with transversal communication and dissemination activities is published in an online ebooklet:

Work performed

The overall work performed by the JUPITER consortium, during the 24 months project lifetime is published in an online ebooklet

1. Development of a high-end EGNSS receiver providing signal processing algorithms which takes advantage of EGNSS signal specificities

During the ITS World Congress 2015 Bordeaux, the first JUPITER demonstration consisted in tracking in real-time several vehicles through new generation multi-constellation receivers. The real time positions together with an estimation of the accuracy were displayed on a screen on the European GNSS Village. This demonstration provided some preliminary results to show the added value for ITS applications to use EGNSS combined signals for positioning services in urban environment. Moreover, a comparison of 2 track records (GPS+GLO and GPS+GAL) taken in Lugano beforehand allowed to show that the track with Galileo was far more accurate (1.5 m in narrow street) than the other. Additionally, the second JUPITER demonstration on the authenticated signal anti-spoofing feature presented on the European GNSS Village showed how such feature will make more secure the use of EGNSS for liability critical and/or safety critical ITS applications.
During the ITS World Congress 2016 Melbourne, one congress delegate transfer shuttle bus, called Galileo bus, operating between the congress venue to Albert Park Demo Precinct was equipped with several types of ITS-specific GNSS receivers that showed in real conditions the benefits of using Galileo to determine the position of the circulating bus. Thus, passengers could see and understand the added values of Galileo satellites, as well as been informed about Galileo program status and specific features. In addition, a video was prepared to showcase an innovative Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna (CRPA) that takes a maximum benefit of Galileo signals to remove the impact of signal reflections, particularly disturbing GNSS positioning performances in urban environment (available online

2. Promotion and demonstration of innovative EGNSS based ITS applications during the ITS World Congresses – Bordeaux 2015 and Melbourne 2016

A European GNSS Village of 250 m2 dedicated to ITS applications taking advantage of Galileo and EGNOS features was set-up for the ITS World Congress 2015 Bordeaux. The participation of 20 SMEs and 5 Local authorities/Transport Operators (LA/TO) was supported by JUPITER notably through a vouchers system. Furthermore, among those 20 SMEs, 3 were selected to benefit from an additional voucher to present an official demonstration during the Congress. JUPITER welcomed about 500 visitors and received positive feedback from them and from co-exhibitors.
In ITS World Congress 2016 Melbourne, 2 SMEs, M3System and NSL, among the 20 present in Bordeaux were selected to present their technology and know-how together with some GSA funded EGNSS projects (GNSSAsia, INLANE) under a common Galileo Village coordinated by JUPITER.
A specific effort was put to set up a real-time demonstration, called Galileo Bus. The Galileo Village and the Galileo bus welcomed about 500 international delegates.
For both ITS World Congresses, the JUPITER promotional videos were displayed (available online,

3. Fostering networking, share of good practices, market opportunities and business development for the EGNSS/ITS stakeholders

The 20 SMEs gathered on the European GNSS Village have been coached during a Venture Academy session, benefiting from relevant advice on the best way to pitch and on their business plan, before meeting with strategic partners.
More than 500 face-to-face meetings have been held during the 2015 and 2016 ITS Congresses between SMEs and LA/TO supported by JUPITER with ITS stakeholders. To foster exchange with international strategic partners, a delegation of 10 representatives from Indust

Final results

The JUPITER project has achieved the following impacts:
• Support building of industrial relationship by gathering private and public institutions around services offered by EGNSS and related applications
• Support the competitiveness of EU industry, especially SMEs, by identifying strategic partners and by developing market opportunities
• Foster the emergence of new downstream applications based on either GALILEO and/or EGNOS and therefore to support the EGNSS industry
• Contribute to tackle the Horizon 2020 societal challenges at stake in mobility and transportation

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