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Periodic Reporting for period 2 - OLTITA (O.M.P.M. LiferCraft Tail Innovative Tool Assembly)


The aim of this proposal is to develop, design, manufacture and deliver to the Core Partner of the Call For Core Partner AIR-02-02, the prototype assembly and transportation tooling for all components of the LifeRCraft Rotorless Tail that belong to the WP_B4.1 “Rotorless...


The aim of this proposal is to develop, design, manufacture and deliver to the Core Partner of the Call For Core Partner AIR-02-02, the prototype assembly and transportation tooling for all components of the LifeRCraft Rotorless Tail that belong to the WP_B4.1 “Rotorless Tail for LifeRCraft” and relevant for:
• Tail Boom
• Horizontal Stabilizer
• Vertical stabilizer
• Control Surfaces
• Upper Tail Boom Fairing (tbd)

As regard the achieved results, the project is started in delay, infact, the Kick off Meeting (KoM) started on December 2017 (not November 2016). The main reasons of the delay are due:
1. the necessity to link the OLTITA start with the final definition of parts to be assembled in the Racer program;
2. the delay in defining the main requirements of assembly tools to be released for the Tail Boom and Empennage parts of the Racer Program;
For this reason, the request of an Amendment is in preparation to extend the duration of the project. A new schedule has been prepared and all activities have been replanned.

The main activities carried out during this period regarding the Kick off Meeting on December 2017, at the Airbus HE site
and the finalization of Management activities, as the sign of the Implementation Agreement and the launch of an Amendment session.

Work performed

\"The project started in delay, in fact, the Kick off Meeting (KoM) started on December 2017 (not November 2016). An Amendment process is in progress in order to extend the duration of the project by 12 months. OMPM received the green light from JU legal department for official submission on the 25th of October 2019.
The output of the project, that is the prototype assembly and transportation tooling for all components of the LifeRCraft Rotorless Tail that belong to the WP_B4.1 “Rotorless Tail for LifeRCraft, has been splitted in two groups: Tail Boom Assembly Jig and its parts (Group#1) and the Empennage Assembly Jig and its parts (Group#2). A new list of Milestones and Deliverables which reflects this breakdown, has been agreed between OMPM and TM.
Currently, the design for the Group#1 is completed and the manufacturing is almost finished, while the design for the Group#2 is in progress.

Regarding the dissemination, the primary channel has been directed to the Italy and Europe aerospace sector, and specifically a communication to the specialized magazines has been given in June 2017 (not included in the first report for mistake), during the International Aerospace Fair, at Le Bourget. Other additional activities have regarded:
• Several Presentations to our Customers (2018)
• Specific Project link in OMPM Website (to be updated in agreement with our partners, AHE and JU)
• Internal Training Courses focused on project results of interest for OMPM business.\"

Final results

\"Next steps regard the complete manufacturing and testing for Group#1, in fact in January it is planned an inspection for this first work package, and the completion of the activities (design, manufacturing and testing) for the Group#2.
Regarding the potential impacts, the benefit defined during the proposal elaboration are still confirmed at this state.\"

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