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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - A-ZEB (Affordable zero energy buildings)


\"In order to address our ecological and climatic challenges as a society, we need to improve the energy performance of our buildings towards (nearly) zero energy. Europe has posed the Energy Performance Buildings Directive (EPBD) which requires all new buildings to be Nearly...


\"In order to address our ecological and climatic challenges as a society, we need to improve the energy performance of our buildings towards (nearly) zero energy. Europe has posed the Energy Performance Buildings Directive (EPBD) which requires all new buildings to be Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) from the year 2020 onwards. However, progress is slower than expected. One of the reasons for this is that nZEBs are perceived by the market and by the building sector to be more expensive than conventional buildings.

The AZEB project is a coordination and support project which intends to increase the uptake of nZEB in the market. This should lead to the building of more nZEBs, more primary energy saved, increased investments in nZEB\'s and more (local) renewable energy production. AZEB stands for \"\"Affordable Zero Energy Buildings\"\" and wishes to show how we can ensure (n)ZEBs to be affordable. Affordable may mean at least three things. First, it may mean actual cost reduction in the construction and use of (n)ZEBs. Second, it may also mean that investors and financial institutes like banks are willing to finance higher initial costs, when these are compensated by lower lifecycle costs. This is currently usually not the case. And third, it may mean that users accept higher initial costs because they understand the added value of a well-designed (n)ZEB in for example comfort and health and reduced energy costs, and are willing to pay extra for this in construction costs. The AZEB methodology addresses all three mechanisms to achieve affordability of (n)ZEBs in Europe.

The AZEB project has three main objectives:

1. To develop an integrated methodology to achieve affordable (nearly) zero energy buildings.

This methodology spans multiple fields of solutions (both technical and non-technical) and the complete project lifecycle. It is based on existing solutions, which are integrated into a coherent framework. The effectiveness of this methodology is shown in case studies during the project.

2. To disseminate this knowledge as market-ready solutions to the widest possible EU-audience and inspire these stakeholders to take up and improve new nZEBs with RES concepts and implement the cost effective solutions.

In the project the methodology is translated into target-group oriented educational material, which allows for online learning as well as on-site learning, to apply the methodology in current and future projects. Also several tools are developed to aid stakeholders in the implementation of the methodology.

3. To facilitate frontrunners and innovators, from policy-makers to progressive contractors, and this way help them transform the building sector ito a sustainable industry.

Many of our educational and promotional products will be available for use for these frontrunners and innovators to help them bring their arguments across to their target audiences. We will actively disseminate the material to this frontrunner target group and stimulate the use of our material.


Work performed

In the first eightteen months of the project a first version has been developed of an integrated methodology to achieve affordable (nearly) zero energy buildings. The methodology starts with clear explanations of different indicators for a cost-effective nZEB. Then it integrates technical and process oriented solutions to reduce costs throughout the complete lifecycle of the project, it contains solutions to stimulate investors to invest in higher initial costs by guaranteeing lower lifecycle costs and it contains solutions to concretely demonstrate to the client or user what the actual added value of the building is in relation to the initial costs. This added value can be environmentally or socially or in lowered operational costs. The methodology also contains solutions to aid in better decision making by facilitating good trade-offs between possible solutions.

The AZEB methodology currently consists of 27 consecutive steps, spanning the different phases of a building project: initaive phase, design phase, construction phase, operational and use phase, end-of-life phase. This methodology will be optimized in the next period of the project and a final version will be disseminated end of 2019.

To facilitate the application of the methodology several tools and methods have already been further developed to aid the implementation of specific steps in the methodology. Examples are:
* a dynamic simulation tool for optimizing nZEB designs for cost and environmental impact
* a Total Cost of Ownership-trade off tool for aiding in decision making by showing the impact of specific technical or non-technical decisions on the total costs of ownership as well as on social indicators such as comfort and health
* five tools for better decision making on sizing and performance of components
* a first version of a guideline for implementing performance guarantee for building projects

Also a three day training program has been developed and has been performed once as a pilot. More in-depth training material per element of the methodology will be developed in the next phase of the project. Also several parts of the AZEB methodology have been added to the curricula of existing nZEB trainings.

Six case studies have been selected recently, which will be used to demonstrate the impact of the application of parts of the methodology to stakeholders. These case studies are:
1. a service center exactly at the border of Germany and The Netherlands
2. An eco-district in The Netherlands f
3. A primary school in Italy
4. A detached single family house in Germany
5. Residential social housing blocks in Spain
6. A single family house detached in Bulgaria

So far over 1000 people have been reached with general information concerning AZEB and around 125 stakeholders have been extensively trained in (parts of) the AZEB methodology. In these are included 90 course providers which train around 1500 people yearly. 7 projects have been impacted directly by the AZEB consortium partners during the first 18 months. The main dissemination activities will however be performed in the second part of the project, when the main impact is expected to take place.

Final results

Our expected direct impact, during the project, is to reach at least 1720 experts who are then able to practically apply (parts of) the AZEB methodology.

Our expected indirect impact during and after our project, by applying (parts of) the methodology in building projects is:
- at least 203 new nZEB projects will be initiatied which otherwise would have been conventional projects
- at least 280,4 million euro will be invested extra in nZEBs
- at least 19,2 million euro will be saved in nZEB building projects
- at least 16,2GWh/yr of primary energy will be saved in building projects
- at least 17GWh/yr of renewable energy will be produced extra

In addition to this, we expect that buildings that have been developed using the AZEB methodology will overall have higher value for the user: better performance in operational costs, better performance in social indicators like comfort and health and better performance concerning environmental impact. For our society this should lead to a better built environment, a more conscious building sector and more conscious users, both making better decisions in relation to the ecological and climatic challenges we face.

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