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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - HTcoils (Screening and development of optimized materials for high temperature coils)


Electrical Environmental Control Systems (E-ECS) feature many low power electromechanical actuators to ensure control and tuning of items such as valves. They also include motorized turbomachines with power electrical motors.In both cases, the temperature class of coils...


Electrical Environmental Control Systems (E-ECS) feature many low power electromechanical actuators to ensure control and tuning of items such as valves. They also include motorized turbomachines with power electrical motors.
In both cases, the temperature class of coils integrated in motors or electromechanical actuators must be increased to minimize requested cooling and thus optimize both integration and mass of the system.
So, these high temperature coils can be: A winding of electromagnet, a winding of a torque motor, a winding of a power electrical motor.
The main objectives of this topic are:
- to develop specific wires, impregnating varnishes and potting ingredients (resins) to have complete solutions for high temperature coil and qualify these ingredients,
- to manufacture high temperature coils with these ingredients, integrate them in the Topic Manager’s defined application and demonstrate that the solutions proposed can be industrialized.
The solutions shall comply with aeronautical constraints (electrical, vibration, lifetime, manufacturing process, etc.) and sustain a minimal temperature of 300°C. The main objectives of this topic are to develop specific wires, impregnating varnishes and potting ingredients (resins) to have complete solutions for high temperature coil and qualify these ingredients, to manufacture high temperature coils with these ingredients, integrate them in the Topic Manager’s defined application and demonstrate that the solutions proposed can be industrialized.

Work performed

Goal of the project is to develop high temperature resistant coil for applications in an environment above 300°C for aeronautic Electrical Environmental Control System (E-ECS).
The topic manager selected the requirements of the used materials, such as temperature resistance and electrical constraints, based on the RTCA/DO-160 (Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment). A compliance matrix containing the definition of requirements was elaborated by the consortium, incorporating the requirements of the topic manager, technical feasibility in general, and the practical feasibility provided by the project partner’s infrastructure.
Further, a screening of the best materials for insulation, varnish, pottin and conductor was carried out. Main criteria for materials for insulation, varnish and potting were high temperature resistance, low viscosity, dieelectric strength and adherence. As a result, one material that simultaneously suits for all the applications, insulation, varnish and potting, was found.
The material prooved to be convenient for potting, infiltration and processing while ensuring high chemical compatibility and good mechanical properties.
Requirements for the conductor material were chemical stability and good electrical conductivity at high temperatures. After research and further experiments a copper alloy meeting the challenges was found and chosen for the upcoming manufacturing of demonstrators.

Final results

Ingedients and subassemblies design characterized Positive characterization campaign on the materials and selsction of two potential material sets done
Final prototypes desing validated Prototype design provided by Topic Manager to HTcoils consortium
Mid-term assessment metting Mid-term assessment meeting hold. Report submitted. Acceptance by TM & PO reached
Project end Final meeting hold. Report submitted. Acceptance by TM & PO reached
Manufacturing of ingredients and magnet wire finished (S) Samples of magnet wire delivered to the TM
Manufacturing of coils sub-assemblies (S) Samples of coil subassemblies delivered to the TM
Delivery of final product demonstrator for design 1 (DEMO) Demonstrator delivery for design 1 to TM done
Delivery of final product demonstrator for design 2 (DEMO) Demonstrator delivery for design 2 to TM done

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