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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BC SKIN (Bacterial Cellulose (and)- based Skin Repair material - BC)


Burn injury is a common type of traumatic injury, causing considerable morbidity and mortality. Moreover, burns are also among the most expensive traumatic injuries, because of long hospitalization and rehabilitation, and costly wound and scar treatment. Wound is one of the...


Burn injury is a common type of traumatic injury, causing considerable morbidity and mortality. Moreover, burns are also among the most expensive traumatic injuries, because of long hospitalization and rehabilitation, and costly wound and scar treatment. Wound is one of the major health threatening issues prevailing in Europe. The population prevalence of chronic wounds is 3-4/1000 people, which roughly translates to be between 1.5-2.0 million of the 500 million inhabitants of the EU. The newest developments in innovative wound dressings have led to a shift from simple dressings to advanced products that are added with pharmaceutically active ingredients. PROBIOTIKA LV strives to be part of the global shift from conventional wound dressings to biomaterial dressings that have better healing results. The company has developed innovative bio cellulose dressing for wound treatment (BC SKIN). It has antibacterial properties that reduce the wound treatment time. BC SKIN product should be changed less frequently as alternatives. Healthcare service providers benefits greatly by reduced treatment time and costs. This lead us to define our Unique Selling Point which is – best antibacterial wound dressing for short healing time and low changing frequency. This will allow for massive shift in medical industry enabling end users to better heal their wounds with less costs associated.

Work performed

Project consisted of 7 tasks. All the tasks were successfully fulfilled.

Task 1. Market research: an extensive industry research was carried out to identify the markets that fit the best for entry;
Task 2. User research: feedback from patients, doctors, clinic administration was gathered. Relevant interviews held. Recommendations for future product improvements received;
Task 3. Pilot tests: pilot tests performed. BC skin material integrated with antibacterial substances.
Task 4. Clinical treatments: clinical treatments of solution evaluated.
Task 5. Redesign of product and technical specification: Product improved and specific parameters concluded;
Task 6. IPR Strategy development: patent landscape and freedom to operate analysis performed;
Task 7. Business plan development: business plan developed that could be used as a roadmap for commercialization of BC Solution.

All the tasks documented in form of reports. More detailed description can be seen in the technical report. Project was crucial to conclude that further development of the product and manufacturing equipment is feasible and will generate substantial profits. We understand our risks and they are quite substantial however the product for itself is needed by the industry therefore we will continue to develop it. It is obvious that for our business industrial partner is required and additional EU or private funding.

Final results

PROBIOTIKA LV has developed innovative bio cellulose dressing for wound treatment (BC SKIN) to be part of the global shift from conventional wound dressings to biomaterial dressings that are significantly better. BC SKIN has antibacterial properties that reduce the wound treatment time. BC SKIN product should be changed less frequently as alternatives. Healthcare service providers benefits greatly by reduced treatment time and costs. This lead us to define our Unique Selling Point which is – best antibacterial wound dressing for short healing time and low changing frequency. This will allow for massive shift in medical industry enabling end users to better heal their wounds with less costs associated.
Product tests showed that BC SKIN product is the best designed in three sizes for different wounds: 3 x 5 cm, 2 x 6 cm, 5 x 10 cm. Thickness is 0,5 mm. Bacterial cellulose dressings can be used: I-II degree burns, cut wound, diabetic, venous, arterial ulcers, bedsores, on wounds after laser grinding. The project allowed us to develop application guidelines, product certification and packaging requirements. We have identified the best antibacterial additive that is furagin that allows wound to heal more faster.
Interviews with relevant users helped to understand that material should have ventilating properties (so that the skin can breathe). It must not allow any “outside” microorganisms to encounter the wound. The material must have absorbing and treatment properties. Healthcare service providers are interested in new cost effective methods or treating wounds.
Our market research and financial projections show that further development of the product and manufacturing equipment is feasible and will generate substantial profits. We understand our risks and they are quite substantial however the product for itself is needed by the industry therefore we will continue to develop it. It is obvious that for our business industrial partner is required and additional EU or private funding.