Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Observatoire de paris"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 ASTRONOMICALREPUBLIC "The Astronomical Republic. Emergence of a disciplinary field in early modern Europe, 1700-1830" 2008 153˙777.00 153˙777.00
2 CMWAVECLOUDS Cm-wave continuum emission from molecular clouds 2009 0.00 115˙126.00
3 ASTROSURFACE Modeling the surface properties of small bodies of the inner and outer Solar system 2009 226˙850.00 226˙850.00
4 MOMENTUM Angular momentum transfer in galaxy formation and evolution 2011 2˙316˙000.00 2˙316˙000.00
5 ESPACE European Satellite PArtnership for Computing Ephemerides 2011 2˙504˙119.00 1˙930˙256.00
6 SPHEROIDSEVOLUTION New and Complete Methods to constrain the Evolution of Massive Galaxies and their central Black Holes 2011 186˙864.00 186˙864.00
7 PLASMADYNAMICS Nonlinear dynamics of the solar-terrestrial environment 2011 259˙975.00 259˙975.00
8 SUP@VAMDC Support at the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre 2012 1˙069˙652.00 775˙000.00
9 EUROVENUS European Unified Research on Observations of Venus using co-ordinated Space- and Earth-based facilities 2013 2˙831˙692.00 2˙184˙687.00
10 ITERATE Improved heTErodyne Receiving Arrays for TEraherzt applications 2014 268˙329.00 268˙329.00

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