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H2020 projects about "apis"

The page lists 64 projects related to the topic "apis".

# achronym  title  year 
1 CARBAZYMES Sustainable industrial processes based on a C-C bond-forming enzyme platform 2015
2 FESTIVAL FEderated interoperable SmarT ICT services deVelopment And testing pLatforms 2014
3 EoT Eyes of Things 2015
4 BEACON Enabling Federated Cloud Networking 2015
5 FREME Open Framework of E-Services for Multilingual and Semantic Enrichment of Digital Content 2015
6 MusicBricks MusicBricks: Musical Building Blocks for Digital Makers and Content Creators 2015
7 Film265 Improving European VoD Creative Industry with High Efficiency Video Delivery 2015
8 ThinkEHR Platform Think!EHR Platform as vendor-neutral, open health data platform, designed for real-time, transactional health data storage enabling to go from idea to application in one hour. 2014
9 SUSAMIDE Sustainable Synthesis of Amides 2015
10 NEXTGenIO Next Generation I/O for Exascale 2015
11 PlugBioIn Plug and play enzymes for an accelerated uptake of Biocatalysis in the Pharmaceutical Industry 2015
12 INTERTWINE Programming Model INTERoperability ToWards Exascale (INTERTWinE) 2015
13 PHANTOM Cross-Layer and Multi-Objective Programming Approach for Next Generation Heterogeneous Parallel Computing Systems 2015
14 bIoTope Building an IoT OPen innovation Ecosystem for connected smart objects 2016
15 EnzOx2 New enzymatic oxidation/oxyfunctionalization technologies for added value bio-based products 2016
16 Wise-IoT Worldwide Interoperability for SEmantics IoT 2016
17 5GPagoda A network slice for every service 2016
18 ICN2020 ICN2020: Advancing ICN towards real-world deployment through research, innovative applications, and global scale experimentation 2016
20 CANGOPAL Next generation of Carrier Open SaaS for boosting e-Commerce economy 2016
21 N2B-patch Nose to Brain Delivery of antibodies via the Olfactory Region for the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis Using Novel Multi-functional Biomaterials Combined with a Medical Device 2017
22 ScalABLE4.0 Scalable automation for flexible production systems 2017
23 Halo Development and Application of a New Class of Halogenated Reagents to Commercially Valuable Targets 2017
24 E-APIS A smart, energy autonomous, universal and cost-effective dynamic passenger information system 2017
25 DRiveR How does dopamine link QMP with reproductive repression to mediate colony harmony and productivity in the honeybee? 2018
26 FastProof Fast Proof Reading and Correction of Complex Delineations 2018
27 DEEP-EST DEEP - Extreme Scale Technologies 2017
28 5G-Xcast Broadcast and Multicast Communication Enablers for the Fifth-Generation of Wireless Systems 2017
29 HRadio Hybrid Radio everywhere for everyone 2017
30 3ants Enhancing security of digital property rights and citizens’ awareness through an innovative anti-piracyframework of digital content based on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence 2017
31 LipidDrive LipidDrive - Lipidomics cloud computing platform and app 2017
32 NECOS Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing 2017
33 openEO openEO - a common, open source interface between Earth Observation data infrastructures and front-end applications 2017
34 GOEASY GalileO-based trustEd Applications for health and SustainabilitY 2017
35 IoTCrawler IoTCrawler 2018
36 DARE Delivering Agile Research Excellence on European e-Infrastructures 2018
37 BEHAPI Behavioural Application Program Interfaces 2018
38 Smart-Trust Smart Trust: Secure Mobile ID for Trusted Smart Borders 2018
39 TheyBuyForYou Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence 2018
40 Starcounter In-Memory Computing and Artificial Intelligence Platform for Building Next Generation Enterprise Software 2017
41 BRAIN Bacterial regulation of Apis neurophysiology 2018
42 ASPIDE ASPIDE: exAScale ProgramIng models for extreme Data procEssing 2018
43 EPiGRAM-HS Exascale Programming Models for Heterogeneous Systems 2018
44 ViSOT Infrastructure for Virtuosity Services Over the Top 2018
45 WEB-RADR 2 WEB-RADR 2 2018
46 APPFlow Active Pharmaceutical Production in Flow 2019
47 5G-VINNI 5G Verticals INNovation Infrastructure 2018
48 SmartCrys Advanced intelligence and close-loop control for Crystallisation of API’s (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) 2019
49 EventAI Revolutionary Artificial Intelligence Platform for Managing and Optimising Event Planning 2018
50 ProtonSuite The most secure collaboration suite in the world 2019
51 OMECRY Organic Mesocrystals: Formation and controlling of oriented nanoparticles of molecular solids for drug development 2019
52 Utilizing Urban Tech to Power Smarter Cities 2019
53 Infobel Infobel Business Data Hub = GET + USE + IMPROVE 2019
54 HIPPJ High-performance Independent Platform for low-cost big data ProJects 2019
55 5G-SOLUTIONS 5G Solutions for European Citizens 2019
56 PRESENT Photoreal REaltime Sentient ENTity 2019
57 IoTwins Distributed Digital Twins for industrial SMEs: a big-data platform 2019
58 INFINITECH Tailored IoT & BigData Sandboxes and Testbeds for Smart, Autonomous and Personalized Services in the European Finance and Insurance Services Ecosystem 2019
59 LongActNow Long Acting Medicines for Complex Therapeutics Needed Now 2019
60 CS3MESH4EOSC Interactive and agile/responsive sharing mesh of storage, data and applications for EOSC 2020
61 KOMP Pro KOMP Pro - The one-button screen connecting care providers and family with non-digital seniors through pictures, messages, video, apps and services. 2020
62 SYNERGY Big Energy Data Value Creation within SYNergetic enERGY-as-a-service Applications through trusted multi-party data sharing over an AI big data analytics marketplace 2020
63 EOSC Enhance Enhancing the EOSC portal and connecting thematic clouds 2019
64 FI4P Flow and Iron for Pharma 2020