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H2020 projects about "subglacial"

The page lists 9 projects related to the topic "subglacial".

# achronym  title  year 
1 REVEAL Peering through the East Antarctic Ice Sheet to reveal geology, crustal architecture and tectonic influences on ice sheet dynamics 2015
2 ICE-OTOPE “Weathering and nutrient export from subglacial environments: A novel stable isotope approach” 2015
3 AstroLakes Bio-analysis of subglacial volcanic lakes as exoplanet analogues 2016
4 RESPONDER Resolving subglacial properties, hydrological networks and dynamic evolution of ice flow on the Greenland Ice Sheet 2016
5 BRISRES The Basal Roughness of Ice Sheets from Radio-Echo Sounding 2017
6 PALGLAC Palaeoglaciological advances to understand Earth’s ice sheets by landform analysis 2018
7 ICICLES Iron and Carbon Interactions and Biogeochemical CycLing in Subglacial EcosystemS 2018
8 NEMOSID Next-generation Modeling of Sedimentary Ice-sheet Dynamics 2020
9 SURGE Uncapping subglacial eruption dynamics and glacier response 2021