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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BREAKBEN (Breaking the Nonuniqueness Barrier in Electromagnetic Neuroimaging)


BREAKBEN aims at improving the magnetic measurement of brain activity (magnetoencephalography or MEG) and the measurement of brain structure with so-called ultra-low-field magnetic resonance imaging (ULF MRI) methodology. We will develop a hybrid instrument that uses extremely...


BREAKBEN aims at improving the magnetic measurement of brain activity (magnetoencephalography or MEG) and the measurement of brain structure with so-called ultra-low-field magnetic resonance imaging (ULF MRI) methodology. We will develop a hybrid instrument that uses extremely sensitive superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) for these two purposes. If brain MEG and MRI are measured with the same SQUID sensors essentially at the same time, the accuracy and reliability of determining the locations and waveforms of brain activity can be improved.

In addition to MEG, an ambitious goal of BREAKBEN is to measure brain activity directly with MRI. This is predicted to be within reach, since the neuronally generated electric currents change the local magnetic fields, affecting MRI signals.

When completed, the MEG-MRI system can be used to locate electrical brain activity more reliably and more accurately than before. This will be beneficial for the characterization of epileptic activity in patients as well as abnormal activity in other brain disorders.

Work performed

During the first year of the projects, the following work has been done:
1) User specifications have been defined.
2) Guidelines for safety and regulatory requirements for the devices have been written.
3) Test to be used later to validate the systems have been specified.
4) The magnetometer array (SQUID sensor array) has been investigated; comparisons between wire-wound and more traditional integrated magnetometer designs have been analyzed.
5) A test dewar has been designed and fabricated.
6) A new generation of SQUIDs to obtain a lower noise level and better field tolerance has been fabricated.
7) Ultra-low-noise electronics for MRI coils have been investigated.
8) Methods for direct current imaging have been further developed.
9) Phantoms for testing the systems have been developed.
10) The effect of improved coregistration of MEG and MRI on source localization accuracy has been quantitatively studied.
11) A web page has been prepared.
12) Video and other material about the project have been produced.
13) The project and initial results have been reported in conferences and in publications.

Final results

To succeed, BREAKBEN needs to surpass the present state-of-the art in several subareas. One of them is the quality of the SQUIDs. They have to have lower noise than earlier and they must withstand higher magnetic fields. The new SQUIDs that have been developed are already very promising in this regard.

The socioeconomic impact and wider societal aspects of the project will be realized mainly after the technology has been taken to neuroscientific and clinical use after the end of the project.

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