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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ZEP15 (ZEP15)


The objective of the ZEP15 proposal is to provide support to the development and communication of policy messages of the European CCS community (represented by European Technology Platform ZEP (ETP-ZEP)). Support was given to the internal organizational and administrative...


The objective of the ZEP15 proposal is to provide support to the development and communication of policy messages of the European CCS community (represented by European Technology Platform ZEP (ETP-ZEP)). Support was given to the internal organizational and administrative processes within ZEP in order to enable ZEP to carry out activities that are beneficial to the European CCS community, as well as to externally oriented communications activities for bringing the messages of ZEP to the European CCS community.

Work performed

The work that was described in the proposal as work package 2 has been completed. The following activities were carried out:

1. Administrative support. A register was kept of ZEP’s members, ZEP’s bodies and ZEP’s relations, providing a communications channel through which others can contact ZEP and its members 24/7. Correspondence was maintained between ZEP and its sponsors and target audience and maintaining a data repository of reports, statements, correspondence for ZEP and its bodies;
2. Facilitating activities of ZEP bodies and members. These activities were provided on a demand driven basis. Meetings and telephone conferences were supported by developing an agenda, collecting and disseminating preread, making available meeting locations and providing telephone conference facilities. Minutes were taken and, for some agenda items, an active contribution was provided.
3. Participation in ZEPs activities. These activities were provided on a demand driven basis as part of the preparation of ZEP\'s meetings and telephone conferences.
4. Internal communication and coordination. A home page and a member section of the website were maintained, frequent calls with the ZEP chairman were held, and ad hoc coordination activities were undertaken.
5. Financial management. ZEP-C contracted and managed a book keeping company, managed the invoicing, prepared periodic budgets, carried out payment and developed and presented regular financial reports to AC and ACEC.

The work that was described in the proposal as work package 3 has been completed. The following activities were carried out:
1. Information was gathered: monthly intelligence reports were disseminated
2. The ZEP messages were developed: The ZEP messaging document that contains the ZEP messages was maintained.
3. ZEPs communications activities and strategy were coordinated: Biweekly a regular strategic counsel was held with ZEPs ERG
4. Engagement activities of ZEPs chairman were supported by organizing quarterly engagement programmes in which chairman met with relevant stakeholders in Brussels and member states.
5. Ad hoc support to the press was provided.

The work that was described in the proposal as work package 1 has been completed. The following activities were carried out:
1. Coordination of activities of ZEP15 team members, including regular calls with the chairman.
2. Maintaining quality control: monitor whether the activities of the team meet the expectations of the client (the ZEP AC and the sponsors of the secretariat).
3. Reporting to sponsors and in particular to the European Commission.

Final results

The work proposed by ZEP15 has had a significant impact on the European energy transition and the ability of the EU to achieve its ambitious Energy and Climate targets for 2020 and beyond to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

- It impacted the deployment of CCS, which is recognized in the SET-plan and other key policy documents as a technology that is essential for decarbonizing the European energy Supply in a timely and cost effective way.

- It also had impact in an indirect way: ZEP15 supported the European Technology Platform ZEP (ETP-ZEP) that, in turn, significantly impacted the development of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). Without the support of ZEP15 ETP-ZEP would have been severely handicapped in carrying out this supportive work, which would have been detrimental for CCS to obtain its justified place in the European Low Carbon Energy Portfolio.

In order to maximize the impact of the work ZEP15 undertook the following activities:
- it supported the ZEP-ERG in its efforts to disseminate and exploit the results of the work.
- For the reports developed by ETP-ZEP it supported the relevant working group with the development of a communications plan.
- It disseminated the ZEP results to relevant target groups: persons and groups via mailings and available communicatyion channels (the website
- It supported ETP-ZEP in its efforts to present the results at external events such as the international climate meetings of the EC and UN

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