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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EnergyMate (EnergyMate, the first energy efficiency-based software providing users an easy way to understand their energy consumptions)


From May 1st until August 31th, 2018, ENERGINTEL carried out an extensive feasibility study for their innovative energy efficiency-based software for users who want to understand and improve their energy consumptions. The study evaluated our solution from business and...


From May 1st until August 31th, 2018, ENERGINTEL carried out an extensive feasibility study for their innovative energy efficiency-based software for users who want to understand and improve their energy consumptions. The study evaluated our solution from business and technical perspectives, defining the minimum viable product, in accordance with commercially viable user requirements and planning product development and the commercial and exploitation strategy by means of a FTO Analysis, to ensure the appropriate introduction to the market.

Work performed

We developed a technical feasibility to analyse the technical requirements and to define the minimum viable product, carrying out a successful product development plan. We also defined the industrialization plan and updated the future activities and milestones required to reach the innovation to the market. We also updated our FTO analysis. We currently have a registered a memorable and distinctive brand for our product and our company. We carried out a patent search analysis and we concluded that ENERGINTEL has not infringed on any established IP. We developed a business feasibility assessment involved contacting key stakeholders, end-users, and potential partners. In-depth interviews were carried out with all of these parties. This built up a picture of the customer pains, and the market where EnergyMate would enter. We analysed in detail the customer segments (energy utilities, energy users, and City-councils) and selected our first target countries to take the innovation to the market. We developed a market analysis in the energy efficiency market, specifically in the wholesale energy market.
Finally, we carried out a financial assessment in which we performed an in-depth cost/benefit analysis and we evaluated the total investment requirements to bring EnergyMate to the market.
For all that reasons, we conclude that the EnergyMate project is feasible and go therefore ahead with a Phase 2 preparation

Final results

Phase1 Feasibility Study gave the company the opportunity to expand the scope of our development, having a better understanding of client´s and competitor´s needs. Also, we have acquired a better idea of our technical requirements and our IPR management. Now we have a more strategic approach to our commercial and dissemination activities, as well as a better relationship with local business support organisations that will increase the reputation and visibility of our company.

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