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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SYNCANO 2.0 (Accelerating software development, empowering rapid innovation)


In a rapidly changing world, being the fastest to innovate is essential to stay ahead of competition. And since SW has become essential for any industrial process, effective and rapid SW development is increasingly recognised as crucial for achieving that competitiveness...


In a rapidly changing world, being the fastest to innovate is essential to stay ahead of competition. And since SW has become essential for any industrial process, effective and rapid SW development is increasingly recognised as crucial for achieving that competitiveness. However, the friction between backend and front-end development is making the innovation process in SW development unnecessarily slow, since building backend, finding DevOps engineers and maintaining a functional DevOps tech stack is difficult and painful.
DevOps tools are useful because they enable each individual developer doing more by automating some parts of the process. This means that market validation can be done and adapted faster with fewer resources. Still, finding adequate developers for leveraging the full potential of these tools is a challenge due to a growing and fragmented offer. Besides, today´s solutions do not integrate well enough with the development of the user experience part (frontend) and do not offer the flexibility and speed required in modern tech innovation processes.
Syncano is a complete NoOps platform that utilizes reusable building blocks code and automation tools to boost the innovation speed for SW developers, start-ups and enterprises, reaching 80% shorter time-to-market and 70% lower development costs compared to any other existing alternative. Since its first launch in 2015, our solution has evolved to become the fastest and most flexible NoOps tool in the world.
Technical objectives include the elaboration of the technical roadmap and the design of a plan for validation activities. Commercial objectives involve an in-depth analysis of our targeted markets to quantify them, detect partners for commercial deployment and review the regulatory and IP scenario, commercial and IP protection strategies. The financial objectives involve the quantification of resources to develop the project, our sales forecast and expected profitability and payback period.

Work performed

To ensure the Syncano technical feasibility, during the technical feasibility study we have undergone the following tasks and defined a technical plan extended over 24 months and organised into 6 work packages: 1) Technical roadmap: design and specifications of SYNCANO FLOW, SYNCANO REGISTRY, SYNCANO MARKETPLACE, SYNCANO CLOUD OS, SYNCANO CORE, SYNCANO TOOLS; 2) Plan to validate Syncano during the Phase 2 project with Pioner Labs, EYEDEA and Varner
We identified the potential market for Syncano and the development houses and software development consultancies that should be addressed. A commercial plan has been carefully established, selecting key countries and companies settled in those territories. Syncano has built a dissemination and communication plan to raise awareness amongst every potential customer, which includes the organisation of workshops and challenges, attending trade shows and an increased presence in specialised media. The regulatory framework has been defined: GDPR is the main regulation to be considered and we will seek compliance verification by renowned entities. According to our IP assessment, we have freedom to operate.
We have analysed and forecasted our overall costs related to the production, the commercialisation of Syncano and built the best revenue model.

Final results

Syncano 2.0 will be the world’s first complete NoOps solution, providing for the first time a truly complete and 100% compatible stack of reusable code with the automation of all backend tools involved in SW development. The impact of Syncano 2.0 includes:
- Reduction of SW development costs up to 70%.
- Reduction of the time-to-market by 80%.
- On the cloud and on-premises: Still several companies want to have their infrastructure on premises or, more specifically, in private clouds to comply with regulations and internal procedures. Syncano enables both models from a single solution.
- Affordability: The cost scales with the usage in the cloud-based model. Users are charged based on the number of compute cycles they use.
- Digitalisation of SW development: Unique approach to go from business requirements to product requirements and specification of SW projects using a machine-readable language. Every project can be broken down into smaller components based on Syncano sockets, which can be ordered to the community if not available in the registry.
- Marketplace to place orders among the SW development community: The scarcity of highly skilled professionals will no longer be a bottleneck. Distributed development and automated verification for compliance ease collaboration of internal and external teams.
- No vendor lock-in: You can choose and switch among different cloud providers (e.g. AWS, Google Cloud, Azure and Bluemix).

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