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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MLU250 (The Game Changer Two Stage Micro Liquefaction Unit for (Bio) LNG)


Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is natural gas (NG) both from fossil or renewable origin that has been cooled down to liquid form. In comparison with diesel and gasoline, Bio-LNG (renewable LNG) can diminish GHG emissions from 25% to 95% while both fossil and Bio-LNG decrease the...


Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is natural gas (NG) both from fossil or renewable origin that has been cooled down to liquid form. In comparison with diesel and gasoline, Bio-LNG (renewable LNG) can diminish GHG emissions from 25% to 95% while both fossil and Bio-LNG decrease the emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) in up to 70% and 25% respectively. Despite its advantages, the lack of a sufficiently developed small scale LNG supply chain has so far hindered the widespread implementation of LNG and especially Bio-LNG as a transportation fuel.
LIQAL has developed MLU 250, a cost and energy efficient, easily scalable micro scale NG liquefaction system that will allow the production of LNG wherever it is needed, catalysing the development of an effective small scale LNG supply chain.
MLU 250 has reached TRL 7 and is protected by a patent. We have produced a prototype which has been successfully demonstrated in the recovery of Boil-Off Gas in LNG fuelling stations. The last development steps will be achieved through MLU 250 project by defining a commercial prototype, validating MLU 250 technology through the construction and testing of a pilot plant and preparing its market deployment through the implementation of pre-commercial and communication actions.

Work performed

1. We elaborated an execution plan for MLU 250 prototype optimisation and MLU 250 pilot plant installation, testing and demonstration. We identified technical risks and proposed mitigation and contingency measures.
2. We analysed the small scale LNG market. Additionally, we confirmed our Freedom-To-Operate and assessed our IP strategy and regulatory requirements.
3. We identified required components suppliers, biogas purification partners and stakeholders involved on the pilot plant installation. We reviewed our commercial relationships and updated our collaboration strategy.
4. We forecasted MLU 250 financial projections and identified project funding needs. We identified MLU 250 project commercial and financial risks and proposed mitigation and contingency measures.
5. We further defined MLU 250 commercialisation strategy and aligned it with the project strategy, resulting in an updated business plan.

Final results

MLU 250 will provide biogas producers and oil & gas companies with a cost effective liquefaction technology able to produce LNG wherever it is needed, enabling the development of a small scale LNG supply chain and favouring the transition to a low carbon, clean transport sector.

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