Initial "X": list of companies

This page lists companies involved in public procurement which official name starts by "X". It is possible to sort the list by country.

Tot. page: 1 (5 items)

  • 1 (current)
# official name town postal code country place
1 Xavier Marques Valle Catalunya n.d. ES - Spain Barcelona (ES511)
2 xd Consulting Saint-Genis Laval n.d. FR - France Rhône (FRK26)
3 XL INSURANCE COMPANY SE Dublino n.d. IE - Ireland N.D. (IE0) (IE0)
4 XL INSURANCE COMPANY SE (Rappresentanza Generale per l’Italia) MILANO n.d. IT - Italy Milano (ITC4C)
5 XTNT Utrecht 3511SX NL - Netherlands Nederland (NL)
  • 1 (current)