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H2020 projects about "farmland"

The page lists 14 projects related to the topic "farmland".

# achronym  title  year 
1 Flourish Aerial Data Collection and Analysis, and Automated Ground Intervention for Precision Farming 2015
2 PCT Plant CT - Making Plants Healthier 2015
3 TES Total Energy System: innovative in-farm cogeneration plant for manure valorisation viable even for small farms 2015
4 SULTAN SUstainabLe Tunnel Agriculture with light cascade techNology 2015
5 HNV-Link High Nature Value Farming: Learning, Innovation and Knowledge. 2016
6 SMART Fertigation Subarea specific irrigation system for pivot- and linear fertigation techniques (SMART Fertigation) 2016
7 LANDSENSE A Citizen Observatory and Innovation Marketplace for Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring 2016
9 INCREdible Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin 2017
10 RNASTIP RNA Sprays as a Tool for Crop Improvement and Protection 2018
11 CASE-CO2 Carbon Accumulation over Succession to Enhance mitigation of CO2 emissions 2018
12 Skyx Agricultural-robotics technology company enabling a modular swarm of autonomous drones for spraying 2018
13 ReSoil Innovative technology for Removal of toxic metals form highly contaminated soil & sediments 2019
14 AQUACOMBINE Integrated on-farm Aquaponics systems for co-production of fish, halophyte vegetables, bioactive compounds, and bioenergy 2019