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H2020 projects about "polychlorinated"

The page lists 4 projects related to the topic "polychlorinated".

# achronym  title  year 
1 cryo-bacteria-reactor Development of the flow through bioreactor of 3D-structured bacteria for biodegradation of aromatic chloroderivatives from contaminated water 2016
2 HAZARDOmics Liquid Chromatography-Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry and Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry as ground-breaking approaches to expand the boundaries of metabolomics in chemical risk assessment 2018
3 triboREMEDY The triboreactor as breakthrough remediation strategy for safeguarding human and environmental health 2019
4 SENSE BioSensing and rhizospherE – eNdosphere geochemical microprofiling of polychlorinated byphenils degradation by Soil microbiota upon stimulation of root Exudates 2019