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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Idealist2018 (Transnational Cooperation among ICT NCPs)


The Idealist2018 Project has continued its work, as the ICT NCPs network. The Project ensures European-wide high-quality proposer-oriented NCP services by:* Increasing the visibility of NCPs* Improving the overall quality of NCP services* Leveraging national NCP structures


The Idealist2018 Project has continued its work, as the ICT NCPs network.

The Project ensures European-wide high-quality proposer-oriented NCP services by:
* Increasing the visibility of NCPs
* Improving the overall quality of NCP services
* Leveraging national NCP structures

Work performed

Work performed during the reporting period and main results achieved so far:

 An IT system for internal communication was deployed
 Collaboration with other NCPs\' networks was strengthened and new ones established
 Collaboration with PPPs were nurtured
 Knowledge enhanced for the ICT NCPs via training seminars
 Project’s representatives participated in numerous events/conferences/info days
 The partner search system was updated and upgraded
 Dissemination and communication was strengthened via improved PR material and the project’s website
 Monitoring activities instituted via KPIs definition
 Valuable advice given by the advisory board was constantly in the background, improving the Project’s performance

Final results

The expected impacts are the following:

1. Improved NCP services:
1.1. Simplified participation in H2020 calls
1.2. Lowering the entry barriers for newcomers including SMEs
1.3. Raising the quality of submitted proposals.
2. A more consistent level of NCP support services-
3. Providing a more effective participation of organisations from third countries, alongside European organisations, in line with the mutual benefit principle.

Website & more info

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