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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - UNIGHTED (United Europe – United Science – United Culture – United Night)


Researchers’ Night (RN), organised already eleven times in Poznań, has become during the years highly recognisable autumn event for both public at large not only in Poznań, but also in the Wielkopolska region. The assessment of impact of previous RN editions continuously...


Researchers’ Night (RN), organised already eleven times in Poznań, has become during the years highly recognisable autumn event for both public at large not only in Poznań, but also in the Wielkopolska region. The assessment of impact of previous RN editions continuously shows a positive change of the public perception of researchers, as well as improved mutual understanding between researchers and public. The event also indirectly results in increasing interest in choosing scientific careers by young people. Moreover, activities during the Night contribute to demystifying existing stereotypes by stating that researchers are just ordinary people, having extraordinary job, but also families, friends, hobbies, etc. The UNIGHTED project aims at strengthening efforts to bringing researchers closer to the public at large, increase the awareness of research and innovation, by supporting the public recognition of researchers and their job, clearly showing the impact of researchers’ work on society’ daily life and well-being of the European citizens. It also aims at encouraging young people especially about making a career choice to embark on scientific careers. As a result of the project, the perception of researchers as ordinary people willing to share their passion for research with the public at large, will increase among the society, being in accordance with the European motto of the event: Researchers are amongst us.
The project has reached its objectives and proved to be successful.

Work performed

\"WP 1: Main target: Public at large regardless of age and scientific background, namely all inhabitants of Greater Poland (not only Poznań and its surroundings);Special attention to be paid to children and young people, especially about making a career choice;

Overview of the results:Overview of the results:Honorary patronage of president of Poznan, Jacek Jaśkowiak, Polish Academy of
Sciences, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Ministry of National Education, Marshall Office of the Wielkopolska Region;
Gazeta Wyborcza is the official media “supporter”;AMS became the official media patronage of the event;About 80 numbers of publication about RN 2018 (written press, internet, radio, etc.)
-2 pre-evetns: in Avenida Poznań Shpping Center at 14th of September 2019 and at Poznań Energy Day – family picnic on Saturday in mid-September 2018;Internet portals patronage: POZnan City (
;Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of project website:;Numbers of views of site: 138.030; 31.480 unique users;Revamping and constant updating of social network profiles (Facebook);7.540 likes on Facebook;Posting of electronic banners on,,,,,, ;Production and display of promotional give away such as T-shirts, fluorescent sticks, fluorescent stickers, Bookmarks-calendars, penlight key rings with logo…;Estimated 2,2 million people made aware of the European Researchers Night and its objectives.
WP 2: General statistics: Estimated number of visitors (including all 6 locations in Poznan, 48 buildings):60.000; Number of workshops, shows and demonstrations: 399; Duration of the event:12;Number of researchers :1427; numbers of researchers supported by UE (MSC Actions: 49, other than MSCA: 41); Common features to all locations:Training courses for researchers: how to explain difficult topics in simple language, presenting science topics and sometimes complicated issues in an accessible and friendly way, workshops addressing researchers from all participating instituions; Common theme: \"\"UNITED EUROPE – UNITED SCIENCE – UNITED CULTURE”; Types of activities: hands-on experiments, demos, simulations, science shows, games, competitions, contests, exhibitions, presentation of prototypes, quizzes, guided tours, lab visits, speed dating, crime investigation, orienteering, display of films

Final results

Overview of the results:
sample of 1095 questionnaires (survey form filled in by respondents 16 core questions and 4 demographic questions) survey conducted by volunteers at the following partner institutions: PUT, PNCS, PULS, AMU,and PUEB;Typology of visitors: 67% female and 33% male respondents; 89% respondent were residents of Wielkopolska Province, 4% were from other provinces while 7% of the respondents did not specify their residency. The largest group came from the city of Poznan (35% of the respondents). The most numerous age group was 14-18 years old (45%) and below 13 years (39%). The mean age of a visitor was 16,8 years.
Information about event: sources of information: teachers 48,1 %, friends 27,1 %, Internet 24,2 %, mass media 10,1%)
Increase interest in science: 72% of the respondents declared that their participation led to increased interest in science and research and almost 90% of them stated that such actions were needed
Overall appreciation of the event was high with the average at 4,17 out of 5 points.
Possible improvements: Increasing the number of experiments and workshops etc.;Increasing the number of events without tickets,
Increasing the number of available tickets;Improvement of the registration system to facilitate obtaining of the tickets,
More dates available;More gifts and sweets;Introducing events for adult people;More information about the RN in the mass media;Longer timeframe of the RN so that the events do not overlap

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