The page lists 39 projects related to the topic "satisfied".
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1 | AERFOR | Proactive Passenger Flow Management for Airports with an Advanced Forecasting System | 2014 |
2 | CENSZ | CENSZ – Critical Elements in Nonsulphide Zinc Deposits | 2015 |
3 | HESS | Hybrid Energy Storage System | 2015 |
4 | SoN3S | Software defined Satellite Navigation Security Simulator Study | 2015 |
5 | QualiLine-C-2.0 | Quality and Production Control with Integrated Machine Vision | 2015 |
6 | AppIOS | AppIOS: Platform for Building Next Generation Enterprise Software | 2015 |
7 | ACCORD | Algorithms for Complex Collective Decisions on Structured Domains | 2015 |
8 | TAMING | Taming non convexity? | 2015 |
9 | PAINSTRAT | Novel neurophysiological techniques to quantify pain and stratify patients | 2016 |
10 | LiKo | From Liouville to Kolmogorov: 2d quantum gravity, noise sensitivity and turbulent flows | 2016 |
11 | MOLEQULE | Unraveling molecular quantum dynamics with accelerated ab initio algorithms | 2016 |
13 | ThermoHeart | A revolutionary Stirling engine to use low and medium temperature waste heat to generate electricity and to reduce CO2 emissions | 2016 |
14 | ROBUST | Robust Mechanism Design and Robust Prediction in Games | 2016 |
15 | GoOpti | GoOpti – Profitable, Smart and Professional DRT over Long Distances | 2016 |
16 | SAFERtec | Security Assurance FramEwoRk for neTworked vEhicular teChnology | 2017 |
17 | PITCHER | boosting Performance with an Innovation associate with TeCHnical and business ExperRtise on short food supply chains | 2017 |
18 | 2DQP | Two-dimensional quantum photonics | 2018 |
19 | DMS | Dielectric MicroSpacer Technology | 2017 |
20 | MOTIONPult | Advanced composites for lightweighting land transport structures using pultrusion process | 2017 |
21 | MaxiMem | Improved Performance, Larger Memory, Longer Battery Smartphones | 2017 |
22 | A-FOD | SAFER and TIMELY FLIGHTS with Automated Foreign Object Detection System | 2017 |
23 | BeVision | Better vision after cataract and refractive surgery with photonics technology | 2017 |
24 | CELION | Circular Economy applied to LI-ION batteries for smart electric mobility in cities | 2017 |
25 | PCPHDX | Probabilistically Checkable Proofs, Agreement Tests, and High Dimensional Expanders | 2018 |
26 | RISE | Robust WIrelesS Caching for Mobile NEtworks (RISE) | 2018 |
27 | Dynamics | Contributions to codimension k bifurcations in dynamical systems theory | 2018 |
28 | OptiVerter | Solving the triangle for solar mass adoption – Cost, Efficiency and Simplicity | 2018 |
29 | TOROS | A Theory-Oriented Real-Time Operating System for Temporally Sound Cyber-Physical Systems | 2019 |
30 | Symptoma | Symptoma, Better Diagnosis for Patients with Rare and Complex Diseases | 2018 |
31 | Ceres | Proactive system to forecast and reduce environmental footprint while maximising agriculture performance | 2018 |
32 | MultiFlex | Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Processing at 1 Kilowatt Using a Flexible Multi Beam Approach | 2019 |
33 | BX Platform | BX Platform Converting real time data into more efficient trucking operations | 2018 |
34 | CHAiRLIFT | Compact Helical Arranged combustoRs with lean LIFTed flames | 2019 |
35 | XmonMASER | Josephson maser and heat transport in dissipative open quantum systems | 2019 |
36 | Hybrid-BioVGE | Hybrid Variable Geometry Ejector Cooling and Heating System for Buildings Driven by Solar and Biomass Heat | 2019 |
37 | indepenDent | The first Colour Denture Printer | 2019 |
38 | Formulate | Artificial Intelligence SaaS for prescribing optimal retail merchandising decisions | 2019 |
39 | GEHEMS | GridEye agent-based distributed control for Home Energy Management System | 2021 |