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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ZinkOn Growth (Advanced and smart system for optimizing the non-conformities and concession processes within the aerospace industry.)


During the last six months, Zinkcloud has reached to potential customer within in the European aerospace manufacture market, including the major companies in this market. These stakeholder have provided valuable feedback to be incorporated into our software solution ZinkOn and...


During the last six months, Zinkcloud has reached to potential customer within in the European aerospace manufacture market, including the major companies in this market.
These stakeholder have provided valuable feedback to be incorporated into our software solution ZinkOn and to have a more reliable and scalable business model.
The big data analysis of manufacturing non conformities and the automatic identification of root causes and corrective actions is becoming a point of interest for these companies in order to reduce the cost associated with managing and solving those, as well as an important tool for a continuous improvement of the manufacturing processes.
Zinkcloud is managed to start the deployment of its solution inside the major companies in the aerospace market in order to perform trials and get feedback about its potential or how improve its value. This phase will continue for the next few months, setting up ten different trials across Europe.
During the process, new application have been found for other potential users, such as quality inspectors, that might provide a valuable increment on the market size for the ZinkOn tool.
Although the use of computing analysis techniques in order to avoid or reduce manufacturing deviations has shown its potential inside the aerospace market, there was the remaining question on whether or not the ZinkOn tool can be adapted to different markets; there are few challenges in this regard, however, the market research has shown promising results about the capability to be extended to other manufacturing areas.
At the moment, Zinkcloud has reached to potential customers in Belgium, Germany, France and Spain. This geographic dispersion makes Customer Service becomes a quite challenging task, however it has also served as an inspiration to improve the service provided.

Work performed

During the period, Zinkcloud has approached several potential customers and partners, gathering requirements, feedback and information that helped to improve our proposition value and design a product that responds better to the potential customers needs.

We have been selected by the acceleration Airbus program, Airbus Bizlab in Hamburg, being able to have frequent and multiple contacts with functions inside this organization, setting up trials in various plants (Nantes, Getafe, Illescas, Puerto Real and Stade) and also extending the use cases inside various functions, such as ground support, final assembly lines and suppliers network.

Final results

Inside Airbus, we expect that ZinkOn becomes a reference tool for the production support engineering teams, because the provided feedback has been quite positive. In the other hand, ZinkOn has been also selected as one of the future potential platforms to manage the whole process of non conformities and concessions inside Airbus and its suppliers network, which it was not expected at the begining of the collaboration. This selection process will take another 12 to 18 months, but potentitially would have an exponential impact in the growth of Zinkcloud, due to the magnitude of this project.

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