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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ERA CoBioTech (Cofund on Biotechnologies)


The ERA-Net “Cofund on BioTechnologies” (ERA CoBioTech) aims to better use synergies between current mechanisms of biotechnology research funding in Europe, to highlight the benefits of a bio-based economy for society, and to thus maintain and strengthen Europe’s global...


The ERA-Net “Cofund on BioTechnologies” (ERA CoBioTech) aims to better use synergies between current mechanisms of biotechnology research funding in Europe, to highlight the benefits of a bio-based economy for society, and to thus maintain and strengthen Europe’s global lead in modern biotechnology.

ERA CoBioTech
- advances RD&I in industrial biotechnology
- establishes systems and synthetic biology as technology drivers in applied biotechnology, and
- enhances the potential for exploitation through active industry involvement.

ERA CoBioTech provides biotechnology stakeholders with tailor-made support regarding information, communication, networking and funding.

Work performed

\"ERA CoBioTech perfomed a co-funded call which focussed on application-oriented research in:
a) Synthetic biology approaches to design and construct new biological parts, devices and systems
b) Systems biology approaches to metabolic engineering and optimisation of biological processes
c) Identification and use of the metabolic potentials of genomic data
d) Chemical and biotechnological approaches to transform bio-based molecules into molecules with high added value.

With a funding volume of ~€mio 31 all in all 22 research projects were selected for funding. In June 2018 all projects were invited for a common Kick Off meeting and a workshop on \"\"communication for Impact\"\".
More information on the co-funded call and detail on the funded projects can be found here:

A second call for research projects (without co-funding) in under preparation.

Furthermore, two Status Seminars for research projects funded within the three predecessor ERA Nets ERASysAPP, ERA IB and ERASynBio were organized.\"

Final results

\"Bundling the three predecessor ERA-Nets in the area of biotechnology (ERASysAPP, ERA IB and ERASynBio), ERA CoBioTech significantly increased public funding (call volume ~ 31 Mio €, 22 funded research projects), and will intensify collaboration across relevant sectors and countries.

A joint strategic agenda and shared vision will be developed, and those areas where synthetic biology, systems biology, and industrial biotechnology can be aligned to have the most impact will be identified. This will ensure that research and innovation in industrial biotechnology is advanced, systems biology and synthetic biology are established as technology drivers, and the potential for industrial exploitation is enhanced.

With a “European Biotechnology Hub”, ERA CoBioTech realises an entirely new concept, reaching out to key actors and stakeholders from multiple biotechnology-related areas in order to align different European strategic instruments with the goals of the KET biotechnology programme under Horizon 2020 and to increase public awareness of biotechnology for industrial uses.

ERA CoBioTech will implement additional funding activities without EC co-funding, which will advance RD&I in industrial biotechnology in line with the Strategic Agenda and the outcomes of the \"\"European Biotechnology Hub.\"\"\"

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