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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CEBRABIC (Centre for Europe-Brazil Business and Innovation Cooperation)


ENRICH in Brazil (formerly known as CEBRABIC) is the Brazilian pilot centre of the European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs, with other pilot centres located in China and the USA. With partners from Brazil and eight European countries (Germany, Portugal...


ENRICH in Brazil (formerly known as CEBRABIC) is the Brazilian pilot centre of the European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs, with other pilot centres located in China and the USA. With partners from Brazil and eight European countries (Germany, Portugal, Belgium, Hungary, Austria, Spain, and Turkey), the consortium’s goal is strengthening cooperation in research, innovation, and business between Brazil and Europe by exchanging innovative practices, experience, and knowledge between all parts involved. ENRICH in Brazil was inaugurated in November 2017, and in its first year, the focus has been mainly concentrated in defining its business model structuring and setting priorities, as well as defining its mission, vision, and objectives. Specifying these in a clear and well-structured way is fundamental to build a robust business and achieve with excellence the objectives proposed:
Our Mission is to encourage and facilitate the cooperation in research, technology and entrepreneurship between Europe and Brazil by supporting and empowering all innovation actors (public & private) along the innovation (value) chain.
Our Vision is to become a main hub and contact point for European and Brazilian Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) actors aiming at bilateral cooperation, as soon as 2021.
Our Strategic Objectives are to promote excellence in Business, Research, and Innovation (B&R&I); to create a win-win situation for Brazilian and Europeans in the area of Science, Technology, and Innovation; to connect European researchers & entrepreneurs in the Brazilian market; to connect Brazilian researchers & entrepreneurs in the European market; to offer Services to Brazilian and European clients; to integrate existing European and Brazilian initiatives, projects, and networks.
To put these into practice, ENRICH is focused within the ongoing activities onto three pillars:
Its services, comprising a portfolio focused on a customer’s journey. This journey as the so-called ENRICH experience covers the process of European or Brazilian STI actors aiming at bilateral cooperation. Starting from getting information, to find funding, partners and infrastructure and to finally get going in terms of increasing visibility on the foreign market. As transversal service category, legal advice will be covered by ENRICH through all stages of the journey. The journey will be on an operational level supported by delivering (basic and advanced) information, trainings and infrastructure, matchmaking & events and consultancy on-demand services to the ENRICH Community. It covers topics such as providing information about basic facts & figures of Brazil (for European partners) and of Europe (for Brazilian partners); trainings on proposal writing, communication strategies trainings, innovation management trainings; organisation of events to support matchmaking and networking activities; provision of customized consultancy services to cover specific needs of finding the right partner and / or funding; among others.
Its two-sided structure, with a to be established in 2018 Brazilian legal entity located in Brasília and a European focal point located in Brussels, facilitating exchanges with the community of both regions and bringing qualified local researchers and institutions into the initiative.
Its community, constituted of actors from different sectors such as companies, universities, research and innovation organizations, funding agencies, and non-for-profit organizations.
The advantages for both European and Brazilian ENRICH community members are numerous. Its broad spectrum allows the initiative to benefit from the knowledge present in research, innovation, and business from Brazil and Europe. Also, access to services and information about the target markets, business opportunities, funding possibilities, customized consulting, among others, enable the ENRICH community to improve their market access and visibility, keys to succeed in

Work performed

In its first year, besides the definition of mission, vision, and objectives, as well as establishing its business model, ENRICH has achieved other substantial results. A thorough study on the Brazilian market conditions and preliminary versions of its operational and financial plans were successfully made, in line with the planned achievements, as well as several marketing and service activities. These were not easy tasks, since Brazil is still slowly recovering from a severe economic crisis, what brings instabilities and uncertainties regarding future prospects of projects of such magnitude. On the other hand, it might represent a strong opportunity of accessing a market in need of changes. That way, events were held in both Europe and Brazil, as well as the Web, focusing on explaining the initiative and spreading its innovative ideas and advantages, with the objective of attracting new community members and people interested in being part of the ENRICH community. Among those, the ENRICH Roundtables in São Paulo and Brasilia, the participation of ENRICH at the ANPEI Conference in Belo Horizonte, the ENRICH Info Day held in Recife, and the participation at the European Week in São Paulo, brought important information to potential Brazilian stakeholders. Likewise, the participation of ENRICH in different events held in Europe is to be highlighted, with presence in cities such as Istanbul, Bratislava, Brussels, Budapest, Kiev, Tbilisi, Tallin, Malta, Vienna, and London among others, what evidences the comprehensive aspect of the project.
Whereas the project’s first year focused in its structuring, ENRICH\'s efforts on its second year will be mainly focused on executing the services previously designed, as well as creating new structures and consolidating the existent, with an emphasis on establishing the ENRICH Community in Europe and Brazil.

Final results

The ENRICH initiative believes that a higher social welfare can be achieved through innovative measures in several fronts, from industrial and academic research to public policies and business management. With a consolidated innovation hub in Brazil at the end of the project and benefitting the knowledge created and absorbed during these years, ENRICH will be able to contribute not only to Brazilian research, science, and technology progress, but also to the fulfillment of the enormous potential of the country. This potential will bring positive spill-overs to other regions as well, especially Europe, through the partnerships created and consolidated inside the initiative, as in a positive sum game. Likewise, European countries will be able to benefit from the excellence provided by Brazilian partners of all concerned sectors. Subsequently, this will enable the exchange of expertise and experience between Brazil and other ENRICH centres, which may in the future comprise yet other regions besides the US and China, making the initiative even more global. In a world where the creation of knowledge increasingly happens on a global scale, and in an accelerating pace, ENRICH seems prepared to overcome these challenges and contribute to the prosperity of all people directly or indirectly related to the project.

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