Computer games industry is huge, and is expected to grow from €92.3B in 2017 (€18.82B in Europe, i.e., 20.5%) to €108.9B by 2020. These games are experiencing an incredibly fast evolution, driven by a constant demand for new technology, essential to maintain players’...
Computer games industry is huge, and is expected to grow from €92.3B in 2017 (€18.82B in Europe, i.e., 20.5%) to €108.9B by 2020. These games are experiencing an incredibly fast evolution, driven by a constant demand for new technology, essential to maintain players’ interest in a very demanding market. The music accompanying the game also requires new approaches to fit latest games. Nevertheless, music composition for computer games is still based on looping static themes. This is an inefficient way of composing music and results in an annoying music that will be repeated no matter the development of the plot or role. We have developed CALMUSgaming, software based on AI for music composition in computer games. Our innovative technology saves up to 90% of the time devoted to music composition. With minimal contribution from the composer, CALMUSgaming generates new music depending on the evolution of the game. This results in an enhanced user experience for the gamer and facilitates the development process for the game developer and for the composer.
In order to confirm the feasibility of our project, we have carried out a study focusing our effort on 3 main areas. Technically, we have studied the improvements needed and planned the work and scope of the plug-in development and overall technical finalization of the solution. We have also prepared an Execution Plan for the development of CALMUSgaming, including planning, organization, risk analysis and budget. Commercially, we have assessed the existing and new targeted markets, including the competition, to consolidate our marketing strategy. Moreover, a patent search has been performed to ensure our Freedom-to-Operate. Finally, we have done a financial forecast with a 5-year-projection
With our unrivalled solution, we will take the lead in the segment of music composition for computer games. In turn, this project will translate into significant growth for our company and the computer game market in Europe
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