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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BATTERY PLUS (High performing batteries for accelerated uptake of hybrid and electric vehicles)


- Problem / issue? Light Electric Vehicles– LEVs and Heavy Duty Electric Vehicles– HDEVs are spreading quickly especially in urban areas. However, there are still some important drawbacks for further adoption. These are mainly: the price and range, both depending on the...


- Problem / issue?

Light Electric Vehicles– LEVs and Heavy Duty Electric Vehicles– HDEVs are spreading quickly especially in urban areas. However, there are still some important drawbacks for further adoption. These are mainly: the price and range, both depending on the battery technology.

- Why is it important for society?
MILLOR overcomes society’s concerns over electric and hybrid vehicles by reducing range anxiety (due to an improved and more precise State-of-Charge monitoring system), increasing available range (better integration of the battery pack) and reducing EV price (increased battery lifespan and reduction of battery costs).

- What are the overall objectives?
The BATTERY+ project aims to undertake a feasibility study for the market introduction of fast charging higher performing battery solutions with higher energy density (leading to more range), with the most accurate battery State of Charge (SoC) monitoring system (reducing range anxiety) and light weight construction (improving maneuverability in LEVs and more weight capacity).

Work performed

TheThe work performed during the 5 months of project duration were divided into: Technical viability IPR and knowledge protection, market feasibility analysis and commercialisation plan.
These assessments confirmed the high potential of MILLOR to deliver high performancing batteries at production scale for the HDEV and LEV market segments.

Final results

The progress beyond the state of the art is stated below:

- Our technology (for both LEVs and HDEVs) has the highest energy density – meaning more range and less weight
- Our technology has the most accurate battery State of Charge (SoC) monitoring system and provides enhanced charging times and longer life.
- It will be the only technology in this market that offers a mobile/tablet app to remotely control the battery SoC, diagnostic and charging operation, and which also provides EV driving recommendations to enlarge range.
- Our BMS have a patentable architecture that differs from the others regarding its easy assembly and disassembly to the battery modules, providing time and costs savings in maintenance operations.
- Our own hybrid cooling system, which involves a mix of liquid that act together to maintain the optimal working temperature for each of the components of the battery, increasing its performance and working life.

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