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H2020 projects about "influential"

The page lists 100 projects related to the topic "influential".

# achronym  title  year 
1 EQUALIZE Equalizing or disequalizing? Opposing socio-demographic determinants of the spatial distribution of welfare. 2015
2 QUANTPATTERN Quantitative analysis of Nodal/Lefty-mediated pattern formation 2015
3 CoordinatedDopamine Coordination of regional dopamine release in the striatum during habit formation and compulsive behaviour 2015
4 InnoChain Building Innovation in the Extended Digital Chain 2015
5 EDUCEN European Disasters in Urban centres: a Culture Expert Network (3C – Cities, Cultures, Catastrophes) 2015
6 LDMRD Large Deviations and Measure Rigidity in Dynamics 2015
7 HISTHEOL History and Theology 2015
8 ULISSES Transported cultural landscapes: the role of colonization processes in cultural landscape shaping 2015
9 OCTOLY Next Generation Advertising: Social Video Software Connecting Brands and Content Creators 2015
10 NoMaD The Novel Materials Discovery Laboratory 2015
11 ROMAINE Ovid as Historian. The reception of classical mythology in medieval France and Spain 2017
12 NATAROM New isolation methods for production of natural aroma ingredients 2016
13 TEXTUAL NETWORKS Transtextual Networks in the European Middle Ages: A Digital Corpus of the Trojan Narrative in Latin Manuscripts 2016
14 WINDMIL Smart Monitoring, Inspection and Life-Cycle Assessment of Wind Turbines 2016
15 Phenclass Ancient Philosophy and the Emergence of European Thought: Phenomenology in Conversation with Classical Studies 2016
16 TRANSEP Flow physics and interaction of laminar-turbulent transition and flow separation studied by direct numerical simulations 2016
17 AFFORDS-HIGHER Skilled Intentionality for 'Higher' Embodied Cognition: Joining forces with a field of affordances in flux 2016
18 Born-Immune Shaping of the Human Immune System by Primal Environmental Exposures In the Newborn Child 2016
19 Polarsol Phase Two Polarsol - a disruptive hybrid heat management solution for global markets 2016
20 Tech4Freedom 2.0 Assistive Devices for the Visually Impaired and other Disabilities 2016
21 AffecTech Personal Technologies for Affective Health 2017
22 EUROPAH The Extensive and Ubiquitous Role of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Space 2016
23 MUYA The Multimedia Yasna 2016
24 REMINDER Role of European Mobility and its Impacts in Narratives, Debates and EU Reforms 2017
25 HOM Homo Mimeticus: Theory and Criticism 2016
26 inSSIght In-depth support for innovation and exploitation in Smart Systems Integration 2017
27 SOCIALBOND Social integration and boundary making in adolescence 2017
28 SSIIE Sanskrit Åšaiva Intellectuals in the Empire: Innovations, Textual Practices and Religious Interactions in the Late Vijayanagara Period 2017
29 COMPUS Civic community and public space in the ancient Near East. The case of Hittite Anatolia at the end of the Late Bronze Age (14th-13th centuries BCE). 2017
30 ARAB PARLIAMENTS The role of national parliaments in the Arab transformation processes 2017
31 CAlCULUS Causes And ConseqUences of Low Urban accessibility. Defining proper policy responses 2017
32 PERMETFIT Personalized Metabolomics for Fitness and Training 2017
33 CC4M Innovation through co-creation in contemporary mining relations: a new paradigm for stakeholder engagement at resource extraction project 2017
34 BrainPredictDynamics Temporal predictions in the auditory cortex: neural mechanisms and their specificity across species and stimulus domains 2018
35 GaSLS The Role of Global and Sectoral Factors in Labour Share Fluctuations 2017
36 GalRepsDiophantine Galois Representations and Diophantine Problems 2018
37 GENSEG Understanding the impact of parental occupation on gender differences in field of study choice in Germany 2017
38 The European watch on cybersecurity privacy 2017
39 POLITICO Political Concepts in the World 2018
40 Global vision, standardisation stakeholder engagement in 5G 2017
41 INtheSELF Inside the Self: from interoception to self- and other-awareness 2017
42 I4MS-Go I4MS Going to Market Alliance 2017
43 CCLAD The Politics of Climate Change Loss and Damage 2018
44 Hi-FLY High-Speed Integrated Satellite Data Systems For Leading EU IndustrY 2018
45 DISCOMPOSE Disasters, Communication and Politics in South-Western Europe: the Making of Emergency Response Policies in the Early Modern Age 2018
46 ReSOMA Research Social platform On Migration and Asylum 2018
47 Supporting European Experts Presence in International Standardisation Activities in ICT 2018
48 BRAD Brexit and Deportations: towards a comprehensive and transnational understanding of a new system targeting EU citizens 2018
49 CYBERWISER.EU Civil Cyber Range Platform for a novel approach to cybersecurity threats simulation and professional training 2018
50 Genealogical thought Genealogical Thinking in Nietzsche's Wake (19th-21st Centuries) 2019
51 PHYTOPHONUS From male-killers to plant pathogens: Investigation of cross-kingdom host-symbiont interactions in the Arsenophonus clade” 2018
52 WeLearnAtScale Understanding and Supporting Peer Feedback at Massive Learning Scale 2018
53 MARKS-MEDICI Marks and the Medici: Branding and Trademarks in Renaissance Global Business 2019
54 LowDegModCurve Low Degree Points on Modular Curves 2018
55 GARDENCITYIDEA Idea, Ideal, Idyll: Garden Cities in Central Europe 1890s-1930s 2018
56 TaxInfoProcessing Information Processing in Tax Compliance Decisions 2018
57 MATHCOV Maternal temperature history controls progeny vigour 2018
58 SQoL School for Quality of Life. Policy, practice and theory for a quality of life approach in Europeanschool systems. 2018
59 CLEVER Cities CLEVER Cities - Co-designing Locally tailored Ecological solutions for Value added, socially inclusivE Regeneration in Cities 2018
60 MaCoTech Material counting technologies in numerical cognition 2018
61 MOGU floor Natural-Grown Flooring for Circular Buildings 2018
62 EMPCONSFIN Empirical Analyses of Markets for Consumer Financial Products and their Effects 2018
63 ThoR TeraHertz end-to-end wireless systems supporting ultra high data Rate applications 2018
64 KaraimBible (Re)constructing a Bible. A new approach to unedited Biblical manuscripts as sources for the early history of the Karaim language 2019
65 SexMeth Establishment, modulation and inheritance of sexual lineage specific DNA methylation in plants 2018
66 SHIVADHARMA Translocal Identities. The Åšivadharma and the Making of Regional Religious Traditions in Premodern South Asia 2018
67 SkewPref Skewness Preferences – Human attitudes toward rare, high-impact risks 2019
68 5E Federating European Electronics Ecosystems for Competitive Electronics Industries 2019
69 EXPC Challenging and extending predictive coding as an account of brain function 2019
70 LAAA Late Antiquity After Antiquity: The Last of the Ancient Platonists in the Early Modern Period 2019
71 OPENFLUX Societal openness, normative flux, and the social modification of heritability 2019
72 iLIVE Living well, dying well. A research programme to support living until the end 2019
73 I-SOFT Intelligent Electrochemical Cooling Water Softening System 2019
74 Time Machine Time Machine : Big Data of the Past for the Future of Europe 2019
75 FR and ENG Petrarch Translational Traditions and Imaginaries: A Comparative History of Petrarch’s Canzoniere in French and English 2019
76 PapalEmotions Emotions, gender, and authority at the curia of Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) 2019
77 SNNO Strategic Narrative of Nuclear Order 2019
78 RIPARIONS Transferring hydrological and biogeochemical concepts from boreal to Mediterranean RIPARian zones: developing a broad knowledge framework across ecoregIONS 2020
79 BabyBayes Bayesian Learning in the Infant Brain 2019
80 Smart-BEEjS Human-Centric Energy Districts: Smart Value Generation by Building Efficiency and Energy Justice for Sustainable Living 2019
82 PoliRural Future Oriented Collaborative Policy Development for Rural Areas and People 2019
83 SAPPHIRE South American population history revisited: multidisciplinary perspectives on the Upper Amazon 2019
85 C-Pre Seeing is predicting: Testing a predictive coding account of visual perception involving saccadic eye movements 2020
86 PALAEOCON Conservation palaeobiology of terrestrial and marine carbon sinks 2019
87 SAAFE Soil quality Assessment in Agriculture For life cycle assessment-based Eco-design 2020
88 proEVLifeCycle The life cycle of extracellular vesicles in prostate cancer: from biogenesis and homing, to functional relevance 2019
89 EoPPP A Global Comparative Ethnography of Parliaments, Politicians and People: representation, relationships and ruptures 2019
90 PROGRESS The Enemy of the Good: Towards a Theory of Moral Progress 2019
91 Blue Cloud Blue-Cloud: Piloting innovative services for Marine Research & the Blue Economy 2019
92 ThinkAhead Thinking Ahead: human planning from a predictive processing perspective 2020
94 T-SKIN Shaking-up user experience by introducing the first-in-kind arduino-programmable AI-driven gesture control wearable 2019
95 SMIC Formal Models of Social Meaning and Identity Construction through Language 2020
96 EXTREME The Epistemology and Ethics of Fundamentalism 2020
97 JustCity The Just City: The Ciceronian Conception of Justice and Its Reception in the Western Tradition 2020
98 InfoNet Informational properties of networks under communication constraints 2020
99 METABONE A new approach of metastatic bone fracture prediction using a patient-specific model including metastatic tissue, daily-life activities and local failure criteria 2020
100 CitIndus The ‘Citizenship Industry’: Commodified citizenship, the corporate sector and global inequality 2020