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H2020 projects about "positions"

The page lists 313 projects related to the topic "positions".

# achronym  title  year 
1 HIGHTS High precision positioning for cooperative ITS applications 2015
2 PSYMBIOSYS Product-Service sYMBIOtic SYStems 2015
3 MICACT MICroACTuators 2015
4 MULTI-APP Multivalent Molecular Systems for Innovative Applications 2015
5 SocketMaster Development of a Master Socket for optimised design of prosthetic socket for lower limb amputees 2015
6 Clock Mechanics Mechanosensation and the circadian clock: a reciprocal analysis 2015
7 POLYSOLAR A light weight, recyclable, tracking support system, for solar photovoltaic modules based on inflatable polymer membranes 2014
8 HISTHEOL History and Theology 2015
9 SiCWIRE Silicon Carbide Nanowires for Electronic and biosensing applications 2016
10 DualNRSQNM Fundamentals of Holographic Dualities via Non-relativistic Systems and Quasinormal Modes 2015
11 LOBFRAM Lobbying and framing in foreign policy. EU and member states’ foreign policies towards Israel and Palestine 2015
12 COCLIMAT Fusion of Alternative Climate Models By Dynamical Synchronization 2015
13 GEOCA Geometry and Computational Anatomy 2015
14 ASC Amorphous Speculative Compression 2015
15 CoMPi Coastal and shallow-water monitoring through innovative low-cost technologies for blue growth in the Mediterranean 2015
16 SMASH SMASH, SMArt SHaring device for mobility 2015
17 MILANO ROBOT Minimal Invasive Light Automatic Natural Orifice Robotic Platform 2015
18 PCMPS Precision Cancer Medicine Pipeline and Services 2015
19 ENTRUST Energy System Transition Through Stakeholder Activation, Education and Skills Development 2015
20 9 SALT Reassessing Ninth Century Philosophy. A Synchronic Approach to the Logical Traditions 2015
22 IC-3i-PhD Institut Curie 3-i PhD Program 2016
23 INSPIRE INterdiSciPlinarity and excellence for doctoral training of International REsearchers in Paris 2015
24 CardioBIVA Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis medical device as a novel Internet of Things telemedicine system for monitoring congestive heart failure patients from home 2015
25 MOBPOSSTAT Mobile Positioning Data as a Source for Aggregated Human Mobility Statistics 2015
26 sRNA-EMB Small RNA regulation of the body plan and epigenome in Arabidopsis embryos 2015
27 SCENEUNDERLIGHT Time-lapse understanding of the static and human scene and its lighting 2015
28 SHARS Small HeteroAromatic Ring Synthesis: A Unified Approach 2015
29 EXCILIGHT Donor-Acceptor light emitting exciplexes as materials for easily to tailor ultra-efficient OLED lighting 2015
30 WiBEC Wireless In-Body Environment 2016
31 GRACE GRACE: Gender and Cultures of Equality in Europe 2015
32 BIGCHEM Big Data in Chemistry 2016
33 MovAiD Movement Assisting Devices: Manufacturing of personalized Kineto-Dynamics parts and products for workers, elderly and children 2015
34 Sniff-Nose A novel double-point intravascular diagnostic probe with continuous monitoring of the biomarker panel, dual oxygen tension PcvO2 and PcsO2, for clinical assessment of heart failure 2015
35 chemREPEAT Structure and Dynamics of Low-Complexity Regions in Proteins: The Huntingtin Case 2015
36 SPS_TFP_SQ TFP Strut Qualification 2015
37 HEAT-R Modular thermoelectric system for industrial waste HEAT Recovery (HEAT-R) 2015
38 GLAD-2 GNSS/INS Low-cost Attitude Determination and navigation system - Phase 2 2016
39 COSMICC CmOs Solutions for Mid-board Integrated transceivers with breakthrough Connectivity at ultra-low Cost 2015
40 CBTA Feasibility Study for the CBT Academy 2015
41 IN-SKA Square Kilometre Array: Infrastructure Detailed Design for SKA Phase 1 2016
42 StableChaoticPlanetM Stable and Chaotic Motions in the Planetary Problem 2016
43 MIB Multi-modal, Endoscopic Biophotonic Imaging of Bladder Cancer for Point-of-Care Diagnosis 2016
44 HYDRA Hydraulics modelling for drilling automation 2016
45 PROTEUS Scalable online machine learning for predictive analytics and real-time interactive visualization 2015
46 MBM Making Biological Minds 2016
47 sqetch Sqetch – easily connecting fashion brands with apparel manufacturers 2016
48 EPITOOLS Chemical biology approaches to unraveling the histone code 2016
49 WPolitical Wittgenstein and Political Theory 2016
50 EnerTwin EnerTwin: A different approach to micro CHP 2016
51 EvoNIN Unraveling key genetic innovations behind the emergence of the root-nodule symbiosis 2017
52 BWBN Black Women/Black Nationalism – Feminist Discourses on Nation-building in American and British Literature and Visual Arts 2016
53 MetricIMo The Econometrics of Intergenerational Mobility 2017
54 BEST Postdoctoral Programme in Bioengineering Excellence Scientific Training 2017
55 AIMMS STAR-PLUS Scientific Top Training in Antimicrobial Research 2016
56 COSMIC LENS Delivering on the Promise of Measuring Dark Energy from Cosmic Lensing 2016
57 LEaDing Fellows LEaDing Fellows 2017
58 Magnetic Universe Unveiling interstellar and intergalactic magnetic fields with radio polarimetry and theoretical astrophysics 2017
60 BUSWEL Why is Business in Some Countries More Hostile to Social Redistribution than in Others? 2016
61 CityNet Cities in Global Financial Networks: Financial and Business Services and Developmentin the 21st Century 2016
62 MFP Martí i Franquès COFUND 2017
63 DomEQUAL A Global Approach to Paid Domestic Work and Social Inequalities 2016
64 chemech From Chemical Bond Forces and Breakage to Macroscopic Fracture of Soft Materials 2016
65 MWDIR Media Warfare and the Discourse of Islamic Revival: The Case of the Islamic State (IS) 2017
66 INCMAK Incomaker - intelligent marketing management automation for SME 2016
67 PRE2POS PREcession-based drive mechanisms for high-PREcision energy-efficient POSitionining devices 2016
68 OILBLOCK Immediate Oil Spill containment to mitigate impact on the marine ecosystem 2016
69 ENABLE European Academy for Biomedical Science 2016
70 SPM2.0 Scanning probe microscopies for nanoscale fast, tomographic and composition imaging 2017
71 IMPACT The giant impact and the Earth and Moon formation 2016
72 HIPERLAM High Performance Laser-based Additive Manufacturing 2016
73 VOPSA2.0 Value Omega 3 and Astaxanthin products from SeaAlgae 2016
74 BoundSci Boundaries of Science: Medieval Condemnations of Philosophy as Heresy 2016
75 PJ31 DIGITS Initial Trajectory Information Sharing 2016
76 FashionBrain Understanding Europe’s Fashion Data Universe 2017
77 KEMISTATIC New Electro Spraying Process of Two-Component, Solvent-Free, Fast-Curing, Liquid Resins 2016
78 MULTI2HYCAT MULTI-site organic-inorganic HYbrid CATalysts for MULTI-step chemical processes 2017
79 Force Servo Force Servo 2017
80 CSP Cross-Layer Design of Securing Positioning 2017
81 InSCOPE INternational Smart Collaborative Open-access hybrid Printed Electronics pilot line 2017
82 POPSTAR Reasoning about Physical properties Of security Protocols with an Application To contactless Systems 2017
83 SSIIE Sanskrit Åšaiva Intellectuals in the Empire: Innovations, Textual Practices and Religious Interactions in the Late Vijayanagara Period 2017
84 SIMPLE Spacefibre IMPLementation design test Equipment (SIMPLE) 2017
85 SPG Seafarm Pulse Guard 2017
86 ImmerDrive Virtual IMMERsion for DRIVEr training and evaluation 2017
87 ENCIRCLE Enhancing Research Careers and mobility in Macedonia 2017
88 PHOTO-BORAD Boron chemistry in a new light: exploring the radical reactivity of boronate complexes through photochemical strategies 2017
89 ANTARES Centre of Excellence for Advanced Technologies in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security 2017
90 BRINE MINING Applying circular economy solutions in industrial wastewater management: request of SME Associate to develop the necessary energy simulation tools for recovery of waste heat from industrial operations 2017
91 TreatStroke arTificial neuRal nEtwork prediction of hAemorrhagic Transformation in STROKE. 2017
92 CARERA Information Day for Hungarian students and young researchers on career possibilities in the European Research Area 2017
94 ChirPyr Access to chiral pyridine derivatives via catalytic asymmetric synthesis 2017
95 RhoSNATCH Dissecting Rho GTPase signalling networks through acute perturbation techniques 2017
96 GeoInSight Geological constraints on the crustal structure at InSight landing site, Elysium Planitia, Mars 2017
97 WoodStock Quick and cost-effective integrated web platform for forest inventories 2017
98 SensAgain Restoring of SENSAtions from Lost LeGs for health And qualIty of life augmeNtation in amputees 2017
99 CAPTIVATE Craft Malting Process Innovation for a Competitive and Collaborative Rural Economy 2017
100 Gal-HD Our Galaxy at full HD 2018
101 TIMEGG TIMING FERTILIY- A Comparative Analysis of Time Constructions and the Social Practice of Egg-Freezing in Germany and Israel 2018
102 MUTAnTS A microfluidic high throughput approach to helicase biophysics 2018
103 Philosophy Forcing Forcing in Contemporary Philosophy of Set Theory 2017
104 UCOC Understanding the Commitment in Organized Crime 2018
105 mPOWER Mobile platform to empower cancer patients with fatigue 2017
106 ICED Initial conditions of exoplanet formation in protoplanetary disks 2017
107 Pharynx2016 Evolution and development of pharyngeal pouches and pre-oral gut in basal fishes 2017
108 NavigationCircuits Neural circuits for route planning in goal-directed spatial navigation 2017
109 FLASH Heterogeneous Effects of Fiscal Consolidation on Firms' Balance Sheets 2017
110 ASSIST ASSIST - Support Network for Household Energy Saving 2017
111 OPTIMOrph Development of methods for deriving optimized shapes of morphing structures considering both aerodynamic performances and specific mechanical morphing boundary conditions 2017
112 IRONCOMM Investigating the role of bacteria-produced siderophores in satisfying diatom Fe requirements. 2017
113 METACHROM Establishment and maintenance of gene expression by heterochromatin factors 2017
114 CellTrack Cellular Position Tracking Using DNA Origami Barcodes 2017
115 WorldlyMatter Worldly Matter: The Materials of Conceptual Art 2017
116 MossTree A new smart city climate infrastructure with a capacity for reducing air pollution equivalent to 275 normal trees 2017
117 LiquidHouseCycle A Unified Framework of Business Cycles and Household Portfolios: Income Risks, Asset Liquidity, and Inequality 2017
118 Voices of Belonging Voices of Belonging: Minority Identities, Language and Education in the Netherlands 2017
119 ResearchLeaders2025 Research Leaders 2025 - A Fellowship Programme developing the Next Generation of Agri-Food Research Leaders 2018
120 Smart4Europe Catalysing Digitisation throughout Europe 2017
121 ALSiment Transforming the hazardous waste of the metallurgical industry into a valuable raw material 2017
122 KLIMATOR RSI A new road status information system for a smarter mobility thanks to an effective and sustainable winter Road Maintenance 2017
123 PET-Yield A new manufacturing method, monitoring platform and material equipment to carry out a more efficient production of plastic bottles, reducing its waste. 2017
124 NanoScreen Disruptive portable device for pre-screening of Persistent Organic Pollutants –POPs- in food products and water 2017
125 ENERGY ETHICS The Ethics of Oil: Finance Moralities and Environmental Politics in the Global Oil Economy 2017
126 Struct. vs. Individ The ‘Declining Significance of Gender’ Reexamined: Cross-Country Comparison of Individual and Structural Aspects of Gender Inequality 2017
127 TOPMAT Topological Materials: New Fermions, Realization of Single Crystals and their Physical Properties 2017
128 CRC Centric Reciprocating Compressor 2017
129 NEPTUN Novel closed-cage system for high-value marine aquaculture 2017
130 PORTAFACT Sustainable, Ecological PolyUrethane Foam Panel Construction System, integrated into an Innovative Portable Factory Solution 2017
131 - Holding back Amazon and Google from the global grocery retail market 2017
132 ArcheoDyn Globular clusters as living fossils of the past of galaxies 2017
133 verv verv: advanced home electricity analytics 2017
134 ECO-DRILLING Environmentally efficient full profile drilling solution 2017
135 INTAC The International Register of Academic Job Categories. Facilitating Careers in the European Research Area 2017
136 INVITE INnovative Verona university’s Inter-disciplinary, Inter-sectoral and International Training Experience 2017
137 SIADE SaaS SIADE SaaS: Spatial Decision Support System for Transportation Planning 2017
138 EuroAgeism An international, multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral training network on ageism 2017
139 EPIDIVERSE Epigenetic Diversity in Ecology 2017
140 DRIVE Demand Response Integration tEchnologies: unlocking the demand response potential in the distribution grid 2017
141 POP-R Parallel Orthographic Processing and Reading 2017
142 4D-GenEx Spatio-temporal Organization and Expression of the Genome 2018
143 FarCatCH Innovative Strategies for Unprecedented Remote C-H bond Functionalization by Catalysis 2018
144 SPOCkS MS Sampling Protein cOmplex Conformational Space with native top down Mass Spectrometry 2018
145 AIOSAT Autonomous Indoor Outdoor SafetyTracking system 2017
146 MINERGRACE Graphene-based High Resolution Neural Interfaces for ICT-inspired Neuro-treatment 2018
147 EIRENE Post-war trasistions in gendered perspective: the case of the North-Eastern Adricatic Region 2017
148 TOPODY Exploring topological matter with atomic Dysprosium 2018
149 AfricanNeo The African Neolithic: A genetic perspective 2017
150 StemCellHabitat Metabolic and Timed Control of Stem Cell Fate in the Developing Animal 2018
151 NanoWelds First nanotechnology for the electronic packaging industry based on a room-temperature welding process 2017
152 PRECOPAL Zero Corrosion Sheet Pile Elements with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bars 2017
153 CULTURED BEEF A cost-effective production process to open worldwide the cultured meat market 2017
154 LymphoDrain First subcutaneous implant to treat lymphedema. Definitive solution for chronic lymphedema 2017
155 V-SPHERE Vulnerability Search and Prevention through Holistic End-to-end Risk Evaluation 2018
156 FuRIC Future Recycled Inert Concrete Made of Steelworks Residues 2017
157 SULFOSOL Sulfur-based solutions for the selective functionalization of organic substrates 2018
158 SMART-DNA Single Molecule Analytical Raman Tools based on DNA nanostructures 2018
159 YAKSHA Cybersecurity Awareness and Knowledge Systemic High-level Application 2018
160 SPECTO Bowling SPECTO Bowling® 2.0: Advanced Measurement and Analysis of Bowling Performance 2018
161 Reficient Innovative upright Refrigerator with Improved Efficiency Fully Aligned With The Eu Legislation ToControl The F-GASES” 2018
162 SME LOYALISER SME LOYALISER: fostering SME retailers through LOYALty Integrated SERvices 2018
163 Hollandplug Pioneering Sustainable Substrate for Accelerated Quality Cultivation 2018
164 DAPHNE Innovative system for Bioinspired Atmospheric Water Generation without Input Energy 2018
165 EIDOS - API Earth Images Discovery Order Shop API. 2018
166 B-SOCIAL BANK SOCIALISER: BANKing platform based on SOCIAL media Interactive SERvices 2018
167 VILT-DEV Virtual Instructor-Led IT Developer Training Program 2018
168 SmartCharge SmartCharge: Smart integrated circuits for advanced battery management 2018
169 COQUDDE Cooperative Quantum Dynamics of Dipolar Ensembles 2018
170 DREAMY Disrupting Aberrant Protein–Protein Interactions with Conformationally Constrained Hydrocarbon α-Helical Mimetics 2018
171 SPITFIRE SPatial variability and Implications of the Timing of FIsh Responses to the Environment 2018
172 ChildPro Child prodigies: on giftedness and child celebrities in modern France 2019
173 DREAM Drafting and Enacting the Revolutions in the Arab Mediterranean.In search of Dignity, from the 1950’s until today 2018
174 R-I PEERS Pilot experiences for improving gender equality in research organisations 2018
175 SKILL Individual Variations and Cultural Evolution: The pottery wheel-throwing skill as a case study 2018
176 MULTI_FOLDS Not one but many: adopting structural flexibility in the analysis of the evolution of lncRNAs. 2018
177 IMagE Impact of Magnetic field on Emergent solar spectra 2019
178 TOMMY Tomography of the Milky waY 2018
179 MCEC The Netherlands Center for Multiscale Catalytic Energy Conversion 2018
180 OSCCAR Future Occupant Safety for Crashes in Cars 2018
181 BabyRhythm Tuned to the Rhythm: How Prenatally and Postnatally Heard Speech Prosody Lays the Foundations for Language Learning 2018
182 SCIENTIA-FELLOWS II SCIENTIA-FELLOWS II: International Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme 2019
183 REPLISTRESS DNA Replication: From Physiology to Replication Stress in Human Cancer 2018
184 AgrowFab Far Infrared Radiation Smart Fabric Heating Element for GreenHouses 2018
185 VOLTCLOUD VoltCloud: Bringing the power of the Cloud to a revolutionary renewable home battery 2018
186 EVOOLUTION Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Advanced Sorting Solution 2018
187 EXICOM 3D experience anywhere, at any time 2018
188 Green Radar An advance Multi-Side Boating Platform working with Passive Radar technology boosting a new emerging market 2018
189 POC PieceOfCake: an AI-driven chatbot to manage complex business data 2018
190 Medipee A novel touchless method and eHealth system for automated urine monitoring 2018
191 ADDPRIME Multifunctional smart inhibitors for anti-corrosive coatings, enabling a significant reduction of maintenance costs on metallic surfaces 2018
192 AnisakFree NIRs computer vision system for detecting Anisakis in fish industrial processing lines 2018
193 TRANSDAT From the space communication to the drone industry 2018
194 Hybrid Drive The worldwide first hybrid multi-functional municipal vehicle for a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, fine particles and noise pollution in cities 2018
195 Bluecode The Smartphone Payment Scheme for Europe 2018
197 Asterix Weeding robot for precision farming reducing herbicide usage by 95% 2018
198 TAPP X The world's first Sensor-Based Water Filter to Purify and Analyse Tap Water 2018
199 A3BL Airofit - Better Breathing, Better Life 2018
200 ProPeeler ProPeeler: Enhanced shrimp peeling machine with full control and optimisation of the process to enable full automation of the shrimp peeling industry 2018
201 EMPLOBOT The First Recruitment Bot to Integrate Labour Market in the EU 2018
202 A2MIRO Airbone Asset Management Inspection Robot - Offshore 2018
203 SanDAL ERA Chair in Mathematical Statistics and Data Science for the University of Luxembourg 2019
204 POLINGO The Politics of Legitimacy: Non-partisan global governance and networked INGO power in the global governance of post-war states 2018
205 SeafoodTrace SeafoodTrace: Intelligent Traceability Platform enabling full transparency in the Seafood supply chain 2018
206 PEA aluminium Portable Element Analyzer 2018
207 NeuroProtect Novel Drug Therapy with Potential to Cure Neuro-Degenerative Diseases 2018
208 PanINSULA PanINSULA - The next first commercially sustainable and therapeutically effective beta cell therapy for diabetes 2018
209 MaCChines Molecular machines based on coiled-coil protein origami 2018
210 RNAct Enabling proteins with RNA recognition motifs for synthetic biology and bio-analytics. 2019
211 V.A. Cure A multidisciplinary approach towards sustainable improvement in rare diseases care uniting Europe's top class vascular research to find new treatment strategies for vascular anomalies 2019
212 ElectroPros Training research pioneers by utilizing and validating the promise of electroporation for minimal invasive oncological treatments. 2019
213 ARCADE Aligning Research & Innovation for Connected and Automated Driving in Europe 2018
214 5D-NanoTrack Five-Dimensional Localization Microscopy for Sub-Cellular Dynamics 2018
215 Pro-Enrich Development of novel functional proteins and bioactive ingredients from rapeseed, olive, tomato and citrus fruit side streams for applications in food, cosmetics, pet food and adhesives 2018
216 MgSafe Promoting patient safety by a novel combination of imaging technologies for biodegradable magnesium implants 2018
217 BORGES Biosensing with ORGanic ElectronicS 2019
218 I-DireCT Immune DIREcted and Cancer-selective immunoTherapy 2019
219 PARAMIR Investigating micro-RNA Dynamics using Paramagnetic NMR Spectroscopy 2019
220 HERILAND Cultural HERItage and the planning of European LANDscapes 2019
221 STADY STADY: Autonomous intelligent cleaning robot for stables 2018
222 ACOSPECTOR The first Acoustic Chemometer for intelligent fluids analysis 2018
223 SAMBAfun System for AcceleroMeter-Based Assessment of cardiac FUNction 2018
224 BIOUNCERTAINTY Deep uncertainties in bioethics: genetic research, preventive medicine, reproductive decisions 2019
225 LCE-Tool Improving Resource-efficiency in Manufacturing 2018
226 WAVESHIELD Re-inventing Paint – A Pioneering, Dry Paint Film for Radio Frequency Identification applications 2018
227 i-Contour An innovative 3D Free-form manufacturing technology for the construction industry 2018
228 SYNCANO 2.0 Accelerating software development, empowering rapid innovation 2018
229 HERO Hidden, entangled and resonating orders 2019
230 CTS Enertechnos Capacitive Transfer System for efficient electricity transmission and distribution. 2018
231 SPACE TIE Unifying the three pillars of Geodesy using space ties 2019
232 DNA Funs DNA-based functional lattices 2019
233 CoPAN From Mimicry to Trust: A Tinbergian Approach 2019
234 ENZEYE Bringing automated, real-time process control into the starch-based industry 2019
235 WEL-LED-BEING A new generation of LED luminaries for Human Centric Lighting Applications 2019
236 YMPACT The Yamnaya Impact on Prehistoric Europe 2019
237 ENFORCE ENgineering FrustratiOn in aRtificial Colloidal icEs:degeneracy, exotic lattices and 3D states 2020
238 FICOMOL Field Control of Cold Molecular Collisions 2019
239 RAINOLVE Accurate irrigation controller with multi-sensoring and interactive cloud-based platform to evaluate real plant needs and save up to 80% of water 2019
242 SPARTA Strategic programs for advanced research and technology in Europe 2019
243 3D-FOGROD Understanding forest growth dynamics using novel 3D measurements and modelling approaches 2019
244 SoEvoFish Coral reef fish shape our understanding of social evolution 2019
245 GEARING ROLES Gender Equality Actions in Research Institutions to traNsform Gender ROLES 2019
246 PmNC Policy-making of early nature conservation. The Netherlands and the United Kingdom compared, 1930-1960 2019
247 BICACH Novel bifunctional HAT catalysts for site-divergent C-H functionalizations mediated by photoredox catalysis 2019
248 REaCHeS References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen (REaCHeS): an investigation of multimodal spatial referencing in Eastern Chatino 2019
249 PRESQUE A predicting platform for designing semiconductor quantum devices 2019
250 MUSYCA MUltimetallic SYstems for C-H Activation processes 2019
251 DNAMAKER Molecular additive manufacturing through DNA nanotechnology 2019
252 MicroFSMA MicroFluidic based platform for SeMen Analysis 2019
253 SocBehGenoPheno Genetic basis of emergent social behaviour from genotype-phenotype mapping 2019
254 YOUTH-HOME Migrant male youth home-making in Ireland 2019
255 TEMPO Combining Tectonics and Machine Learning to Constrain Plate Reconstruction Models Through Time 2019
256 TVSM Teotihuacan Virtual Sound Map: Exploring the Sonic Sphere of the City of the Gods, Mexico 2019
258 4 ALL The first foldable kid car seat to easy travel in family 2019
259 MALAGA Applying Machine Learning to Cyber Risk Analysis and Mitigation 2019
260 VIP-2 Vienna International Postdoctoral Program 2020
261 UNA4CAREER UNA Europa, an alliance of universities FOR the emergence of talent and the development of research CAREERs 2020
262 FUTrailer Full-equipped electric trailer to boost the implementation of efficient, eco-friendly and resilient last-mile delivery 2019
263 MOWA A novel, modular, smart and patient-centred Ankle-Foot-Orthosis design and production process 2019
264 HARPER Home based Augmented Reality Platform for Efficient Rehabilitation of stroke patients 2019
265 SPLITVAC Harnessing the innate and adaptive immune system with targeted neoantigen based cancer vaccines 2019
266 RELEVANT REALISM Relevant Realism - Truth, Power, and Action for 21st Century Societies 2019
267 PHOTO-WALK Metal-catalyzed remote functionalization of aliphatic amines and amides triggered by photocatalytic sp3 C-H activation 2020
268 2D-QuEST Chemical Structure, Photo Physics and Emission Control of Single-Photon Emitters in Two-Dimensional Materials 2019
269 CareMin650 An unrivalled medical device for severe cancer treatment complications:exact & easy red-LED photobiomodulation for mucositis and dermatitis 2019
270 D-FENCE D-FENCE: Deceptive Monitored Environments for Cybersecurity in Enterprises 2019
271 MIBEst Molecular Infection Biology Estonia - Research capacity building 2019
272 ENERZ Revolutionizing Stationary Energy Storage Cost: Go To Market Plan For Zinc-Ion Rechargeable Batteries 2019
273 InAir An Air Quality Monitoring Station in a Chip 2019
274 CERES Cognitive Empowerment Resulting in Environmental Sustainability Improvement (CERES+). Human-Machine interaction in Industrial Vehicles through an innovative Augmented Reality System. 2019
275 BIOGRAPHENE Producing graphene from biogas: an innovative, renewable and cost-effective value-chain for industrialising the material of the future 2019
276 BLACK HAT An eco-friendly ultrasonic system to control and prevent algal blooms and zebra mussel invasion in small and large water surfaces 2019
277 CLEAN-Photo-TEX Advanced photocatalytic textiles to remediate urban air pollution 2019
278 Biztribution Towards a fully decentralized distribution for next generation of travel and tourism distribution 2019
279 SMARTINCS Self-healing, Multifunctional, Advanced Repair Technologies IN Cementitious Systems 2019
280 PROTON Proton transport and proton-coupled transport 2019
281 Bluecode The Smartphone Payment Scheme for Europe 2019
282 Plan2fix Nitrogen-enriched plasma activated water, an unparalleled plant feeding system 2019
283 SNIPER Water Mist Fire Protection Systems for Engine Compartments in Buses and Coaches 2019
284 MOTHIF Model Testing of High Lift system 2020
286 BA-AC Cloud-based Airport Operations Planning tool with holistic forecasting of airport allocation planning. 2019
287 Cell-Lasers Intracellular lasers: Coupling of optical resonances with biological processes 2020
288 A2Miro A2Miro Solution: a fully automated inspection system by our SensorCopter that reduces WTs downtime 2019
289 TEM Teklab Evaporator Management system (TEM) for increasing energy efficiency in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Cost effective, highly technological and innovative but easy to understand and install 2019
290 Memorix Start Learning in 3D-Worlds with Powerful Memo-Techniques 2019
291 CTSM Competition, time pressure, public speaking and multitasking: The role of willingness and ability to cope with pressure in explaining individual differences and inequality in career outcomes 2019
292 ROSA Religion and Its Others in South Asia and the World: Communities, Debates, Freedoms 2019
293 KiCloud Intelligent and serverless, cloud-based infrastructure for medical diagnostic devices 2019
294 Ngrave The World’s Most Secure Cryptocurrency Safeguarding Solution 2019
295 Numii Numii: A real-time and non-invasive monitoring tool for the prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders 2019
296 SIBMOB Social Class Mobility in Comparative Perspective: Bringing Siblings In 2021
297 Dezyne Enterprise The easiest way to build complete, correct and consistent embedded software for cyberphysical systems 2019
298 PREPARE Ships PREParE SHIPS - PREdicted Positioning based on Egnss for SHIPS 2019
299 NGTax Next Generation Taxonomy: Ciliophora and their bacterial symbionts as a proof of concept 2020
300 One4Clean All-in-1 “buffing & dedusting” machine for rubber industry 2019
301 WEXOBOT Faster and cheaper robots for object recognition in Waste sorting through AI and external robot control 2019
302 ADAM Autonomous Discovery of Advanced Materials 2020
303 GET LOCAL Unified digital booking platform promoting local tourist services 2020
304 CHANGINGELITES Changing elites: how social and institutional change has altered the processes of elite formation over time? 2020
305 HarmHoney HeAlth Regulation by the gut Microbiota in the Honey bee 2020
306 CISBOOM Convergence of Information from Separate Brain Areas to Orchestrate Orienting Movements 2021
307 ULTRA-VIOLENCE Ultras in Portugal: Narratives of Violence, Politics and Gender 2020
308 MIGKNOW Migrating Knowledge: The Global Knowledge Networks of German Medic, Botanist and Migration Commissioner Wilhelm Hillebrand in Hawai‘i (1821-1886) 2020
309 LEAF-2-TBM From LEAF to Terrestrial Biosphere Model: Integrating multi-scale observations of highly diverse tropical ecosystems for global scale simulations 2020
310 DECOMPOSE Degradable commodity plastics from metallosupramolecular polymers 2020
311 WIRED Women In Research and higher EDucation 2020
312 HABISS Eco-hydrodynamics of cold water coral habitats across integrated spatial scales 2020
313 GENCARGAP Gender Career Gap and Firm Composition 2020