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H2020 projects about "altering"

The page lists 86 projects related to the topic "altering".

# achronym  title  year 
1 CIRCODE Cell-type specific mechanisms regulating rhythms in leukocyte homing 2015
2 RADIATE Radiation Innovations for Therapy and Education 2015
3 Cdc42Adhere Role of Cdc42 in cancer cell adhesion to endothelial cells and platelets 2015
4 CHOCOLATE CHanges Of CO2 Levels during pAst and fuTure intErglacials 2015
5 MRTGS Mechanical regulation of tissue growth and signalling 2016
6 DROUGHTROOT Plants in search of water: physiological and molecular interplay between root hydraulics and architecture during drought stress 2016
7 ROR2BONE Investigating Ror2-dependent non-canonical Wnt signaling in bone remodeling 2015
8 GEODEM Geography of Demography: modelling plant population responses to global habitat patterns 2015
9 SCME Selecting, Creating and Modifying Embryos: the ethics of new reproductive genetic technologies 2015
10 S-OS Exosomes as microenvironmental cue for engaging mesenchymal stem cells in osteosarcoma progression 2016
11 UbiGABA The role of ubiquitination in stability and plasticity of the GABAergic synapse 2015
12 CaNE-HiP-LA Carbon Nano Materials Enabling High-Performance Lead Acid Batteries 2015
13 FAtoUnFRAGILITY Fanconi anemia : a disease model to understand causes and consequences of common fragile site instability. 2015
14 MIND Development of the safety case knowledge base about the influence of microbial processes on geological disposal of radioactive wastes 2015
15 CONC-VIA-RIEMANN High-Dimensional Convexity, Isoperimetry and Concentration via a Riemannian Vantage Point 2015
16 CARDYADS Controlling Cardiomyocyte Dyadic Structure 2015
17 StressNetAdapt Understanding evolutionary abiotic stress-network plasticity as foundation for new biotechnological strategies 2015
18 MYOP-PATH Towards solving myopia: from genes to pathways using an integrated approach 2015
19 REGothicVaultElements Late Gothic vaults and their complex stone members: Recovering historical design procedures, implementing knowledge in restoration practice 2016
20 GREENSOUL Eco-aware Persuasive Networked Data Devices for User Engagement in Energy Efficiency 2016
21 Crossover control New insights into wheat meiosis: Crossover resolution in the absence of the Ph1 locus 2016
22 DoRES Direct measurements of key nuclear Reactions for the creation of Elements in Stars 2016
23 FRANCOBRIT The Outbreak of the Wars of Religion: a Franco-British History (1547-1572) 2016
24 SOSiC Southern Ocean Silicon Cycling: combining views of the past and present using silicon isotopes 2016
25 THaCH The effects of hypercholesterolemia on tendon health (Tendon Health and CHolesterol) 2016
26 NITRIPHYLL A novel approach to determine canopy nitrification in the phyllosphere of European forests: combining multiple isotope tracers and proteogenomic techniques 2016
27 DRIVE Quantifying the relative importance of natural and anthropogenic drivers of spatial variation in vulnerability to predict species extinction risk 2016
28 AQURI Air Quality at the Urban-Rural Interface 2017
29 4DHeart 4D analysis of heart development and regeneration using advanced light microscopy 2017
30 Train2Target An integrated mulTidisciplinary appRoach towards a new generAtIon of aNtibiotics: Targeting function and cross-talk of bacterial Envelope proTein machineries 2017
31 INHIBITHUMAN Dis-inhibitory circuits in the human cerebral cortex 2016
32 SCOOBA Symbiotic COOperation and Boring Activity of Cliona sponges under a climate change context 2017
33 CIC Context, Identity and Choice: Understanding the constraints on women's career decisions 2017
34 ConflictNET The Politics and Practice of Social Media in Conflict 2017
35 DSR Dissipative Self-Replication 2017
36 NeuroModSense Peptidergic Neuromodulation of Sensory Representation in the Brain 2017
37 ConCorND Connectivity Correlate of Molecular Pathology in Neurodegeneration 2017
38 DerRadIslam Qur’an and Qital. The violence against the Other in a historical critical deradicalizing perspective. 2017
39 NEURO-SWARM Efferent modulation of auditory sensitivity in mosquitoes: From auditory transduction to swarming behaviour 2017
40 METABOLON Molecular understanding of metabolic complexes: Towards engineering the next generation of synthetic biosystems 2018
41 ESSEVOL Adapting to Change: Experimental Evolution of Environmental Sensing Systems in Bacteria 2017
42 GrIS-Melt Impacts of Greenland Ice Sheet melt on primary productivity and carbon cycling in Greenland coastal ecosystems 2017
43 BAoBaB Blue Acid/Base Battery: Storage and recovery of renewable electrical energy by reversible salt water dissociation 2017
44 CLIMAHAL Climate dimension of natural halogens in the Earth system: Past, present, future 2017
45 SNOWISO Signals from the Surface Snow: Post-Depositional Processes Controlling the Ice Core IsotopicFingerprint 2018
46 ANTIViR Molecular mechanisms of interferon-induced antiviral restriction and signalling 2017
47 SUPERMIN Correlative Super Resolution Imaging of the Collagen Mineralization Process 2018
48 MEPHISTO MEchanisms and PHysical processes governing Induced Seismicity: insights from Theoretical models and seismological Observations 2018
49 COMEX COmputational Modelling for EXtreme conditions 2018
50 UB-RASDisease The ubiquitin system in RAS-driven disease 2018
51 MechDeath Study of the mechanical cues driving cell competition and its role in pretumoral cell expansion 2019
52 IntEL Investigating Climatic Extreme Events in Lakes 2018
53 REPTOL Pre-leukemic B cell repertoire alterations in patients with familial chronic lymphocytic leukemia: looking for evidence of a genetically-inherited defect in tolerance induction 2019
54 TOLKEDA Modulating brain structural plasticity versus neurodegeneration via a novel mechanism involving neurotrophins and dopamine, Tolls and Kek truncated-Trk-like receptors in Drosophila. 2018
55 MSP Magnetite surface properties in the various conditions of power plant water steam cycle 2018
56 FASTMAGNETS Ultrafast Demagnetization Dynamics Using Novel Table-top X-ray Source 2018
57 Newron-TBI Neurogenesis-related changes in hippocampal new neurons and circuits after traumatic brain injury 2018
58 ICE2LAST Innovative technology based on the integration of natural substances in ice to improve animal welfare and extend shelf-life of farmed fish 2018
59 HelpUS Pioneering focused Ultrasounds as a new non-invasive deep brain stimulation for a causal investigation of empathy related brain processes in moral learning and decision making 2018
60 PLASMAFIL Efficient and cost-effective PLASMA surface treatment method Efficient and cost-effective PLASMA surface treatment method for flexible FILtration materials used in the separation of immiscible liquids 2018
61 OXYGEN SENSING Acute oxygen sensing and oxygen tolerance in C. elegans 2019
62 TextiaOriginCRS Children Restraint System integrated in the car-seat 2018
63 ECOFEED Altered eco-evolutionary feedbacks in a future climate 2019
64 GreenAnt Nature of a Greenbeard Gene in the Fire Ant 2019
65 Rewarding Stereotype The reward value of stereotypes: Evaluating the contribution of the neural reward circuitry to the persistence of stereotypes 2019
66 MultiPan A Multi-omics Approach To Decode Epigenetic Lesions In Pancreatic Cancer Development 2019
67 FRAMTID Sustainable food packaging technology as an alternative to plastic 2019
68 MANMAX Managing forage fisheries and marine predators to maximise conservation gains 2020
69 UpTrop Fundamental understanding of reactive nitrogen in the global upper troposphere 2019
71 IN-FET Ionic Neuromodulation For Epilepsy Treatment 2020
72 SweetBrain A new perspective on the metabolic pathway to neuronal dysfunction: Using organs on a chip to elucidate the role of the brain microvasculature 2020
73 ABODYFORCE High Throughput Microfluidic Cell and Nanoparticle Handling by Molecular and Thermal Gradient Acoustic Focusing 2019
74 SYSAGING A platform for rapidly mapping the molecular and systemic dynamics of aging 2020
75 OCTOBER Control of cell identity in pluripotent and germline cells by OCT4 orchestration of chromatin binding and enhancer regulation 2019
76 HUGODECA Human Gonad Developmental Cell Atlas 2020
77 FFEs Frozen Fried Eggs: Industrial process for the manufacture of frozen fried eggs 2019
78 HAP2 Host-targeted Approaches for the Prevention and the treatment of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia 2020
79 FluxWIN The role of non-growing season processes in the methane and nitrous oxide budgets in pristine northern ecosystems 2020
80 AIMed Antimicrobial Integrated Methodologies for orthopaedic applications 2020
81 MYCOREV A Mycorrhizal Revolution: The role of diverse symbiotic fungi in modern terrestrial ecosystems 2020
82 CHANGINGELITES Changing elites: how social and institutional change has altered the processes of elite formation over time? 2020
83 CYBER-PDR Disempowering Cyber-Attackers 2020
84 MiMoZa Microbiota modulation through horizontal gene transfer. 2020
85 NEUROPREG Eating patterns in pregnancy: unraveling the underlying neurocircuits and its deleterious metabolic consequences 2021
86 HT4PD The role of the serotonin 5-HT4 receptor in motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease 2021