Opendata, web and dolomites


Synthesis of Spirooxindoles and INdoles pharmaceuticals using Metal-Organic Frameworks

Total Cost €


EC-Contrib. €






 SINMOF project word cloud

Explore the words cloud of the SINMOF project. It provides you a very rough idea of what is the project "SINMOF" about.

environmentally    site    relationships    ultrastable    chance    materials    metal    compounds    spirooxindole    molecular    losses    occurring    framework    highest    completing    derive    mof    scales    researcher    expertise    economically    neurotransmitter    respect    translated    microscopy    length    model    underlying    isolated    structure    convenient    heterogeneous    sensitivities    sar405838    introduction    internal    beneficial    world    fellow    catalyst    mutually    homogeneous    stable    individuate    successfully    sumatriptan    catalysis    industry    insights    solid    isolation    structured    hybrid    porous    collaborations    immobilised    train    generation    selective    fluorescence    active    organic    pharmaceutical    combined    comprehensively    multifunctional    manner    methodology    stage    strategies    secondment    center    selectivity    pharmaceutically    mechanisms    pioneering    anticancerigen    smallest    indole    pharmaceuticals    employing    core    sinmof    synthetic    resistant    mofs    deactivation    self    employed    catalysts    effort    solids    ensures    host    overcome    catalytic    synthesis    sites   

Project "SINMOF" data sheet

The following table provides information about the project.


Organization address
address: OUDE MARKT 13
city: LEUVEN
postcode: 3000

contact info
title: n.a.
name: n.a.
surname: n.a.
function: n.a.
email: n.a.
telephone: n.a.
fax: n.a.

 Coordinator Country Belgium [BE]
 Project website
 Total cost 160˙800 €
 EC max contribution 160˙800 € (100%)
 Programme 1. H2020-EU.1.3.2. (Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility)
 Code Call H2020-MSCA-IF-2016
 Funding Scheme MSCA-IF-EF-ST
 Starting year 2017
 Duration (year-month-day) from 2017-06-01   to  2019-05-31


Take a look of project's partnership.

# participants  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 


 Project objective

SINMOF is a pioneering and structured effort to comprehensively address the introduction of different immobilised isolated catalytic active sites in solid hybrid materials to overcome the metal losses occurring with state-of-the-art homogeneous catalysts employed in the pharmaceutical industry. The convenient use of hybrid metal-organic framework materials (MOFs) respect to traditional state-of-the-art porous solid materials is due to (a) self-deactivation-resistant design of the active sites by (b) ultrastable catalytic site isolation. In the SINMOF project we will (1) design novel multifunctional MOFs as next generation catalysts for the synthesis of pharmaceutically active compounds in an economically and environmentally beneficial way; (2) apply MOF hybrid solids as heterogeneous catalysts to avoid the use of homogeneous metal catalysts in novel synthetic strategies of pharmaceuticals with the indole core and finally (3) derive structure-activity and selectivity relationships at the smallest possible length scales and with the highest possible sensitivities employing fluorescence microscopy. Using a two-stage research methodology, SINMOF will finally provide the most active and stable MOF catalyst for the synthesis of the indole-based neurotransmitter Sumatriptan and the anticancerigen spirooxindole SAR405838. The combined expertise of the fellow and host ensures the best chance for successfully completing the SINMOF objectives in a mutually beneficial manner. On one side, internal collaborations at the host institution will allow the access to state-of-the-art fluorescence microscopy methods, to get new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the novel catalytic systems. On the other side, a secondment at a world-leading research center in the homogeneous catalysis field will train the researcher in order to individuate the best molecular features for model homogeneous catalysts to be translated into selective heterogeneous MOF catalytic system.


year authors and title journal last update
List of publications.
2018 Cédric Van Goethem, Matthias Mertens, Francisco G. Cirujano, Jin W. Seo, Dirk De Vos, Ivo F. J. Vankelecom
Improved MOF nanoparticle recovery and purification using crosslinked PVDF membranes
published pages: 7370-7373, ISSN: 1359-7345, DOI: 10.1039/c8cc04326d
Chemical Communications 54/53 2020-01-21
2019 Chunmei Jia, Francisco G. Cirujano, Bart Bueken, Birgit Claes, Dries Jonckheere, Kevin M. Van Geem, Dirk De Vos
Geminal Coordinatively Unsaturated Sites on MOF‐808 for the Selective Uptake of Phenolics from a Real Bio‐Oil Mixture
published pages: 1256-1266, ISSN: 1864-5631, DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201802692
ChemSusChem 12/6 2020-01-21
2019 Chunmei Jia, Bart Bueken, Francisco G. Cirujano, Kevin M. Van Geem, Dirk De Vos
Phenolics isolation from bio-oil using the metal–organic framework MIL-53(Al) as a highly selective adsorbent
published pages: 6245-6248, ISSN: 1359-7345, DOI: 10.1039/c9cc02177a
Chemical Communications 55/44 2020-01-21
2017 Maxime Stalpaert, Francisco G. Cirujano, Dirk E. De Vos
Tetrabutylphosphonium Bromide Catalyzed Dehydration of Diols to Dienes and Its Application in the Biobased Production of Butadiene
published pages: 5802-5809, ISSN: 2155-5435, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.7b01765
ACS Catalysis 7/9 2020-01-21
2019 Carlos Marquez, Francisco G. Cirujano, Simon Smolders, Cédric Van Goethem, Ivo Vankelecom, Dirk De Vos, Trees De Baerdemaeker
Metal ion exchange in Prussian blue analogues: Cu( ii )-exchanged Zn–Co PBAs as highly selective catalysts for A 3 coupling
published pages: 3946-3954, ISSN: 1477-9226, DOI: 10.1039/c9dt00388f
Dalton Transactions 48/12 2020-01-21
2018 Carlos Marquez, Francisco G. Cirujano, Cédric Van Goethem, Ivo Vankelecom, Dirk De Vos, Trees De Baerdemaeker
Tunable Prussian blue analogues for the selective synthesis of propargylamines through A 3 coupling
published pages: 2061-2065, ISSN: 2044-4753, DOI: 10.1039/c8cy00073e
Catalysis Science & Technology 8/8 2020-01-21
2017 Francisco G Cirujano, Elena López‐Maya, Marleny Rodríguez‐Albelo, Elisa Barea, Jorge AR Navarro, Dirk E De Vos
Selective One‐Pot Two‐Step C− C Bond Formation using Metal–Organic Frameworks with Mild Basicity as Heterogeneous Catalysts
published pages: , ISSN: 1867-3899, DOI:
chemcatchem 2020-01-21
2017 FG Cirujano
MOFs vs. zeolites: carbonyl activation with M (IV) catalytic sites
published pages: , ISSN: 2044-4761, DOI:
Catalysis Science & Technology 2020-01-21
2017 Francisco G Cirujano, Ignacio Luz, Mustapha Soukri, Cedric Van Goethem, Ivo FJ Vankelecom, Marty Lail, Dirk E De Vos
Boosting the catalytic performance of metal–organic frameworks for steroid transformations by confinement within a mesoporous scaffold
published pages: , ISSN: 1521-3773, DOI:
Angewandte Chemie Int Ed 2020-01-21
2018 Francisco G Cirujano, Maxime Stalpaert, Dirk E De Vos
Ionic liquids vs. microporous solids as reusable reaction media for the catalytic C–H functionalization of indoles with alcohols
published pages: , ISSN: 1463-9270, DOI:
Green chemistry 2020-01-21
2018 Francisco G Cirujano, Elena López-Maya, JAR Navarro, Dirk E De Vos
Pd (II)–Ni (II) Pyrazolate Framework as Active and Recyclable Catalyst for the Hydroamination of Terminal Alkynes
published pages: , ISSN: 1022-5528, DOI:
Topics in Catalysis 2020-01-21
2019 F G Cirujano
Engineered MOFs and Enzymes for the Synthesis of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
published pages: , ISSN: 1867-3899, DOI:
chemcatchem 2020-01-21
2018 Francisco G Cirujano, Pedro Leo, Jannick Vercammen, Simon Smolders, Gisela Orcajo, Dirk E De Vos
MOFs Extend the Lifetime of Pd (II) Catalyst for Room Temperature Alkenylation of Enamine‐Like Arenes
published pages: , ISSN: 1615-4169, DOI:
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 2020-01-21
2019 Nuria Martin, Michiel Dusselier, Dirk E De Vos, Francisco G Cirujano
Metal-Organic Framework Derived Metal Oxide Clusters in Porous Aluminosilicates: A Catalyst Design for the Synthesis of Bioactive aza-Heterocycles
published pages: , ISSN: 2155-5435, DOI:
ACS Catalysi 2020-01-21

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