Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Univerzita komenskeho v bratislave"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 BIOSEQANALYSIS Computational methods for biological sequence analysis with application to evolution of yeast mitochondrial genomes 2009 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
2 ALGGENOMES Algorithms for Analysis of Genes and Genomes 2009 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
3 NLAMATHMODELS "Nonlinear Analysis in Mathematical Models: Heat Damage, Stability of Nonlinear Waves and Spectral-Scattering Problems" 2009 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
4 MEIOSIS2012 Chromosome segregation during meiosis 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
5 CONAN Model Checking and Synthesis for Concurrent Software 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
6 WOGYMARKET "Workers, Gypsies, and the Market: The Anthropology of New Fascism in Eastern Europe" 2014 254˙025.00 254˙025.00

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