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H2020 projects about "associations"

The page lists 315 projects related to the topic "associations".

# achronym  title  year 
3 EUCLID EU-CHINA Lever for IPM Demonstration 2015
4 EDC-MixRisk Integrating Epidemiology and Experimental Biology to Improve Risk Assessment of Exposure to Mixtures of Endocrine Disruptive Compounds 2015
5 LYNCEUS2MARKET An innovative people localisation system for safe evacuation of large passenger ships 2015
6 STYLE Sustainability Toolkit for easY Life-cycle Evaluation 2015
7 ERC-EuropePMC-2-2014 Extracting funding statements from full text research articles in the life sciences 2014
8 MetaFlex Metabolic flexibility: breaking down food effectively to prolong life 2015
9 e-CAERO 2 European Collaborative Dissemination of Aeronautical research and applications 2 2014
10 COSIP Clarifying Optimal Sodium Intake Project 2015
11 European IPR Helpdesk The European IPR Helpdesk 2015
12 GNSS.asia2 Industrial cooperation across continents 2015
13 3D Tune-In 3D-games for TUNing and lEarnINg about hearing aids 2015
14 fromROLLtoBAG Consumer Driven Local Production with the Help of Virtual Design and Digital Manufacturing 2015
15 SAGE-CARE SemAntically integrating Genomics with Electronic health records for Cancer CARE 2014
16 CRACKER Cracking the Language Barrier: Coordination, Evaluation and Resources for European MT Research 2015
17 BioRES Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy 2015
18 ENF2015 EuroNanoForum 2015 2014
19 greenGain Supporting Sustainable Energy Production from Biomass from Landscape Conservation and Maintenance Work 2015
20 Bioenergy4Business Uptake of Solid Bioenergy in European Commercial Sectors (Industry, Trade, Agricultural and Service Sectors) – Bioenergy for Business 2015
21 ENERGISE ICT-based ENERgy Grid Implementation – Smart and Efficient 2015
22 IIT Industrial Innovation in Transition 2015
23 PROF-TRAC PROFessional multi-disciplinary TRAining and Continuing development in skills for NZEB principles 2015
24 YMOBILITY Youth mobility: maximising opportunities for individuals, labour markets and regions in Europe 2015
25 RESFARM Developing and implementing financial instruments for the mobilisation of investments in renewable energy in the agrarian sector 2015
26 TOPTEN ACT Enabling consumer action towards top energy-efficient products 2015
27 OK-Net Arable Organic Knowledge Network Arable 2015
28 PERS-RELICT-CLIM The persistence of relict populations under climate change 2016
29 BioEnergyTrain BioEnergyTrain 2015
30 REDOxHEART The Role of Adipose-Tissue Derived wnt-ligands in the Regulation of Myocardial Redox Signalling 2015
31 SCIL The role of social cues for infant word learning 2016
32 BRIDGES Bioinformatic approaches to identify and detect both disease- and drug-related genomic alterations in breast cancer patients 2015
33 AMIABLE Advanced MIcroscopy of Attine ant BacteriaL Endosymbionts 2015
34 NESIAC Nanobody-enabled Structural Investigation of a G Protein-Coupled Receptor-Arrestin Complex 2015
35 LEGEND LEGEND, Sport goes viral 2015
36 TruckSecurity Truck Security_ Fuel and cargo theft detection alarm system 2015
37 Neural Designer A high performance solution for predictive analytics 2015
38 EFFECTIVE Exploiting Factory of the Future projects through Enhanced Clustering towards Technology Transfer, Innovation and Value creation for European industry. 2015
39 EPIC Electric Propulsion Innovation and Competitiveness 2014
40 MENUTERRANEUS Algorithm for healthy eating habits 2015
41 GRAVITATE Geometric Reconstruction And noVel semantIc reunificaTion of culturAl heriTage objEcts 2015
42 DIMINU Decentralised diminished mineralization incineration unit for dewatered sewage sludge lends resource efficient low-carbon electricity generation 2015
43 MF-RADAR Multi-frequency RADAR imaging for the analysis of tropical forest structure in the Amazon 2016
44 SET LU Organisation and Delivery of the Luxembourgish Presidency Conference on the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) 2015
45 BlindShell BlindShell - making smart phones accessible for the visually impaired 2015
46 IMMUNOBIOME Identifying microbiotal triggers of inflammatory bowel disease through the lens of the immune system 2016
47 CITRIMACC Circulation Pilot with Continuous Control of Multi-Modal Air Cargo Containers 2015
48 ZOOMecular Read the fine print: Zooming into paleoenvironmental and biogeochemical processes through molecular imaging of biomarker distributions in sediments 2015
49 EMBRYOandLATERHEALTH Embryonic origins of cardiovascular health in later life: disentangling early causal pathways in a lifecourse perspective 2015
50 EPOS Enhanced energy and resource Efficiency and Performance in process industry Operations via onsite and cross-sectorial Symbiosis 2015
51 REE4EU REE4EU: integrated high temperature electrolysis (HTE) and Ion Liquid Extraction (ILE) for a strong and independent European Rare Earth Elements Supply Chain 2015
52 Code4Memory Neural oscillations - a code for memory 2015
53 PLOTINA Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation and training 2016
54 ObesityDevelop Effects of maternal gestational adiposity on fetal development and perinatal, postnatal and next generation health. 2015
55 Con Espressione Getting at the Heart of Things: Towards Expressivity-aware Computer Systems in Music 2016
56 NET- MARKET- FLUIDICS Networking and market approach to tackle the bottleneck of deploying micro and nanofluidics in Europe 2016
57 INVASIoN Impact of invasive alien true bug species in native tropich webs 2016
58 WIDENLIFE Widening the Scientific Excellence for Studies on Women’s and Fetal Health and Wellbeing 2016
59 NEWTON Networked Labs for Training in Sciences and Technologies for Information and Communication 2016
60 APOLLO Advisory platform for small farms based on earth observation 2016
61 Body Interact Body Interact - Training skills environment to improve patient safety and medical education 2015
62 HOBBIT Holistic Benchmarking of Big Linked Data 2015
63 ANNETTE Advanced Networking for Nuclear Education and Training and Transfer of Expertise 2016
64 ORPHEUS Object-based broadcasting – for European leadership in next generation audio experiences 2015
65 STARR Decision SupporT and self-mAnagement system for stRoke survivoRs 2016
66 uP_running Take-off for sustainable supply of woody biomass from agrarian pruning and plantation removal 2016
67 PUBLENEF Supporting PUBLic Authorities for Implementing Energy Efficiency Policies 2016
68 StarFormMapper A Gaia and Herschel Study of the Density Distribution and Evolution of Young Massive Star Clusters 2016
69 EE-METAL Applying energy efficient measures for metal and metalworking SMEs and industry 2016
70 SEFIPA Sustainable Energy Financing Plattform in Austria 2016
71 PREWArAs The Dark Side of the Belle Époque. Political violence and Armed Associations in Europe before the First World War 2016
72 TRANSITION ZERO Make Net Zero Energy refurbishments for houses a mass market reality 2016
73 BINDING FIBRES Soluble dietary fibre: unraveling how weak bonds have a strong impact on function 2016
74 INNO-4-AGRIFOOD Capitalising the full potential of on-line collaboration for SMEs innovation support in the Agri-Food ecosystem 2016
75 AGRIFORVALOR Bringing added value to agriculture and forest sectors by closing the research and innovation divide 2016
76 Sea Litter Critters A compact, unmanned, renewables-powered and self-sufficient vessel able to pick up marine litter and to treat it on board for volume reduction and energy recovery 2016
77 PAIR Physical Activity, Inflammation and Respiratory health: an integrative analysis of biological, behavioural and environmental determinants 2016
78 MastCloud Cost-efficient, 35 seconds, comprehensive mastitis management system for dairy farmers and veterinarians 2016
79 Smart-AKIS European Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) towards innovation-driven research in Smart Farming Technology 2016
80 INTERPLAY Interplay between genetic determinants of glycaemia, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in interaction with dietary and lifestyle factors 2017
81 DIALOY Mosaic loss of chromosome Y (LOY) in blood cells - a new biomarker for risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease in men 2016
82 Optimal-Immunity Optimal diversity in immunity – to overcome pathogens and maximize fitness; moving from correlative associations to a more mechanistic understanding using wild songbirds. 2016
83 EVO-MEIO Adaptive evolution of meiosis in response to genome and habitat change 2016
84 NUTBIO-DIAB Nutritional biomarkers to advance understanding of association between diet and type 2 diabetes 2016
85 EStoPARENTING Individual Differences in Environmental Sensitivity to Parenting 2016
86 PINBAC Characterising plant interactions with bacteria that promote the uptake of nitrogen and sulphur from organic sources 2016
87 FORGENET A novel approach for detecting polygenic adaptation applied to FORest tree candidate GEne NETworks 2017
88 DYNAMO Characterization of the diversity and function of plankton associated microbiota 2016
89 IDEA Island Diversity from an Eco-evolutionary Approach 2016
90 SKYOPENER SKYOPENER - establishing new foundations for the use of Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Systems for civilian applications. 2016
91 STEPN-UP Stilbene and entomopathogenic nematodes: Unlocking the potential 2017
92 STEM4youth Promotion of STEM education by key scientific challenges and their impact on our life and career perspectives 2016
93 DynaOmics From longitudinal proteomics to dynamic individualized diagnostics 2016
94 Urban_Wins Urban metabolism accounts for building Waste management Innovative Networks and Strategies 2016
95 GROW GROW Observatory 2016
96 AgroCycle Sustainable techno-economic solutions for the agricultural value chain 2016
97 RISEWISE RISEWISE -RISE Women with disabilities In Social Engagement 2016
98 HIRESMEMMANIP Spiking network mechanisms underlying short term memory 2016
99 CYPRESS CYprus Promotes RESearch and Science 2016
100 BISS Biometric Identification Security System 2016
101 BIG HIT Building Innovative Green Hydrogen systems in an Isolated Territory: a pilot for Europe 2016
102 Tropical lichens Symbionts and changing environment: Lichen diversity and photobiont associations in tropical mountain ecosystems 2016
103 OPENRESEARCHERS Open Researchers 2016
104 SHARPER SHAring Researchers’ Passion for Engagement and Responsibility 2016
105 MoralisingMisfortune Moralising Misfortune: A comparative anthropology of commercial insurance 2016
106 LICORNE LIssage de COrdons Robotisé Novateur Expert 2015
107 Tech4Freedom 2.0 Assistive Devices for the Visually Impaired and other Disabilities 2016
109 TRANSMIT TRANSlating the role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis 2017
110 NDTonAIR NDTonAIR: Training Network in Non-Destructive Testing and Structural Health Monitoring of Aircraft structures 2016
111 EIPIN IS European Intellectual Property Institutes Network - Innovation Society 2017
112 ReWaCEM Ressource recovery from industrial waste water by cutting edge membrane technologies 2016
113 Eclipse Ecological Low Impact Production Sport Elastomer 2016
114 BrailleJet Digitally controlled Braille and tactile graphic jet printing 2016
115 EXCITING EU-China study on IoT and 5G 2016
116 Next-Lab Next Generation Stakeholders and Next Level Ecosystem for ColLaborative Science Education with Online Labs 2017
117 SLIPO Scalable Linking and Integration of Big POI data 2017
118 ST4RT Semantic Transformations for Rail Transportation 2016
119 GoF4R Governance of the Interoperability Framework for Rail and Intermodal Mobility 2016
120 SCRREEN Solutions for CRitical Raw materials - a European Expert Network 2016
121 ERA-MIN 2 Implement a European-wide coordination of research and innovation programs on raw materials to strengthen the industry competitiveness and the shift to a circular economy 2016
122 IMAGENE Characterizing Function Genetic Variants Linking Immunity and Psychiatric Disorders 2017
123 PHENOSPACE Quantifying behavioural phenotype space: chemistry-to-gene screens and combination therapies 2016
124 SCOOBA Symbiotic COOperation and Boring Activity of Cliona sponges under a climate change context 2017
125 FLEXNEURO Flexible and robust nervous system function from reconfiguring networks 2017
126 Talkitt Speech recognition technology to enable the speech disabled to communicate freely 2016
127 HarmonicSS HARMONIzation and integrative analysis of regional, national and international Cohorts on primary Sjögren’s Syndrome (pSS) towards improved stratification, treatment and health policy making 2017
129 HyLAW Identification of legal rules and administrative processes applicable to Fuel Cell and Hydrogen technologies’ deployment, identification of legal barriers and advocacy towards their removal. 2017
130 RewardedPerception Functional circuits mediating the effects of reward value on perception within and across sensory modalities 2017
131 Reg-Seq Functional genomics of non-coding mutations in regulatory regions of four metabolic tissues, and their involvement into type 2 diabetes through large-scale sequencing 2017
132 SIRENA An emancipation device to increase mobility for disabled people 2017
133 DemandDemoc Demand for Democracy 2017
134 EyeSynth Audio-Visual System for the Blind Allowing Visually Impaired to See Through Hearing 2017
135 YawSTOP First stabilisation device to enable rotation-free and rotation-controlled lifting and loading of cargo and goods by cranes or helicopters to make transportation more efficient, reliable and safe 2017
136 MaRiA Microbiota and Resolvins in Arthritis 2017
137 HappyFish Understanding the role of the rainbow trout metagenome on growth and health in aquaculturally farmed fish 2018
138 AGG-REST-WEB Let restore our soils : using the soil food web to engineer the soil structure and functionning 2017
139 T.A.MA 'Sharing without Solidarity: Politics, Heritage and Pilgrimage in a Divided European Society' 2017
140 NEEDS Dynamic Urban Environmental Exposures on Depression and Suicide 2017
141 COGNAC NeuroCOGNitive impact of Air pollution exposures in Childhood: Assessment of air pollution effects on the development of cognition and behaviour in children 2017
142 MicroPhan Rol of obligate bacterial symbiosis in the diversification of a globally distributed aphid genus 2018
143 UCYN2PLAST Exploring the mechanisms underlying the evolution of plastids through the study of an unusual nitrogen-fixing symbiosis 2018
144 WORK-CHRIST The Young Christian Workers Movement and the radicalization of Social Conflict in Mediterranean Europe: France, Italy and Spain (1963-1978) 2017
145 PLANAFFHO PLANAFFHO - PLANning for AFFordable HOusing 2018
146 ClusterGal Investigating the mechanisms that shape galaxies in and around massive clusters 2017
147 HEGEMONIC HEpatocellular carcinoma GErmline MutatiONs ImpaCt (HEGEMONIC) 2017
148 ENCIRCLE European Cbrn Innovation for the maRket CLuster 2017
149 EUNITY Cybersecurity and privacy dialogue between Europe and Japan 2017
151 MINDb4ACT Mapping, IdentifyiNg and Developing skills and opportunities in operating environments to co-create innovative, ethical and effective ACTions to tackle radicalization leading to violent extremism 2017
152 OSOS Open Schools for Open Societies 2017
153 QualitEE Quality certification frameworks for Energy Efficiency services to scale up responsible investment in the building sector 2017
154 DREAMS DRone European AIM Study 2017
155 ChemPET Industrial scale PET chemical recycling plant based on innovative glycolysis process 2017
156 LIVESEED Improve performance of organic agriculture by boosting organic seed and plant breeding efforts across Europe 2017
157 WATERPROTECT Innovative tools enabling drinking WATER PROTECTion in rural and urban environments 2017
158 Eat2beNICE Effects of Nutrition and Lifestyle on Impulsive, Compulsive, and Externalizing behaviours 2017
159 CoNZEBs Solution sets for the Cost reduction of new Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings - CoNZEBs 2017
160 AUTOCOMPLEMENT The role of complement in the induction of autoimmunity against post-translationally modified proteins 2017
161 MEDIRAD Implications of Medical Low Dose Radiation Exposure 2017
162 DG ETIP Support to the activities of the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Deep Geothermal 2017
163 IPV_Tanzania Investigating the predictors of intimate partner violence: a mixed method longitudinal study in Tanzania 2017
164 PROBIOTEARS Probiotic-based Ophtalmologic treatment for Bacterial and Allergic Conjunctivitis 2017
165 HARMONI Harmonised assessment of regulatory bottlenecks and standardisation needs for the process industry 2017
166 TRANSVAC2 European Vaccine Research and Development Infrastructure 2017
167 HYBRID Innovative Training Network towards raising and supporting the next generation of creative and entrepreneurial cross-speciality imaging experts 2017
168 INTAC The International Register of Academic Job Categories. Facilitating Careers in the European Research Area 2017
169 L4MS Logistics for Manufacturing SMEs 2017
171 SC-EpiCode Decoding the Epigenomic Regulatory Code by the Use of Single Cell Technologies 2017
172 REACH Re-designing access to CH for a wider participation in preservation, (re)use and management of European culture 2017
173 PARE Perspectives for the Aeronautical Research in Europe 2017
174 NADiRA Nurturing Africa Digital Revolution for Agriculture 2017
176 MOODSTRATIFICATION Immune Signatures for Therapy Stratification in Major Mood Disorders 2018
177 COLOSSUS Advancing a Precision Medicine Paradigm in metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Systems based patient stratification solutions 2018
178 PLASREVOLUTION Understanding the evolution of plasmid-mediated antibiotic resistance in real life scenarios 2018
179 MHINT Genetic, behavioural and cognitive mechanisms underpinning the association between mother and offspring mental health problems: mental (M) health (H) intergenerational transmission (INT) -(MHINT) 2017
180 CORNET Multiscale modelling and characterization to optimize the manufacturing processes of Organic Electronics materials and devices 2018
181 AirBorne AerIal RoBotic technologies for professiOnal seaRch aNd rescuE 2018
182 ParallelMemories Cooperative and competitive parallel memory units for choice behaviors 2018
183 MIRA Microbe induced Resistance to Agricultural pests 2017
184 MEL-Interactions An integrative approach for the exploration of melanoma genetic and immunological interactions 2018
185 YAKSHA Cybersecurity Awareness and Knowledge Systemic High-level Application 2018
186 TripleA-reno Attractive, Acceptable and Affordable deep Renovation by a consumers orientated and performance evidence based approach 2018
187 PentaHelix Multi stakeholder and governance approach for SECAP development and implementation 2018
188 HAPPI Housing Association’s Energy Efficiency Process Planning and Investments 2018
189 INDI INDI, world’s first 100% dairy free, soy-free infant-formula. 2018
190 InfoSeekDev Nurturing the Development of Information Seeking Skills 2018
191 DeepRNA Discovering functional protein-RNA interactions through data integration and machine learning. 2018
192 DEMAIRPO Association of air pollution with dementia risk: is it confounded and mediated by environmental tobacco smoke and consumption of fish? 2018
193 ICONET New ICT infrastructure and reference architecture to support Operations in future PI Logistics NETworks 2018
194 EE-Dynamics Dynamics of eco-evolutionary systems 2018
195 SIRENA Novel electric stair climber to break barriers in transport of disabled people and goods through a safe, quick and comfortable movement 2018
196 SMOOTH GDPR Compliance Cloud Platform for Micro Enterprises 2018
197 IN-Fo-trace-DG Role of GABAergic interneurons in the formation of new memory traces in the Dentate Gyrus ofbehaving mice 2018
198 UNIFORM A Unified Sustainability Index Framework for Small and Medium Enterprises 2018
199 Host Sweet Home Unravelling the mechanisms that allow endosymbionts to make themselves at home within hosts, from transfer to transit. 2018
200 SHIP2FAIR Solar Heat for Industrial Process towards Food and Agro Industries Commitment in Renewables 2018
201 qMAR Quantification of the intestinal load of a targeted set of resistance genes to Monitor Antibiotic Resistance in paediatric transplant patients 2018
202 SCIMOD Foundations of Model Based Science 2018
203 HySeas III Realising the world's first sea-going hydrogen-powered RoPax ferry and a business model for European islands 2018
204 TROMPA Towards Richer Online Music Public-domain Archives 2018
205 URBiNAT URBiNAT - Healthy corridors as drivers of social housing neighbourhoods for the co-creation of social, environmental and marketable NBS 2018
206 PARADIGM Patients Active in Research and Dialogues for an Improved Generation of Medicines: Advancing meaningful patient engagement in the life cycle of medicines for better health outcomes. 2018
207 DEVINCI Developmental principles for the functional specialisation of inhibitory circuits in neocortical areas 2018
208 IMMUNEDIVERSITY Defining of human adaptive immune gene diversity and its impact on disease 2018
209 LEAP-EXTREME Local Edaphic Adaptation in Plants through Leveraging an Extremophile Model 2018
211 MedicalPhant An advanced 3D simulator to generate 3D-personalized tissue and organ models for diagnosis, planning and pre-treatment of medical vascular interventions 2018
212 LIFESPAN Early-life influences on suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and suicide mortality: a life-courseperspective to inform prevention 2018
213 PhagoPROD GMP manufacturing & GLP diagnostic: Towards a personalised phage therapy against antimicrobial resistance 2018
214 CircuBED Circular Built Environment Design - Applying the Circular Economy to the Design of Social Housing 2018
215 Child-MHO Genetics of metabolically healthy obesity (MHO) and metabolically unhealthy normal weight (MUNW) in children, and the childhood predictors of adulthood MHO and MUNW 2018
216 D-NOSES Distributed Network for Odour Sensing, Empowerment and Sustainability 2018
217 PaSION A longitudinal assessment of treatment experience, symptoms and potential associations with biomarkers in cancer patients undergoing immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy 2018
218 BEES BE a citizEn Scientist 2018
219 BloodVariome Genetic variation exposes regulators of blood cell formation in vivo in humans 2018
220 REVFAIL FAILURE: Reversing the Genealogies of Unsuccess, 16th-19th centuries 2019
221 NEUME Neuroplasticity and the Musical Experience 2018
222 sEEIngDOM Ecological and Evolutionary Importance of Molecular Diversity in Dissolved Organic Matter 2019
223 CAFE Climate Advanced Forecasting of sub-seasonal Extremes 2019
224 DiManD Digital Manufacturing and Design Training Network 2019
225 POLYNSPIRE Demonstration of Innovative Technologies towards a more Efficient and Sustainable Plastic Recycling 2018
226 EO4AGRI Bringing together the Knowledge for Better Agriculture Monitoring 2018
227 SmartDataLake Sustainable Data Lakes for Extreme-Scale Analytics 2019
228 NGIoT Next Generation Internet of Things 2018
230 SAFETY FOREST An integrated decision-making platform for the prediction, prevention and extinction of wildfires in real-time. 2018
232 RIMA Robotics for Infrastructure Inspection and MAintenance 2019
233 ENDpoiNTs Novel Testing Strategies for Endocrine Disruptors in the Context of Developmental NeuroToxicity 2019
234 GIFT Geographical Islands FlexibiliTy 2019
235 PD_Pal Palliative care in Parkinson’s disease 2019
236 ZDMP Zero Defect Manufacturing Platform 2019
237 ICYBOB Initial Conditions of YMCs, Birth of OB associations and long term evolution of stellar clusters 2019
238 STARS Strengthening training of academia in regulatory sciences and supporting regulatory scientific advice (STARS) 2019
239 LoGov Local Government and the Changing Urban-Rural Interplay 2019
240 GUTSY The gut microbiota and its systemic effects on metabolism and atherosclerotic disease 2019
241 ARIADNEplus Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Data Networking in Europe - plus 2019
242 RE-MATCH Creating artificial turf yarns with new recycling technologies for circular economy 2018
243 SYMBeetle Symbiont-assisted cuticle biosynthesis as a key innovation contributing to the evolutionary success of beetles 2019
244 WoodCircus Underpinning the vital role of the forest-based sector in the Circular Bio-Economy 2018
245 FIN-TECH A FINancial supervision and TECHnology compliance training programme 2019
246 CyberSec4Europe Cyber Security Network of Competence Centres for Europe 2019
247 Time Machine Time Machine : Big Data of the Past for the Future of Europe 2019
248 SPORTDIPL Postcolonial Diplomacy and the Public Culture of Sport: Britain and India, 1946-1996 2019
249 SPECTO Athletics Advanced Sports Data Measurement and Analysis Solution for Athletics 2019
250 INTERACT Phylogenetic association mapping and its application to secondary metabolite variation in Brassicaceae species 2019
251 FARMACCOUNTA Farm Accountancy Data as a Source for the History of European Agriculture 2019
252 FUN2MODEL From FUnction-based TO MOdel-based automated probabilistic reasoning for DEep Learning 2019
253 RINFEC The Roots of Infection 2019
254 SAECG Prediction of AF incidence using PR interval measurements, echocardiographic data and biomarker profiles: Analyses within epidemiological Framingham Heart Study and LIFE Health Care Study cohorts 2019
255 SYMBIO-INC Mechanisms of symbiotic incompatibility in the arbuscular mycorrhizal association 2020
256 PSF-2-PREDICT Predicting when plant-soil feedbacks promote or prevent alien plant invasion. 2020
257 Narratives4Change Capitalising Public Narratives in the organising of Grassroots Roma Women 2019
258 MINSOC Minority civil society, inter-ethnic peace and sustainable democracy 2019
259 GENI Gender, emotions and national identities: a new perspective on the abortion debates in Italy (1971-1981). 2019
260 INF-CVD Chronic inflammation and cardiovascular risk 2019
261 CAR-OAC Carotid-artery-on-a-chip device to model thromboembolisms induced by vascular lesions and perform drug screenings 2020
262 DENMARK DNA, Environment, Mineral Association: Reaction Kinetics 2020
263 SecureGas Securing The European Gas Network 2019
264 EEPLIANT3 Energy Efficiency Compliant Products 3 2019
265 TUASPA How does Time Use and availability affect the associations between Activity Space, the environment and Physical Activity among European Adults? 2019
266 STOPTHEFRAUDINOLIVEO Fighting counterfeiting in Olive Oil with blockchain - a working product has arrived 2019
267 HARNESS Harnessing experimental evolution of rhizobia for an integrative view of endosymbiosis 2019
268 BovReg BovReg - Identification of functionally active genomic features relevant to phenotypic diversity and plasticity in cattle 2019
269 Block.IS Blockchain Innovation Spaces 2019
270 HealthierWomen A woman's reproductive experience: Long-term implications for chronic disease and death 2019
271 ICCEE Improving Cold Chain Energy Efficiency 2019
273 INNOVA MEASURE IV Econometric analyses and indicators on Research, Excellence and Impact of Research and Innovation 2019
274 DISTINCT Dementia: Intersectorial Strategy for Training and Innovation Network for Current Technology (DISTINCT) 2019
275 SPANUMBRA Number-space associations in the brain 2019
276 OSHub Open Science Hub Network: Empowering Citizens through STEAM Education with Open Schooling 2019
277 InterConnect Interoperable Solutions Connecting Smart Homes, Buildings and Grids 2019
279 DigiPLACE Digital Platform for Construction in Europe 2019
280 MYODM-FSMP New food for special medical purposes to nutritionally manage Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 2019
281 HELoS Health.E Lighthouse Support Initiative 2019
282 ChinaUrban Rethinking China’s Model of Urban Governance 2020
283 FLEXIGRID Interoperable solutions for implementing holistic FLEXIbility services in the distribution GRID 2019
284 BlockStart Helping SMEs take the first steps into the Blockchain 2019
285 TrainCKDis Multidisciplinary Training in Chronic Kidney Disease: from genetic modifiers to drug discovery 2020
286 BIOEASTsUP Advancing Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy in Central and Eastern European countries: BIOEASTsUP 2019
287 BASAJAUN BASAJAUN - Building A SustainAble Joint between rurAl and UrbaN Areas Through Circular And Innovative Wood Construction Value Chains 2019
288 REPLACE Making heating and cooling for European consumers efficient, economically resilient, clean and climate-friendly 2019
289 FORESTMAP Quick and cost-effective integrated web platform for forest inventories 2019
290 VACDIVA A safe DIVA vaccine for African Swine Fever control and eradication 2019
292 ARGPHENO Using hidden genealogical structure to study the architecture of human disease 2020
293 UNICOM Up-scaling the global univocal identification of medicines 2019
294 TOKEN Transformative Impact Of BlocKchain tEchnologies iN Public Services 2020
295 rumicon The first holistic & preventive monitoring system of dairy cows’ health 2019
296 AXONENDO Endosomal control of local protein synthesis in axons 2020
297 PainFACT Molecular Mechanisms Associating Chronic Pain with Fatigue, Affective Disorders, Cardiovascular Disease and Total Comorbidity 2020
298 HUGODECA Human Gonad Developmental Cell Atlas 2020
299 4 4 - Leveraging Asia for European GNSS 2020
300 LONGITOOLS Dynamic longitudinal exposome trajectories in cardiovascular and metabolic non-communicable diseases 2020
301 HEDIMED Human Exposomic Determinants of Immune Mediated Diseases 2020
302 THyGA Testing Hydrogen admixture for Gas Applications 2020
303 DISCOvERIE Development, dIagnostic and prevention of gender-related Somatic and mental COmorbitiEs in iRritable bowel syndrome In Europe 2020
304 SHOW SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption 2020
305 CORPORATOCRACY The Business Corporation as a Political Actor 2020
306 GUARDIAN Eco-friendly smart doors for non-residential building fire protection 2020
308 WildFishGenes New insights into the genetic mechanisms underlying behavioural variation in wild marine fish 2020
309 symESTIM Harnessing spinal electrical stimulation to modulate autonomic function after spinal cord injury 2020
310 ProArc The protein archive: preservation potential of ancient human diets and diseases. 2020
311 RightsLab Towards Transnational Labour Rights? Temporary Work Agencies and Third Country National Workers in the EU. 2021
312 NEANDER-TALe Origins and Evolution of the Neanderthal Cranial Morphology 2021
313 SocialNAc Circuit and synaptic plasticity mechanisms of approach and avoidance social behavior. 2020
314 MEM-ENTO Tracing memory formation in a behaving animal: analysis of learning-induced morpho-functional plasticity along the bee’s olfactory system 2020
315 EcoScan guano-based monitoring of ecosystems – a novel approach to capture ecological processes underlying ecosystem health 2020