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H2020 projects about "multimodal"

The page lists 205 projects related to the topic "multimodal".

# achronym  title  year 
1 CDS-QUAMRI A Clinical Decision Support system based on Quantitative multimodal brain MRI for personalized treatment in neurological and psychiatric disorders 2015
2 BONVOYAGE From Bilbao to Oslo, intermodal mobility solutions and interfaces for people and goods, supported by an innovative communication network 2015
4 EuTravel Optimodal European Travel Ecosystem 2015
5 TIMON Enhanced real time services for an optimized multimodal mobility relying on cooperative networks and open data 2015
7 MAShES Multimodal spectrAl control of laSer processing with cognitivE abilities 2014
8 DATASET2050 Data driven approach for a Seamless Efficient European Travelling in 2050 2014
9 CRASK Cortical Representation of Abstract Semantic Knowledge 2015
10 UKRAINE UKraine Replication, Awareness and INnovation based on EGNSS 2015
11 RAMCIP Robotic Assistant for MCI patients at home 2015
12 MoreGrasp Restoration of upper limb function in individuals with high spinal cord injury by multimodal neuroprostheses for interaction in daily activities 2015
13 MAMEM Multimedia Authoring and Management using your Eyes and Mind 2015
14 RAPID-MIX Realtime Adaptive Prototyping for Industrial Design of Multimodal Interactive eXpressive technology 2015
15 KRISTINA Knowledge-Based Information Agent with Social Competence and Human Interaction Capabilities 2015
16 FANCI Face and body Analysis Natural Computer Interaction 2015
17 AIDE Adaptive Multimodal Interfaces to Assist Disabled People in Daily Activities 2015
18 PHOROSOL Integrating photochemistry in nanoconfined carbon-based porous materials in technological processes 2016
19 CP2 CP2 is a project to develop a new wrist placement technology that can detect anomalies with both the Cardio and Vascular systems simultaneously. 2014
20 CAPTOR cAPTor captures Advanced System Threats 2014
21 AUGGMED Automated Serious Game Scenario Generator for Mixed Reality Training 2015
22 iNEXT Infrastructure for NMR, EM and X-rays for translational research 2015
23 REFINET REthinking Future Infrastructure NETworks 2015
24 EPINET Detection of brain patterns for the characterisation of epileptic networks 2015
25 EnAct Enacting heritage: The aesthetic dynamics of cultural transmission 2016
26 NIMBLIS Laser Induced Synthesis of Biocompatible Multifunctional Inorganic Nanoparticles: A Novel Route to Produce Multifunctional Contrast Agents for Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer 2016
27 EMMA European Multimodal Metaphor in Advertising 2015
28 LEACON LEArning-CONtrol tight interaction: a novel approach to robust execution of mobile manipulation tasks 2016
29 MAGnUM A Multiscale and Multimodal Modelling Approach for Green Urban Traffic Management 2015
30 CardioFunXion Towards a novel paradigm for cardiac function assessment from imaging 2015
31 SmartMic Smart Multimodal Microscopy for High-Throughput Developmental Biology in Real-Time 2015
32 RoVi Robotic manipulator with visuo-haptic sensing 2015
33 MMAF Novel multimodal approach to atrial fibrillation risk assessment and identification of targets for prevention by interdisciplinary exploitation of omics, advanced electrocardiography, and imaging 2016
34 RESSTORE REgenerative Stem cell therapy for STroke in Europe 2015
35 ANGEO2 For cognitively-impaired or visually-impaired persons suffering from spatial disorientation, a smartphone-based navigation aid that is both reliable and safe for urban pedestrian mobility. 2015
36 BREAKBEN Breaking the Nonuniqueness Barrier in Electromagnetic Neuroimaging 2016
37 TELMI Technology Enhanced Learning of Musical Instrument Performance 2016
38 DE-ENIGMA DE-ENIGMA: Multi-Modal Human-Robot Interaction for Teaching and Expanding Social Imagination in Autistic Children 2016
39 L2TOR Second Language Tutoring using Social Robots 2016
40 ALLIANCE Enhancing excellence and innovation capacity in sustainable transport interchanges 2016
41 SAFE-CTS Efficient and cost-effective intermodal road-rail container freight system 2015
42 ComMUnion Net-shape joining technology to manufacture 3D multi-materials components based on metal alloys and thermoplastic composites 2015
43 SENSOCOM The tiny and the fast: the role of subcortical sensory structures in human communication 2016
44 mHealth4Afrika Community-based ICT for Maternal Healthcare in Africa 2015
45 MuMMER MultiModal Mall Entertainment Robot 2016
46 MOBILITY4EU Action Plan for the future of Mobility in Europe 2016
48 PRECIOUS Scaling-up biodegradable nanomedicines for multimodal for multimodal precision cancer immunotherapy 2016
49 MULTISIMO MULTImodal and MULTIparty Social Interactions MOdelling 2016
50 Dynamic Perspectives Unravelling perspective-taking: Examining the influence of multiple constraints on perspective selection and multimodal behavior through a dynamical systems' approach 2016
51 ChildGesture Neural Bases of Multimodal Integration in Children 2016
52 AVISSO Audiovisual Speech Segmentation and Oscillations 2016
53 BioMEP Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics 2016
54 C3-Cloud A Federated Collaborative Care Cure Cloud Architecture for Addressing the Needs of Multi-morbidity and Managing Poly-pharmacy 2016
55 FACTORY New paradigms for latent factor estimation 2016
56 ASGARD Analysis System for Gathered Raw Data 2016
57 MultisensoryIntegration Multisensory Integration in Time and Space 2016
58 ASTONISH Advancing Smart Optical Imaging and Sensing for Health 2016
59 MOTO the embodied reMOte Tower 2016
60 CHEMCHECK CHECKPOINTS IN CHECK: Novel Chemical Toolbox for Local Cancer Immunotherapy 2016
61 StandBy-U Real Time Response System towards Safety and Emergency Management Improvement in critical infrastructures and soft targets 2016
62 BUNGEE-TOOLS Building Next-Generation Computational Tools for High Resolution Neuroimaging Studies 2016
63 LEASP Learning spatiotemporal patterns in longitudinal image data sets of the aging brain 2016
64 ACoolTouch Neural mechanisms of multisensory perceptual binding 2016
65 BrainModes Personalized whole brain simulations: linking connectomics and dynamics in the human brain 2016
66 ADASANDME Adaptive ADAS to support incapacitated drivers Mitigate Effectively risks through tailor made HMI under automation 2016
67 RAGTIME Risk based approaches for Asset inteGrity multimodal Transport Infrastructure ManagEment 2016
68 TRAIN-HEAL-TH Empowering expectations for health and disease: Development of a pioneering training tool 2016
69 GlobalBioIm Global integrative framework for Computational Bio-Imaging 2016
70 Babylearn Neural mechanisms of learning in the infant brain : from Statistics to Rules and Symbols 2016
71 A4BLUE Adaptive Automation in Assembly For BLUE collar workers satisfaction in Evolvable context 2016
72 QUARTZ Quantum Information Access and Retrieval Theory 2017
73 FBI Multimodal, Functional Bio-Photonic Imaging 2016
74 SUPUVIR SUPercontinuum broadband light sources covering UV to IR applications 2016
75 ViMM Virtual Multimodal Museum 2016
76 ATTRACkTIVE Advanced Travel Companion and Tracking Services 2016
77 SKILLFUL Skills and competences development of future transportation professionals at all levels 2016
78 iMuSciCA Interactive Music Science Collaborative Activities 2017
79 GlobalDNA Dynamic Network Analysis of Global News Events 2016
80 MultimodalCellTrack Multimodal preclinical imaging probes to evaluate the safety and efficacy of regenerative medicine therapies 2016
81 CONQUEST CONQUEST: Enabling advanced medical imaging 2016
82 MOON Multi-modal Optical Diagnostics for Ocular and Neurodegenerative Disease 2016
83 ST4RT Semantic Transformations for Rail Transportation 2016
84 CVENT Risk assessment of plaque rupture and future cardiovascular events (CVENT) by multi-spectral photoacoustic imaging 2016
85 PICCOLO Multimodal highly-sensitive PhotonICs endoscope for improved in-vivo COLOn Cancer diagnosis and clinical decision support 2017
86 InteractiveSkin InteractiveSkin: Digital Fabrication of Personalized On-Body User Interfaces 2017
87 BrainDyn Tracking information flow in the brain: A unified and general framework for dynamic communication in brain networks 2017
88 GALAHAD Glaucoma – Advanced, LAbel-free High resolution Automated OCT Diagnostics 2016
89 beAWARE Enhancing decision support and management services in extreme weather climate events 2017
90 Levitate Levitation with localised tactile and audio feedback for mid-air interactions 2017
91 CortIMod Implementation and Preliminary Validation of a Novel Noninvasive Neuromodulation Technique to Restore Hand Movement and Promote Recovery after Stroke 2016
92 MEMPATHY At first INsight: how our memories shape empathy for others’ physical pain 2017
93 MEME Memory Engram Maintenance and Expression 2017
94 MoveAGAIN Movement restoration with Adaptive EEG And Immersive Neurofeedback 2018
95 DogSPEC Multimodal Spectral Imaging for Canine Skin Erythema Estimation: from the Lab to the Clinic – DogSPEC 2017
96 Photosense Photoacoustic and fluorescence imaging platform for biosensing applications: An innovative approach for the study of disease-related biomarkers 2017
97 SELFCEPTION Robotic self/other distinction for interaction under uncertainty 2017
98 CLUSTERS 2.0 Open network of hyper connected logistics clusters towards Physical Internet 2017
99 BRAINCODES Brain networks controlling social decisions 2017
100 Motivageing Motivation–cognition interaction in healthy ageing and Parkinson’s disease 2018
101 ROBORDER autonomous swarm of heterogeneous RObots for BORDER surveillance 2017
102 NEUROMODEL Statistical Modelling for relating multimodal neuroimaging to clinical outcomes in order to predict patient response to depression therapy. 2017
103 IoMUT The Internet of Musical Things - An ecosystem of interoperable devices connecting performers and audiences 2017
104 SMILE SMart mobILity at the European land borders 2017
105 SMILE SMart mobILity at the European land borders 2017
106 STYDS Seeing things you don't see: Unifying the philosophy, psychology and neuroscience of multimodal mental imagery 2017
107 X5gon X5gon: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network 2017
108 SAAM Supporting Active Ageing through Multimodal coaching 2017
109 NESTORE Novel Empowering Solutions and Technologies for Older people to Retain Everyday life activities 2017
110 GEL-SYS Smart HydroGEL SYStems – From Bioinspired Design to Soft Electronics and Machines 2018
111 CONNECTIVE Connecting and Analysing the Digital Transport Ecosystem 2017
112 ECOLANG Ecological Language: A multimodal approach to language and the brain 2018
113 EMPATHIC Empathic, Expressive, Advanced Virtual Coach to Improve Independent Healthy-Life-Years of the Elderly 2017
114 NANOCARGO Photo/magnetic stimulated nanocargos for superior cancer treatments 2018
115 NeuroLang Accelerating Neuroscience Research by Unifying Knowledge Representation and Analysis Through a Domain Specific Language 2018
116 Oyster Open characterisation and modelling environment to drive innovation in advanced nano-architectured and bio-inspired hard/soft interfaces 2017
117 nTRACK Multimodal nanoparticles for structural and functional tracking of stem cell therapy on muscle regeneration 2017
118 VitalNodes Building a lasting expert network that delivers evidence-based recommendations for Vital Urban Nodes along TEN-T Corridors 2017
119 eDREAM eDREAM - enabling new Demand REsponse Advanced, Market oriented and Secure technologies, solutions and business models 2018
120 ConnectExAct-Age Brain Connectivity for Executive Control over Action in Ageing 2018
121 BOMB Multi-scale BiOmechanical characterization of peri-iMplant Bone tissue: influence of the environment 2018
122 DC-SIGN-MFN Dissecting Multivalent Viral Receptor-carbohydrate Interactions Using Polyvalent Multifunctional Glycan-Quantum Dot 2018
123 OPTIMIZERR Errors as cost-optimizing decisions? Redefining the origin and nature of human decision errors in light of associated neural computations 2018
124 PIXEL Port IoT for Environmental Leverage 2018
125 CONNEXIONs InterCONnected NEXt-Generation Immersive IoT Platform of Crime and Terrorism DetectiON, PredictiON, InvestigatiON, and PreventiON Services 2018
126 ANITA Advanced tools for fighting oNline Illegal TrAfficking 2018
127 SCIENCE-MINQ Developing Rapid Inquiry as a pedagogical framework for multimodal interactions in informal science settings 2019
128 NanoFEITH Nanoparticles for Fluorescence-Enhanced Imaging and Therapy of Breast Cancer 2018
129 Readers as Observers The construction of readers as (co-)observers in multimodal novels. Radical reader engagement in the visual age 2018
130 ONCOTHERANOSTICS Advanced Theranostic Nanomedicines for Oncology. Development of new combinatorial therapies for primary and metastatic Breast Cancer. 2019
131 WONT-HATE Online Hate against European Women Leaders: a Corpus-Assisted Multimodal Critical Analysis 2019
132 ITS A DIVE Individual Three-dimensional Spatial Auditory Displays for Immersive Virtual Environments 2019
133 MIMe The multisensory dimension of memory, from single neuron to neural network. A multiscale electrophysiological approach to reveal the mechanism of face-voice association for person identity recognition 2018
134 MAGNET-CELLPATCH Multimodal magnetic cellular-patches with synergistic effects for high performance theranostics 2019
135 CORLID Cortical markers of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesias 2019
136 3D-SITS 3D Stretchable Inductive Tactile Sensors for Soft Artificial Touch 2018
137 ARIAS Advanced Research Into Aeromechanical Solutions 2018
138 SILKNOW SILKNOW. Silk heritage in the Knowledge Society: from punched cards to big data, deep learning and visual / tangible simulations 2018
139 DIALLS DIalogue and Argumentation for cultural Literacy Learning in Schools 2018
140 SENSITIVE Early Detection of cancer onset based on sensing field cancerization at the organ level 2018
141 SELF-UNITY The Unity of the Bodily Self 2019
143 E-DURA Commercialization of novel soft neural interfaces 2018
144 TherGelFas Novel nanometrically structured therapeutic hydrogel as injectable for fascial tissues surrounding the nerves intended for preventive treatment of chronic pain 2018
145 FORESEE Future proofing strategies FOr RESilient transport networks against Extreme Events 2018
146 BICAR The definitive 100% energy autonomous, CO2-free and recyclable last mile solution 2018
147 READIT Reading Literature in a Digital Culture 2018
148 MatMech Live Tapings of Material Formation: Unravelling formation mechanisms in materials chemistry through Multimodal X-ray total scattering studies 2019
149 MgSafe Promoting patient safety by a novel combination of imaging technologies for biodegradable magnesium implants 2018
150 H-Unique In search of uniqueness - harnessing anatomical hand variation 2019
151 CoAct Communication in Action: Towards a model of Contextualized Action and Language Processing 2018
152 INSPiRE-MED INtegrating Magnetic Resonance SPectroscopy and Multimodal Imaging for Research and Education in MEDicine 2019
153 DIAMOND Revealing fair and actionable knowledge from data to support women’s inclusion in transport systems 2018
154 DiSCo MRI SFN Developing Integrated Susceptibility and Conductivity MRI for Next Generation Structural and Functional Neuroimaging 2019
155 SPRINT Semantics for PerfoRmant and scalable INteroperability of multimodal Transport – SPRINT 2018
156 DIABFRAIL-LATAM Scaling-up of and evidence-based intervention programme in older people with Diabetes and Frailty in LatinAmerica 2019
157 SmartVista Smart Autonomous Multi Modal Sensors for Vital Signs Monitoring 2019
158 SHAREWORK Safe and effective HumAn-Robot coopEration toWards a better cOmpetiveness on cuRrent automation lacK manufacturing processes. 2018
159 RiskGONE Risk Governance of Nanotechnology 2019
160 VarPL Specificity or generalization? Neural mechanisms for perceptual learning with variability 2019
161 NanoBRIGHT BRInGing nano-pHoTonics into the brain 2019
162 Brain Health Toolbox The Brain Health Toolbox: Facilitating personalized decision-making for effective dementia prevention 2019
163 DIFFOP Nonlinear Data and Signal Analysis with Diffusion Operators 2019
164 EXA MODE EXtreme-scale Analytics via Multimodal Ontology Discovery & Enhancement 2019
165 Shift2MaaS Shift2Rail IP4 enabling Mobility as a Service and seamless passenger experience 2018
166 REaCHeS References to Environs are Coordinated to be Heard and Seen (REaCHeS): an investigation of multimodal spatial referencing in Eastern Chatino 2019
167 LangMix Language switching and script mixing: multilingual landscapes of medieval Scandinavia 2019
168 ConscBreathDynamics Breathing dynamics in health and disease: how consciousness shape respiratory patterns 2020
169 DISCOURSEVAX Institutional Theory and Discourse Analysis: an empirical investigation of the rhetoric of Anti Vaccination movement 2020
170 LinkFM Linking Functional impact and Microstructural properties of fiber tract demyelination and remyelination in a rodent model of multiple sclerosis 2019
171 MAPS A Multifactorial Analysis of Possessive Structures: Mapping the Interaction of Language, Culture, and Cognition 2020
172 HARMONY Title: Holistic Approach for Providing Spatial & Transport Planning Tools and Evidence to Metropolitan and Regional Authorities to Lead a Sustainable Transition to a New Mobility Era 2019
173 VIZTA VIZTA sounds for Vision, Identification, with Z-sensing Technologies and key Applications. 2019
174 CREST Fighting Crime and TerroRism with an IoT-enabled Autonomous Platform based on an Ecosystem of Advanced IntelligEnce, Operations, and InveStigation Technologies 2019
175 VELLO CMC VELLO BIKE+ Connected Multimodal Commuting for Greener Cities 2019
176 MULTITOUCH Multimodal haptic with touch devices 2020
177 MAAS MOBILITY AS A SERVICE PLATFORM for employers and individuals. 2019
178 ViAjeRo ViAjeRo: Virtual and Augmented Reality passenger experiences 2019
179 TOM-E TOM-E is the first GPS navigation device that is the less expensive on the market and multimodal. With Tom-E, riding has never been easier. 2019
180 Comm4CHILD Communication for Children with Hearing Impairment to optimise Language Development 2020
181 DOC-Stim Communication and rehabilitation for people with Disorders of consciousness via Brain-Computer Interfaces 2020
182 SoMMoR Soft-bodied Miniature Mobile Robots 2019
183 AS-DISCO AS-DISCO - Audio Suite for Disruptive Cockpit Demonstrator 2019
184 PERSIST Patients-centered SurvivorShIp care plan after Cancer treatments based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies 2020
185 MULTIPLE Multimodal spectral sensors and orchestrated deep models for integrated process optimisation 2019
186 CHILDPHOTOARCHIVE Children’s Photography Archive: a curriculum for child-authored, multimodal citizenship education in primary schools 2020
187 DELOREAN Drones and Egnss for LOw aiRspacE urbAN mobility 2019
188 eBORDER Secure and Wireless Multimodal Biometric Scanning Device for Passenger Verification Targeting Land and Sea Border Control 2020
189 OPTIMA cOmmunication Platform for TraffIc ManAgement demonstrator 2019
190 RIDE2RAIL Travel Companion enhancements and RIDE-sharing services syncronised to RAIL and Public Transport 2019
191 discovAIR Discovering the cellular landscape of the airways and the lung 2020
192 BRAV3 Computational biomechanics and bioengineering 3D printing to develop a personalized regenerative biological ventricular assist device to provide lasting functional support to damaged hearts 2020
193 TINTIN Visual narratives as a window into language and cognition 2020
194 MAGNIFISCENT mesoscale multi-mode MRI of molecular targets 2020
195 STUOD Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics 2020
196 X2Rail-4 Advanced signalling and automation system - Completion of activities for enhanced automation systems, train integrity, traffic management evolution and smart object controllers 2019
197 AGILEFLIGHT Low-latency Perception and Action for Agile Vision-based Flight 2020
198 DyNeRfusion Dynamic Network Reconstruction of Human Perceptual and Reward Learning via Multimodal Data Fusion 2020
199 MapInCSC Mapping the Interaction between Semantic Representation and Control Systems: The Controlled Semantic Cognition 2020
200 WAVES TRAVELING WAVES: Defining the mechanisms allowing attention to occur in space and in time 2020
201 ONCO-VAX A multifaceted cancer immunotherapy based on an immune checkpoint-modulating chimeric oncolytic virus vector in combination with a dendritic cell vaccine 2020
202 MAP-AD A multimodal approach to accelerate drug discovery and development in Alzheimer’s disease 2021
203 TRANSIT Travel Information Management for Seamless Intermodal Transport 2020
204 HypoCyclo Multifunctional Polymeric Cyclodextrin Nanocarriers As Novel Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Treatment: A Versatile Photo-Chemotherapy Bypassing Hypoxic Conditions 2020
205 NormNets Normalization of Multimodal Brain Networks for Integral and Predictive Mapping of Neurological Disorders 2020