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H2020 projects about "trace"

The page lists 228 projects related to the topic "trace".

# achronym  title  year 
1 UPWARDS Understanding Planet Mars With Advanced Remote-sensing Datasets and Synergistic Studies 2015
2 STIGMATICS Between saints and celebrities. The devotion and promotion of stigmatics in Europe, c.1800-1950 2015
3 RelRepDist Relative representation theory and distributions on reductive groups over local fields 2015
4 BASE-LiNE Earth Brachiopods As SEnsitive tracers of gLobal marINe Environment: Insights from alkaline, alkaline Earth metal, and metalloid trace element ratios and isotope systems 2015
5 IMIXSED Integrating isotopic techniques with Bayesian modelling for improved assessment and management of global sedimentation problems 2015
6 TRACES Tracing ancient microbial cells embedded in silica 2015
7 HOLOSCAN Holographic Scanner for Safe Real-Time High Throughput Screening of People and Their Bags 2014
8 Moments Moment inequalities in matrix algebras 2015
9 Invisibilia Tracing the Invisible. Old Norse and Latin in medieval manuscripts. 2016
10 TentaclesOfVenom Unravelling the enigmatic origin of venom secreting cells in sea anemone 2015
11 ITNUN Family, Power, Memory: Female Monasticism in Italy from 700 to 1100 2015
12 IRON_DEPOSITS The role of volatiles in the formation of magmatic iron oxide deposits 2015
13 REE Value Chain Rare Earth Supply Chain and Industrial Ecosystem: A Material Flow Assessment of European Union 2015
14 BioFrost Life at its Extremes: Biodiversity and Activity of Microorganisms in deep Permafrost 2015
15 ATTOCHEM Attosecond imaging and control of chemical dynamics 2015
16 N-SHEAD Nanoarrays: Self-assembled Hotspots for Enhanced Analyte Detection 2015
17 HumEnBody Responding to the Trend of Human Enhancement Drugs: the Case of Drug-Free Bodybuilding Culture in European Context 2015
18 RePack Reusable, returnable packaging for e-commerce 2015
19 ISO-COLD Integrated SOlution to enhance COLD chain and logistic tracking 2015
20 Zoterac Zinc Oxide For TeraHertz Cascade Devices 2015
21 NanoPoreFab On-chip fabrication of solid state nanopores for high throughput single molecule analysis 2015
22 ImagePlanetFormDiscs Imaging the Dynamical Imprints of Planet Formation in Protoplanetary Discs 2015
23 EVOMESODERM The evolution of mesoderm and its differentiation into cell types and organ systems 2015
24 VOCO Biochemical link between plant volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and CO2 metabolism - from sub-molecular to ecosystem scales 2015
25 AYURYOG Medicine, Immortality, Moksha: Entangled Histories of Yoga, Ayurveda and Alchemy in South Asia 2015
26 SENEX Table Top Device based on Nanostructured Sensors for the continuous ENvironmental monitoring of EXplosive substances in sensitive areas 2015
27 EXODUS Light induced spatially EXact and genetically encoded labeling of immune cells for monitoring of lOng Distance and Ultra-compartment Shuttling during autoimmunity and chronic inflammation 2015
28 CIAO Central Iran Amphibole-bearing Ophiolite 2015
29 INDUCT Interdisciplinary Network for Dementia Utilising Current Technology (INDUCT) 2016
30 WipeOutFear How the Brain Learns to Forget - The Neural Signature of Fear Memory Erasure 2015
31 INFANT EARTH The Making of the Earth – Reading the Geochemical Code from Meteorites and the Earth’s Oldest Rocks 2015
32 Filmcolors Film Colors. An Interdisciplinary Approach. 2015
33 EUBorderCare Intimate Encounters in EU Borderlands: Migrant Maternity, Sovereignty and the Politics of Care on Europe’s Peripheries 2015
34 BIRTH Births, mothers and babies: prehistoric fertility in the Balkans between 10000 – 5000 BC 2015
35 FIRST LIGHT Early Star-Forming Galaxies and Cosmic Reionisation 2015
36 SUPERAID7 Stability Under Process Variability for Advanced Interconnects and Devices Beyond 7 nm node 2016
37 EXC3ITE EXploring Chemistry, Composition and Circulation in the stratosphere with InnovativeTEchnologies 2016
38 ACO The Proceedings of the Ecumenical Councils from Oral Utterance to Manuscript Edition as Evidence for Late Antique Persuasion and Self-Representation Techniques 2016
39 SHARP Southern Ocean and Antarctic Climatic Phasing:Tephrochronological Correlation of Southern Ocean Marine Records and Antarctic Ice-cores 2016
41 ReachingCompleteness The Molecular Basis of Somatic Nuclear Reprogramming 2016
42 SPINCAD Spin correlations by atomic design 2016
43 APPELS A Probe of the Periodic Elements for Life in the Sea 2016
44 AsLife Life in Arsenic rich environments: a challenge or an opportunity? 2016
45 CA3RECURRENTPLASTIC In vivo dynamics and plasticity of networks within CA3 of the hippocampus: effects of optogenetic stimulation and natural learning. 2016
46 MISWORD Misshaping by Words. Literary Caricature between Texts, Images, and Mental Models 2017
47 NANOREM A novel isotope tool to assess nanoparticle toxicity in wetland plants 2016
48 OMIS Feasibility study on Opto-Magnetic Imaging Spectroscopy for cancer screening 2016
49 HAZEL HAZEL: Commercialization of a novel, high efficiency equipment for the determination of hazardous atmospheric pollutants 2016
51 FoodTransforms Transformations of Food in the Eastern Mediterranean Late Bronze Age 2016
52 DrugSense Ribo-regulators that sense trace antibiotics 2016
53 PHOSPHOTRAC Speciation, sources, and fate of atmospheric organic phosphorus over the Mediterranean Sea: A missing piece of the P cycle? 2016
54 TransGen RNA Transgenerational regulation of glucose metabolism by noncoding RNAs 2016
55 cryo-bacteria-reactor Development of the flow through bioreactor of 3D-structured bacteria for biodegradation of aromatic chloroderivatives from contaminated water 2016
56 DISPMIC Dispersal limitation and colonization of new land by symbiotic microorganisms 2016
57 DAMOCLES Simulating Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Atmospheric Multicomponent Clusters 2016
58 COTCA Cultures of Occupation in Twentieth-century Asia 2016
59 ISOREE New insight into the origin of the Earth, its bulk composition and its early evolution 2016
60 GC2.0 Global Change 2.0: Unlocking the past for a clearer future 2016
61 3D-Forensics/FTI Mobile high-resolution 3D-Scanner and 3D data analysis for forensic evidence fast track to innovation 2016
62 Gap2bridge Bridging the gap: an evolutionary genomics approach to illuminate the prokaryote-to-eukaryote transition. 2017
63 TeraTrace A Compact Terahertz Trace Gas Detector 2016
64 GeCo Data-Driven Genomic Computing 2016
65 SNAPTRACE Fishing in the dark: unravelling the global trade and traceability of the ‘snappers’ 2016
66 AQURI Air Quality at the Urban-Rural Interface 2017
67 NASUM Innovative nanotech-based detection equipment in the area of homeland security 2016
68 EUROPAH The Extensive and Ubiquitous Role of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Space 2016
69 Intersex Genealogy Postcolonial genealogy of intersexuality. Influence of US and Spanish scientific theories in the Colombian medical practices and discourses about intersexuality in the second half of twentieth century 2016
70 EUNADICS-AV European Natural Airborne Disaster Information and Coordination System for Aviation 2016
71 Metacontrol Cognitive control in context: Neural, functional, and social mechanisms of metacontrol 2016
72 FLAIR FLying ultrA-broadband single-shot InfraRed sensor 2016
73 SOUTHERNCHANGE Accumulation rates and predominant atmospheric sources of natural and anthropogenic trace elements on the Falkland Islands 2016
74 GALFOR The formation of the Galaxy: constraints from globular clusters 2017
75 PaDiCare Patient empowered Diabetes care in ambulatory settings 2016
76 PATRIMONIVM Geography and economy of the imperial properties in the Roman World (from Augustus to Diocletian). 2017
77 SURFACE The unexplored world of aerosol surfaces and their impacts. 2017
78 RewardedPerception Functional circuits mediating the effects of reward value on perception within and across sensory modalities 2017
79 ACTRIS PPP ACTRIS PPP - Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Preparatory Phase Project 2017
80 MEMPATHY At first INsight: how our memories shape empathy for others’ physical pain 2017
81 CAPABLE Chemical Composition characterization of air pollution (aerosols and gases) on the basis of nonlinear multi-channel lidar experiments 2017
82 GASPARCON Molecular steps of gas-to-particle conversion: From oxidation to precursors, clusters and secondary aerosol particles. 2017
83 Pitstop PLUS RFID-based feeder for giving dairy cows access to additional mineral supplements in a restricted and targeted way during the critical transition period of the lactation cycle 2017
84 ELEMIN How the earliest life on Earth became mineralized 2017
85 XeMoon Sources and sinks for excess Xe and Ar on the Moon 2018
86 GOSSAN GOethite in Supergene Systems: ANalysing trace element substitution goethite and related iron oxides and oxyhydroxides. 2017
87 RSCHD Functional dissection of the head-direction circuit in mouse retrosplenial cortex. 2017
88 BYONIC Beyond the Iron Curtain 2017
89 ISPEC Imaging SPECtral deconvolution specialist 2017
90 ATRA Atlas of Renaissance Antiquarianism 2017
91 WaMStrIn Water management strategies and climate change in the Indus Civilisation 2018
92 DNA NANO MAP Affordable DNA Mapping using Solidstate-Nanopores 2017
93 S-OMMs Smart Optical Metamaterials: A route towards electro-tuneable fast-reversible self-assembly of nanoparticles at controlled electrochemical interfaces 2018
94 Sounds Delicious Sounds Delicious: A historical anthropology of listening and sound in Danish and French cooking 2018
95 Mideast Med A regional history of medicine in the modern Middle East, 1830-1960 2017
96 NanoPD Single Molecule Nanoscale Sensors for Improved Therapies and Diagnostics 2017
97 RaSiR Rule-algebraic Simple Rewriting 2017
98 CLCLCL Civil Law, Common Law, Customary Law: Consonance, Divergence and Transformation in Western Europe from the late eleventh to the thirteenth centuries 2017
99 EBM The evolvability of bacterial multicellularity 2018
100 MET-PEST Multi-approach determination of metal based pesticides in food 2017
101 RETVOLUTION Reticulate evolution: patterns and impacts of non-vertical inheritance in eukaryotic genomes. 2018
102 SKILLNET Sharing Knowledge In Learned and Literary Networks. The Republic of Letters as a Pan-European Knowledge Society 2017
103 VISAGE Visible Attributes through Genomics: Broadened Forensic Use of DNA for Constructing Composite Sketches from Traces 2017
104 NEDAG New Directions in Derived Algebraic Geometry 2017
105 PHAROS Photocatalytic Generation of CarbAnions for Organic Synthesis 2017
106 PATHS The Paths of International Law: Stability and Change in the International Legal Order 2017
107 GLOBAL-HOT A Global History of Technology, 1850-2000 2017
108 COS-OCS Carbonyl Sulphide: new ways of Observing the Climate System 2017
109 SILVER Silver Isotopes and the Rise of Money 2017
110 TrACE The Establishment of a Transport Analytics Centre of Excellence in Cyprus (TrACE) 2017
111 Plant.ID Molecular Identification of Plants 2018
112 TRIPLE Three Indirect Probes of Lyman continuum LEakage from galaxies 2018
114 N-T-AUTONOMY Non-Territorial Autonomy as Minority Protection in Europe: An Intellectual and Political History of a Travelling Idea, 1850-2000 2018
115 SCARBO Space CARBon Observatory 2017
116 ARCATOM Exploring the role of the mitochondrial alternative respiration in carotenoid biosynthesis during tomato fruit ripening 2018
117 TRACE Transfer of multivirus-specific T-cells following transplantation 2018
118 ORGANOMICS Reconstructing human cortex development and malformation with single-cell transcriptomics 2018
119 USNAC Understanding Type Ia SuperNovae for Accurate Cosmology 2018
120 ExoplANETS A Exoplanet Athmosphere New Emission Transmission Spectra Analysis 2018
121 PalREAD Country of Words: Reading and Reception of Palestinian Literature from 1948 to the Present 2018
122 NEUROFISH Whole-brain circuits controlling visuomotor behavior 2018
123 SPECTRE SPEciation and dynamiCs of TRace Elements 2018
124 aWARE West Africa's Role in Human Evolution 2018
125 COINE Counterfeiting Empire: Money, Crime, and Politics in the British Atlantic World 2018
126 darkBHgrowth Shedding light on the dark supermassive black hole growth in the early Universe 2018
127 DURCWAVE amending the Design criteria of URban defences in LECZs through Composite-modelling of WAVE overtopping under climate change scenarios 2019
128 DREAM Drafting and Enacting the Revolutions in the Arab Mediterranean.In search of Dignity, from the 1950’s until today 2018
129 VORTEX Plastic in the Ocean: Microbial Transformation of an ‘Unconventional’ Carbon Substrate 2018
130 CARE4C Carbon smart forestry under climate change 2018
131 IN-Fo-trace-DG Role of GABAergic interneurons in the formation of new memory traces in the Dentate Gyrus ofbehaving mice 2018
132 UltraPal Ultimate Paleo-Ocean Records from Biogenic Calcites 2019
133 GOLD-ICE Next generation analysis of the oldest ice core layers 2018
134 ICON-SE Ichnological analysis of core and outcrop contourite facies: scientific and economic implications 2019
135 Tracer-T Analysis of the effect of the tumour microenvironment on T cell functional phenotype 2018
136 ALATA The Making of Angels in Late Antiquity: Theology and Aesthetics 2018
137 PFoGMH The Prussian Fathers of Greek Military History 2018
138 MoonDiff Investigating the formation and early evolution of the Moon with a combined experimental and analytical approach 2018
139 IVSTED In vivo super-resolution imaging of synapses in the hippocampus 2019
140 INTIMIZ Interracial intimacy in Africa: Afro-European couples, cross cultural transactions, and social changes in Islamic Zanzibar 2018
141 FLOODARC Understanding long-term FLOOD pattern variability in Western Mediterranean using natural ARChives 2019
142 SKRDC Architecture as a Cross-Cultural Exchange:The Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition, 1965-2017 2018
143 NanoBBB Transport of Engineered Nanomaterials across the blood-brain-barrier 2018
144 MessCa The Messina Case: Mafia-type Organised Crime in the Province of Messina 2018
145 WCVolcano Quantification of volcanic halogen impacts in the troposphere through WRF-Chem modelling, satellite and in-situ observations 2019
146 FOCUS Fiber Optic Cable Use for Seafloor studies of earthquake hazard and deformation 2018
147 SHUTTLE Scientific High-throughput and Unified Toolkit for Trace analysis by forensic Laboratories in Europe 2018
148 IRMIDYN Iron mineral dynamics in redox-affected soils and sediments: Pushing the frontier toward in-situ studies 2018
149 NeuralCellTypeEvo Cellular innovation driving nervous system evolution 2018
150 ONE-MIX Mid-infrared optical dual-comb generation and spectroscopy with one unstabilized semiconductor laser 2019
151 eDCaseMAN Defendable legal cases through an affordable, easy, integrated and reliable case management software 2018
152 ChromaChron Development and commercialisation of a new purification system for contaminant-free radiocarbon dating 2019
153 NEFERTITI NEar FiEld cosmology: Re-Tracing Invisible TImes 2019
154 PEQEM Photonics for engineered quantum enhanced measurement 2019
155 PariTorMod P-adic Arithmetic Geometry, Torsion Classes, and Modularity 2019
156 CartographY Mapping Stellar Helium 2019
157 EVOCLOCK From Evolution to Clockworks:Unravelling the molecular basis of circalunar clocks 2019
158 WINDMIL RT-DT An autonomous Real-Time Decision Tree framework for monitoring and diagnostics on wind turbines 2018
159 PhytoTrace Wanted: Micronutrients! Phytosiderophore-mediated acquisition strategies in grass crops 2019
160 BANTURIVERS At a Crossroads of Bantu Expansions: Present and Past Riverside Communities in the Congo Basin, from an Integrated Linguistic, Anthropological and Archaeological Perspective 2019
161 AncientAdhesives Ancient Adhesives - A window on prehistoric technological complexity 2019
162 MILESTONE From mineral inclusions in zircon to continents: An in situ isotopic perspective on the evolution of the continental crust, the onset of plate tectonics and the development of a habitable Earth 2019
163 triboREMEDY The triboreactor as breakthrough remediation strategy for safeguarding human and environmental health 2019
164 SCrIPT Stable Chromium Isotopes as a Productivity Tracer 2019
165 COOL-SENS Advanced monitoring solution to prevent losses and assure full transparency along the cold chain 2019
166 CATTLECHAIN 4.0 Enhancing farm productivity and guaranteeing CATTLE traceability and welfare with blockCHAIN 2019
167 IceAGenT Ice Age Genomic Tracking of Refugia and Postglacial Dispersal 2019
168 SECURITY FLOWS Enacting border security in the digital age: political worlds of data forms, flows and frictions. 2019
169 NICHE Investigating the Ecology, Composition and Exploitability of Wild Cereal Habitats in Relation to Agricultural Origins in the Near East 2019
170 SICILYWAR Culture Heritage in Danger: Archaeology and Communities in Sicily during the Second World War (1940–45) 2019
171 CAOCD Comparative functional and neuroanatomical analyses of olfactory circuit in drosophilids 2020
172 REEFCLAM GSnapshots of tropical Pacific climate variability during the time of Lapita ocean voyaging: giant clam fossils from Fijian shell middens as high resolution archives of climate information. 2020
173 ARCTICO Uncovering the Magnitude of Arctic Climate Change 2019
174 ItalianWoolf Virginia Woolf and Italian Readers 2019
175 E2-CREATE E2-CREATE: Encoding Embodied CreativityVisual arts, performing arts, film, design 2020
176 EEURSOCFEM The Intellectual Heritage of Feminist Political Thought during Early State Socialism. The Cases of the GDR, Hungary and Yugoslavia 2019
177 NEUROCIRCLE Probing the neural processes underpinning perceptual decisions on a continuum 2019
178 SPELEOTOLIA Holocene climate reconstructions from western Anatolia based on speleothem data 2019
179 UNBIAS UNravelling BIvAlve Shell chemistry: Advanced Techniques for Accurate Reconstructions of Sub-annual Climate 2020
180 PaTreME Partioning Tree Methane Emissions 2020
181 Grolaries Cartilage progenitor cells for growth plate regeneration 2019
182 DENMARK DNA, Environment, Mineral Association: Reaction Kinetics 2020
183 NanoProt-ID Proteome profiling using plasmonic nanopore sensors 2019
184 BorderSens Border detection of illicit drugs and precursors by highly accurate electrosensors 2019
185 BioGeoMetal Nutrients in anoxic oceans – Trace metals in modern and ancient environments 2019
186 ISOTOPEST ISOtope TOols for assessing PESticide faTe in the environment 2019
187 VIR MAXIMUS Moral & Intellectual Qualities of the Political Man in the Translations of Gracián's Work (XVII-XXI cent.) 2019
188 Magik Star MAGnetic fIeld and Kinematic coupling for massive STAR formation 2019
189 MonasByz The Making of the Byzantine Ascetical Canon: Monastic Networks, Literacy and Religious Authority in Palestine and Sinai (7th-11th centuries) 2020
190 LinkFM Linking Functional impact and Microstructural properties of fiber tract demyelination and remyelination in a rodent model of multiple sclerosis 2019
191 DEstiNi Investigation of the Dynamic Estuarine and Marine cycling of Nickel 2019
192 VOLATILES_MERCURY The fate of volatiles in magma on Mercury 2019
193 ECOEXTENDER An alternative to antibiotics in porcine semen doses 2019
194 ICELEARNING Artificial Intelligence techniques for ice core analyses 2020
195 BUNT Colorful Indications of (Ex)Change. 2020
196 C-Pre Seeing is predicting: Testing a predictive coding account of visual perception involving saccadic eye movements 2020
197 CONGO_WHALEBOATS Whaleboats in the Forest: Subaltern Technologies of Transportation on Congo’s Inland Waterways 2020
198 MS Unravelling the molecular and cellular mechanism of metastasis 2020
199 Hybead Hybrid Bead Adsorbents 2019
200 O3-SML Ozone dry deposition to the sea surface microlayer 2019
201 DEEPTIME Probing the history of matter in deep time 2020
202 PRIMESYST PRecise Instrument MEtering SYSTem 2019
203 TechnoC-Cap Technological Cultures in Capuchin Monkeys: an Archeological and Behavioural exploration 2020
204 SMark2.0 SMark2.0, our next level product authentication, anti-counterfeiting and track and trace system 2019
205 Mag-ID Magnetic identification 2019
206 CMBLENS CMB Lensing at Sub-Percent Precision: A New Probe of Cosmology and Fundamental Physics 2020
207 MODSTABVAR Moduli spaces of stable varieties and applications 2020
208 RHIZOCARBON Forest belowground carbon transport: From rhizosphere fluxes to physiological drivers 2019
209 TEXTCOURT Linking the Textual Worlds of Chinese Court Theater, ca. 1600-1800 2019
210 DISTRACT The Political Economy of Distraction in Digitized Denmark 2020
211 ConquerIons Conquering a New Paradigm for Addressing Ion Detection in Real Scenarios 2020
212 TWISTRONICS Probing topological valley currents by angular layer alignment in van der Waals heterostructures 2020
213 DEMETER Eight millennia of changes in domestic plants and animals: understanding local adaptation under socio-economic and climatic fluctuations 2020
214 Preemie Personalised nutrition of low-birth-weight infants 2019
215 ContiTRACE Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring and automated therapeutic closed loop medical device for Intensive Care Units 2019
216 ACTRIS IMP Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure Implementation Project 2020
217 P4 Plight of Pelagic Primary Producers in a Changing Marine Environment 2020
218 INVISIHIST Challenging the Liberal World Order from Within: The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South 2020
219 Hot Milk Flows of hot plasma connecting the Milky Way centre to the corona, halo and beyond 2020
220 SEE_QPT Imaging phase transitions in quantum materials 2020
221 SAPIENTIAM Secondary organic Aerosols Production in pre and post-Industrial-like ENvironments : The Impact of biogenic and Anthropogenic emissions on cliMate 2020
222 OXYPRO Global biological productivity during abrupt climate change 2021
223 ECOGAL Understanding our Galactic ecosystem: From the disk of the Milky Way to the formation sites of stars and planets 2020
224 RESIDUE Mongolian Buddhist Waste and the Recalcitrant Materiality of Blessings. 2020
225 3DFOSSILDIET Tracing the Ontogenetic Evolution of Diet and Behavior in Neandertals and Anatomically Modern Humans in the Franco-Cantabrian Region. An Integrative study of 3D Tooth Wear Patterns 2020
226 CP-FTmmW Aminogen Chemistry and structure of aminogen radicals using chirped-pulse Fourier transform (sub)millimeter rotational spectroscopy 2020
227 H-MIP Human-Mosquito Interaction Project: Host-vector networks, mobility, and the socio-ecological context of mosquito-borne disease 2020
228 ARMOUR smARt Monitoring Of distribUtion netwoRks for robust power quality 2020