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LexsemLexcat SIGNED

The lexical semantics of lexical categories

Total Cost €


EC-Contrib. €






 LexsemLexcat project word cloud

Explore the words cloud of the LexsemLexcat project. It provides you a very rough idea of what is the project "LexsemLexcat" about.

koontz    universal    cleverness    adjectives    content    consequently    2017    languages    survey    verb    constraints    200    predicate    semantic    recasts    light    shed    francez    hausa    179    noun    crossclassification    matthewson    mapping    meanings    small    notwithstanding    fashion    myriad    language    postdocs    class    chapter    fintel    translated    category    one    clear    examine    akwai    shi    poorly    theories    descriptive    linguistic    draws    newman    sentence    2008    parts    unsuccessful    words    da    nature    property    spirit    antiquity    verbs    sentences    introduce    garboden    domain    exists    criticized    1982    link    2000    claimed    gravity    center    outstanding    von    croft    distinction    lexical    clever    waayoo    typological    perceived    figures    search    shows    categories    vary    see    generally    lit    baker    nouns    variation    dixon    generalizations    linking    adjective    counterexamples    he   

Project "LexsemLexcat" data sheet

The following table provides information about the project.


Organization address
address: OXFORD ROAD
postcode: M13 9PL

contact info
title: n.a.
name: n.a.
surname: n.a.
function: n.a.
email: n.a.
telephone: n.a.
fax: n.a.

 Coordinator Country United Kingdom [UK]
 Total cost 1˙993˙869 €
 EC max contribution 1˙993˙869 € (100%)
 Programme 1. H2020-EU.1.1. (EXCELLENT SCIENCE - European Research Council (ERC))
 Code Call ERC-2017-COG
 Funding Scheme ERC-COG
 Starting year 2018
 Duration (year-month-day) from 2018-09-01   to  2023-08-31


Take a look of project's partnership.

# participants  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 
1    THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER UK (MANCHESTER) coordinator 1˙993˙869.00


 Project objective

The distinction between the major lexical categories of noun, verb and adjective figures into myriad linguistic generalizations and has been a center of gravity in the study of language since antiquity. Notwithstanding their importance, lexical categories are poorly understood (see e.g., Baker & Croft 2017). Outstanding is whether there are generalizations about the meanings words in the major categories have. Many have claimed there are, and proposed theories linking meaning and category, in a one to one fashion. Such theories have been criticized, however, in light of clear counterexamples, and consequently the search for a universal link between meaning and category is perceived by many to have been unsuccessful (see von Fintel & Matthewson 2008). This project recasts the search for a link, in the spirit of recent work (Francez & Koontz-Garboden 2017: Chapter 5), not as one for a one-to-one mapping, but for constraints on meaning induced by category. The project targets a domain where the set of relevant meanings is small, but where there is variation in category: property concept sentences—sentences like (1) He is very clever, whose main predicate is an adjective or, (2) akwai shi da waayoo `He is very clever (lit: He exists with cleverness; Hausa; Newman 2000:179)', whose main predicate is not an adjective, but is translated by a sentence whose main predicate is an adjective in languages with a large class of them. Although (1) and (2) have the same meaning, their component parts do not. Recent work shows that the words in property concept sentences that introduce the descriptive content (clever in (1), waayoo (2))--property concept words--vary in meaning, not just in category (Dixon 1982). With three postdocs, this project draws on a 200 language typological survey and in-depth fieldwork to examine the crossclassification of meaning and category in property concept words to shed light on the semantic nature of nouns, verbs, and adjectives generally.

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The information about "LEXSEMLEXCAT" are provided by the European Opendata Portal: CORDIS opendata.

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