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Testing the role of Mediterranean thermohaline circulation as a sensor of transient climate events and shaker of North Atlantic Circulation

Total Cost €


EC-Contrib. €






 TIMED project word cloud

Explore the words cloud of the TIMED project. It provides you a very rough idea of what is the project "TIMED" about.

amoc    critical    cross    spill    onto    individual    newly    ensuing    varying    variations    kyr    sea    14    basins    time    south    atlantic    scales    masses    bp    models    teleconnections    sediment    meridional    qualitatively    natural    driving    simulations    deep    last    local    analytical    corals    records    mediterranean    cores    data    sensitivity    periods    north    goals    combine    proxy    becomes    inter    thermohaline    outflow    sensor    resolution    decades    quantitatively    atmospheric    unprecedented    distinctive    overturning    medthc    building    interactions    representing    innovative    climate    exerted    emphasis    forcing    variability    exit    placed    waters    inflow    excellent    regional    gauge    turn    18    forcings    transient    paths    model    source    dynamics    acting    ka    chronologies    complemented    water    net    windows    heat    circulation    salt    ocean    understand    anticipate    mechanisms    paleo    alter   

Project "TIMED" data sheet

The following table provides information about the project.


Organization address
postcode: 8007

contact info
title: n.a.
name: n.a.
surname: n.a.
function: n.a.
email: n.a.
telephone: n.a.
fax: n.a.

 Coordinator Country Spain [ES]
 Total cost 2˙400˙000 €
 EC max contribution 2˙400˙000 € (100%)
 Programme 1. H2020-EU.1.1. (EXCELLENT SCIENCE - European Research Council (ERC))
 Code Call ERC-2015-CoG
 Funding Scheme ERC-COG
 Starting year 2017
 Duration (year-month-day) from 2017-01-01   to  2021-12-31


Take a look of project's partnership.

# participants  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 
1    UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA ES (BARCELONA) coordinator 2˙275˙625.00


 Project objective

The Mediterranean Sea is an excellent sensor of transient climate conditions at different time scales. Changes in Mediterranean water properties result from complex interactions between the Atlantic inflow, local climate and north and south atmospheric teleconnections. In turn, Mediterranean outflow waters spill into the Atlantic Ocean, thus acting as a net salt and heat source for the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Climate models anticipate changes in these circulation systems within decades; thus it becomes critical to understand the natural range of variations in the Mediterranean Thermohaline Circulation (MedTHC) and whether these can alter the AMOC. An innovative approach, based on both well-established and newly-developed analytical methods will be applied to characterize, qualitatively and quantitatively, past changes in the MedTHC dynamics. Specific time windows representing very different transient periods (18-14 ka BP; 9.5-6.5 ka BP and the last 2 kyr) will be targeted in order to understand the distinctive role that individual forcing mechanisms exerted in controlling MedTHC changes. Particular emphasis will be placed on building robust regional chronologies and proxy records with unprecedented high-resolution. This approach will combine proxy data from sediment cores and deep-sea corals along the main paths of water masses as they cross the Mediterranean basins and exit into the North Atlantic. This paleo-data analysis will be complemented with novel climate model paleo-simulations to test the sensitivity of the AMOC to changes in Mediterranean outflow under varying AMOC conditions. The main goals are to identify: (1) The natural range of MedTHC variability; (2) The forcings and inter-regional teleconnections driving MedTHC changes; (3) The associated impact onto the AMOC. The assessment of the forcings controlling MedTHC and the ensuing impact on the AMOC will allow us to gauge the consequences of future Mediterranean changes.


year authors and title journal last update
List of publications.
2019 D. D. Insinga, P. Petrosino, I. Alberico, G. J. Lange, C. Lubritto, F. Molisso, M. Sacchi, R. Sulpizio, J. Wu, F. Lirer
The Late Holocene tephra record of the central Mediterranean Sea: Mapping occurrences and new potential isochrons for the 4.4–2.0 ka time interval
published pages: , ISSN: 0267-8179, DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3154
Journal of Quaternary Science 2019-12-17
2020 José N. Pérez-Asensio, Jaime Frigola, Leopoldo D. Pena, Francisco J. Sierro, María Isabel Reguera, Francisco J. Rodríguez-Tovar, Javier Dorador, Alessandra Asioli, Jannis Kuhlmann, Katrin Huhn, Isabel Cacho
Changes in western Mediterranean thermohaline circulation in association with a deglacial Organic Rich Layer formation in the Alboran Sea
published pages: 106075, ISSN: 0277-3791, DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.106075
Quaternary Science Reviews 228 2019-12-17
2019 Antonio Cascella, Sergio Bonomo, Bassem Jalali, Marie-Alexandrine Sicre, Nicola Pelosi, Sabine Schmidt, Fabrizio Lirer
Climate variability of the last ~2700 years in the Southern Adriatic Sea: Coccolithophore evidences
published pages: 95968361986560, ISSN: 0959-6836, DOI: 10.1177/0959683619865600
The Holocene 2019-12-17
2019 Albert Català, Isabel Cacho, Jaime Frigola, Leopoldo D. Pena, Fabrizio Lirer
Holocene hydrography evolution in the Alboran Sea: a multi-record and multiproxy comparison
published pages: 1-35, ISSN: 1814-9359, DOI: 10.5194/cp-2018-163
Climate of the Past Discussions 2019-09-05
2019 Mercè Cisneros, Isabel Cacho, Jaime Frigola, Anna Sanchez-Vidal, Antoni Calafat, Rut Pedrosa-Pàmies, Aitor Rumín-Caparrós, Miquel Canals
Deep-water formation variability in the north-western Mediterranean Sea during the last 2500 yr: A proxy validation with present-day data
published pages: 56-68, ISSN: 0921-8181, DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.03.012
Global and Planetary Change 177 2019-09-05

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The information about "TIMED" are provided by the European Opendata Portal: CORDIS opendata.

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