Opendata, web and dolomites

Cronogard SIGNED


Total Cost €


EC-Contrib. €






 Cronogard project word cloud

Explore the words cloud of the Cronogard project. It provides you a very rough idea of what is the project "Cronogard" about.

final    habits    life    players    position    structure    plan    material    benefit    grow    intercalate    molding    once    performing    antibacterial    solutions    injection    19    sales    qualified    proudly    dealing    innovative    fresh    solution    filler    concurring    spray    shelf    edge    2020    antioxidant    leadership    68    revenues    enticing    significantly    molecules    industry    food    meat    entire    nf    billion    28    chain    quality    company    2014    techniques    lamellar    packaging    active    boxes    abroad    market    proprietary    2022    cronogard    changing    biocompatible    extend    consumption    trays    retain    facilities    dairy    introduce    economic    leader    intelligent    17    bonds    international    films    ionic    ebitda    cagr    world    cans    goods    provision    coating    dying    edible    nice    antimicrobial    waste    patented    platform    extraordinarily    organic    fruits    professionals    volumes    46    enter    competitive    enormous    hiring    inorganic   

Project "Cronogard" data sheet

The following table provides information about the project.


Organization address
postcode: 80133
website: n.a.

contact info
title: n.a.
name: n.a.
surname: n.a.
function: n.a.
email: n.a.
telephone: n.a.
fax: n.a.

 Coordinator Country Italy [IT]
 Project website
 Total cost 1˙576˙240 €
 EC max contribution 1˙103˙368 € (70%)
 Programme 1. H2020-EU.2.1.5. (INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Advanced manufacturing and processing)
2. H2020-EU.2.1.3. (INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Advanced materials)
3. H2020-EU.2.3.1. (Mainstreaming SME support, especially through a dedicated instrument)
4. H2020-EU.2.1.2. (INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Nanotechnologies)
 Code Call H2020-SMEINST-2-2016-2017
 Funding Scheme SME-2
 Starting year 2017
 Duration (year-month-day) from 2017-10-01   to  2020-03-31


Take a look of project's partnership.

# participants  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 
1    NICE FILLER SRL IT (NAPOLI NA) coordinator 1˙103˙368.00


 Project objective

Nice Filler (NF) is working to introduce on the market for food packaging solutions an innovative advanced material technology platform (cronogard) based on an organic-inorganic active filler, edible and biocompatible, characterized by a lamellar structure able to intercalate with ionic bonds active molecules (antimicrobial, antioxidant, antibacterial), capable of maintain or improving the quality of food and to extend the food shelf life. Indeed, cronogard can be applied with different techniques (coating, injection molding, spray dying) to all kind of food packaging solutions (boxes, trays, cans, films) thus bringing value to the entire value chain, from the packaging industry, to the food industry, to the large organized distribution, to the final consumer of fresh goods. The market for active and intelligent packaging is enormous and based on large volumes. In Europe it is expected to grow from $17.28 billion in 2014 to $19.68 billion by the end of 2020 at a CAGR of 2.19%. NF, with its proprietary and patented technology, aims at becoming a leader in the provision of the filler for all kind of packaging solutions, dealing with the most relevant players to offer an extraordinarily performing packaging solution, to the benefit of the European food industry, which is traditionally rich of fresh, high-quality products (dairy, fruits, meat). Once the project activities will be completed and cronogard will enter the market, NF is expected to grow significantly through sales of the filler and to reach estimated revenues in the range of 40 M € in 2022, with an international reach, a 46% enticing EBITDA, and an ambitious hiring plan for over 20 qualified professionals. Through control of the production facilities and the related know-how, the company will retain a competitive edge and a leadership position in Europe and abroad, proudly concurring to the economic growth, but also the reduction of food waste in a world of changing food consumption habits.


List of deliverables.
2nd Scientific paper submission Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2019-05-28 15:07:05
Corporate website and Social Profiles Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2019-05-28 15:07:05
Communication materials Documents, reports 2019-05-28 15:07:05
Update Dissemination Plan Documents, reports 2019-05-28 15:07:05
1st Scientific paper submission Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2019-05-28 15:07:05
Communication and Dissemination Plan Documents, reports 2019-05-28 15:07:05

Take a look to the deliverables list in detail:  detailed list of Cronogard deliverables.


year authors and title journal last update
List of publications.
2018 Luanda Lins, Valeria Bugatti, Sébastien Livi, Giuliana Gorrasi
Ionic Liquid as Surfactant Agent of Hydrotalcite: Influence on the Final Properties of Polycaprolactone Matrix
published pages: 44, ISSN: 2073-4360, DOI: 10.3390/polym10010044
Polymers 10/1 2019-05-28

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Thanks. And then put a link of this page into your project's website.

The information about "CRONOGARD" are provided by the European Opendata Portal: CORDIS opendata.

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