Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Ethniko kentro erevnas kai technologikis anaptyxis"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 REN2007 2007 Researchers' Night: The Greek Events 2007 98˙517.00 81˙000.00
2 REN2008 2008 Researchers' Night: The Greek Events 2008 138˙094.00 79˙500.00
3 SMARTCM SMART Container Chain Management 2008 10˙504˙642.00 6˙499˙942.00
4 E*CARE European Career of Researchers 2008 228˙906.00 228˙906.00
5 MARPOS MARitime POlicy Support 2008 479˙820.00 479˙820.00
6 DELTA Concerted coordination for the promotion of efficient multimodal interfaces 2009 1˙080˙340.00 1˙080˙340.00
8 WATERMIM Water Treatment by Molecularly Imprinted Materials 2009 3˙307˙113.00 2˙491˙334.00
9 THERMOMICS "Unraveling the functional architecture of the human thermoregulatory system through immunological, circadian and sensory mechanisms: focus on the mature European population" 2009 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
10 ENABLE Stimulate Sustainable Freight Transport Systems with Latin American countries 2009 503˙702.00 503˙702.00
11 FIRESENSE Fire Detection and Management through a Multi-Sensor Network for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Areas from the Risk of Fire and Extreme Weather Conditions 2009 3˙628˙702.00 2˙697˙092.00
12 MULTIMOD Multiscale Modeling of Chemical and Biochemical Systems 2009 4˙311˙643.00 4˙311˙643.00
13 HYDROSOL-3D Scale Up of Thermochemical HYDROgen Production in a SOLar Monolithic Reactor: a 3rd Generation Design Study 2010 1˙729˙084.00 984˙375.00
14 REN2010 Researchers' Night 2010: The Greek Events 2010 108˙701.00 62˙000.00
15 STAMINA Statistical Mechanics Inspired Methods for Green AutonomousnNetworking 2011 2˙604˙915.00 2˙004˙239.00
16 ARMOS Advanced multifunctional Reactors for green Mobility and Solar fuels 2011 1˙749˙999.00 1˙749˙999.00
17 REN2011 2011 Researchers' Night: The Greek Events 2011 96˙477.00 65˙000.00
18 COOPLAB A federated testbed environment for experimentation on wireless cooperative networks 2011 361˙800.00 268˙500.00
19 RAMPLAS 100 Gb/s Optical RAM on-chip:nSilicon-based, integrated Optical RAM enabling High-Speed Applications in Computing and Communications 2011 2˙609˙557.00 1˙998˙166.00
20 INFLOW Information Flow in Opportunistic Wireless Networks 2011 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
21 SMART-CEA Smart Controlled Environment Agriculture Systems 2011 210˙000.00 210˙000.00
22 SocialSensor Sensing User Generated Input for Improved Media Discovery and Experience 2011 9˙100˙568.00 6˙465˙000.00
23 RESTRUCTURE Redox Materials-based Structured Reactors/Heat Exchangers for Thermo-Chemical Heat Storage Systems in Concentrated Solar Power Plants 2011 3˙035˙205.00 2˙114˙497.00
24 Adapt4EE Occupant Aware, Intelligent and Adaptive Enterprises 2011 3˙626˙562.00 2˙794˙000.00
25 CASSANDRA A multivariate platform for assessing the impact of strategic decisions in electrical power systems 2011 3˙586˙124.00 2˙834˙000.00
26 CAPSOL Design Technologies for Multi-scale Innovation and Integration in Post-Combustion CO2 Capture: From Molecules to Unit Operations and Integrated Plants 2011 3˙255˙110.00 2˙337˙282.00
27 Dem@Care Dementia Ambient Care: Multi-Sensing Monitoring for Intelligent Remote Management and Decision Support 2011 10˙626˙392.00 7˙300˙000.00
28 EINS Network of Excellence in Internet Science 2011 5˙991˙815.00 4˙997˙000.00
29 CODELANCE Advanced Network Coding for Video Surveillance 2012 1˙811˙529.00 1˙811˙529.00
30 CloPeMa Clothes Perception and Manipulation 2012 3˙715˙051.00 2˙810˙000.00
32 ISABELLE Integrated SAfety Benefit Estimation tooL for 2-wheeLErs 2012 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
33 T-CELL Innovative SOFC Architecture based on Triode Operation 2012 3˙424˙167.00 1˙796˙267.00
34 WEB-INUNION Bringing Western Balkans closer to Innovation Union: An example of EURAXESS Regional Collaboration 2012 242˙924.00 199˙970.00
35 APT-STEP Unlocking APTL’s Scientific and Technological Research Potential in Green Mobility 2012 1˙150˙921.00 1˙150˙921.00
36 INERTIA Integrating Active, Flexible and Responsive Tertiary Prosumers into a Smart Distribution Grid 2012 5˙251˙896.00 3˙640˙606.00
37 FUTRE FUture prospects on TRansport evolution and innovation challenges for the competitiveness of Europe 2012 1˙182˙578.00 876˙860.00
38 NEAR2 Network of European – Asian Rail Research capacities 2012 962˙831.00 887˙003.00
39 i-Treasures Intangible Treasures - Capturing the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Learning the Rare Know-How of Living Human Treasures 2013 7˙327˙393.00 5˙200˙000.00
40 SCoRPiO Significance-Based Computing for Reliability and Power Optimization 2013 2˙479˙567.00 1˙890˙775.00
41 REN 2013 2013 RESEARCHERS’ NIGHT: The Greek Events 2013 114˙261.00 90˙000.00
42 U-GENE Multi-national network of excellence for research on genetic predisposition to cardio-metabolic disorders due to UCP1 gene polymorphisms 2013 410˙400.00 410˙400.00
43 FUEGO Global Network of Excellence for Research on Adipose Tissue Plasticity and Human Thermogenesis 2013 404˙400.00 404˙400.00
44 Local4Global SYSTEM-OF-SYSTEMS THAT ACT LOCALLY FOR OPTIMIZING GLOBALLY 2013 3˙197˙058.00 2˙515˙864.00
46 Wikirate The Wikirate Project - Crowdsource Better Companies 2013 2˙402˙482.00 1˙885˙000.00
47 OpenCube Publishing and Enriching Linked Open Statistical Data for the Development of Data Analytics and Enhanced Visualization Services 2013 1˙287˙436.00 985˙339.00
48 MULTISENSOR Mining and Understanding of multilinguaL contenT for Intelligent Sentiment Enriched coNtext and Social Oriented inteRpretation 2013 4˙178˙753.00 2˙965˙000.00
49 POLLINS Automated Pollution Inspection Scanning System for Soil using a robotic vehicle 2013 2˙949˙456.00 2˙207˙588.00
50 AMSCOPPER "Anti-microbial, self-cleaning copper composite coatings applied in metallic objects against infections transmission" 2013 1˙472˙462.00 1˙111˙000.00
51 RAPP RAPP– Robotic Applications for Delivering Smart User Empowering Applications 2013 2˙473˙542.00 1˙950˙000.00
52 EU-PORTRAITS EUropean PORTWorkers TRAIning Scheme 2013 1˙404˙892.00 1˙388˙739.00
53 HYDROSOL-PLANT Thermochemical HYDROgen production in a SOLar monolithic reactor: construction and operation of a 750 kWth PLANT 2014 3˙480˙806.00 2˙265˙385.00
54 NoTremor Virtual, Physiological and Computational Neuromuscular Models for the Predictive Treatment of Parkinson'snDisease 2014 4˙181˙071.00 2˙942˙000.00
55 ALTITUDE "ALTernative to Indium Tin Oxide materials for sustainable growth of displays, solar and automobile industries" 2014 1˙498˙374.00 1˙125˙999.00

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