Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Airbus defence and space sas"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 AEROFAST AEROcapture for Future spAce tranSporTation 2009 2˙985˙856.00 1˙924˙374.00
2 RASTAS SPEAR RAdiation-Shapes Thermal protection investigAtionS for high-SPeed EArth Re-entry 2010 2˙404˙293.00 1˙607˙756.00
3 REVUS Reducing the Vulnerability of Space Systems 2011 3˙191˙059.00 1˙971˙271.00
4 D-BOX Demining tool-BOX for humanitarian clearing of large scale area from anti-personal landmines and cluster munitions 2013 9˙909˙587.00 6˙898˙085.00

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