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H2020 projects about "beliefs"

The page lists 77 projects related to the topic "beliefs".

# achronym  title  year 
1 Disasters Market Beliefs and Optimal Policy in the Presence of Disasters 2015
2 CRIC Cultural Narratives of Crisis and Renewal 2015
3 EPAF Role of Epithelial Apoptotic Force in Morphogenesis 2015
4 DISAGROUP The Role of Groups in Complex Disagreement 2016
5 CHRISLAS Christian Diversity in Late Antique Sirmium (ca 350 – ca 450): A Historical, Literary and Theological Study 2016
6 THESUNKIN Thessaly under the Kings: Religion, Society and the Politics of Multiculturalism in Mainland Greece 2015
7 MUSIC How the brain creates Mutual Understanding during Social InteraCtion 2016
8 SPEA Socrates and Plato on Epistemic Authority 2015
9 MEDINI Mechanism Design under Incomplete Information 2015
10 BBP Bridging Belief and Practice 2015
11 BayesianMarkets Bayesian markets for unverifiable truths 2016
12 POLITICALMIND Explaining Politicians' and Voters' Behavior 2015
13 SNSNEWS The new flow of news : how social network sites transform news organization and citizens political behavior 2016
14 BPI Bayesian Peer Influence: Group Beliefs, Polarisation and Segregation 2016
15 TheGayVoice Beyond “Straight Talking”: The Consequences of Vocal Cues to to Sexual Identity for Modern Prejudice 2016
16 ARGUE_WEB Probabilistic Argumentation on the Web 2016
17 QDM Quantum Decision Making 2016
18 INFORMATIVEPRICES Market Selection, Frictions, and the Information Content of Prices 2016
19 Back2theFuture Back to the Future. Perceiving the future and the development of early modern capitalism, 1500-1700 2016
20 DEBUNKER The Problem of European Misperceptions in Politics, Health, and Science:Causes, Consequences, and the Search for Solutions 2016
21 PABIR Policy analysis with beliefs about identifying restrictions 2016
22 HKADeC Human Capital Accumulation in Developing Countries: Mechanisms, Constraints and Policies 2016
23 InStance Intentional stance for social attunement 2017
24 BRAINBELIEFS Proving or improving yourself: longitudinal effects of ability beliefs on neural feedback processing and school outcomes 2017
25 MEXRES Restoration and Faith: practicing religion and conservation in Mexico's historic churches 2016
26 MICROFOUNDATIONS Microfoundations of International Order 2017
27 Speedingrisk Applying risk communication strategies to reduce speeding-related risks 2017
28 NARMESH Narrating the Mesh: Ecology and the Non-Human in Contemporary Fiction and Oral Storytelling 2017
29 Biofrigas Turning manure into fuel: a container based LBG plant for small to medium scale farms 2017
30 DemandDemoc Demand for Democracy 2017
31 ThReDS A Theory of Reference for Distributional Semantics 2017
32 MENTALIZINGORIGINS Origins of theory of mind: action prediction by great apes and human infants 2018
33 OpenPhilology Open Philology: The Composition of Buddhist Scriptures 2018
34 DIVERSE-EXPECON Discriminative preferences and fairness ideals in diverse societies: An ‘experimental economics’ approach 2018
35 CGinsideNP Complexity Inside NP - A Computational Geometry Perspective 2018
36 BSP Belief Systems Project 2018
37 SUEE Strategic Uncertainty in Economic Environments 2018
38 GHOST Geographies and Histories of the Ottoman Supernatural Tradition Exploring Magic, the Marvelous, and the Strange in Ottoman Mentalities 2018
39 EpiLog The Unknown Science: Understanding the Epistemology of Logic through Practice 2018
40 FULFIL Fulfilling the Law: Medieval Intellectuals and the Christian Making of Jewish Identity 2018
41 SPACES Sex, disPlacements, And cross-Cultural EncounterS 2018
42 BIVIUM Standing at the Crossroads: Doubt in Early Modern Italy (1500-1560) 2018
43 EXPO Citizens exposed to dissimilar views in the media: investigating backfire effects 2018
44 OPTIMIZERR Errors as cost-optimizing decisions? Redefining the origin and nature of human decision errors in light of associated neural computations 2018
45 InfoSampCollectJgmt The Implications of Selective Information Sampling for Individual and Collective Judgments 2018
46 WaSH-UPP Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in sub-Saharan Africa: Understanding Policy and Practice 2018
47 INTOM Infant Theory of Mind 2019
48 INTIMIZ Interracial intimacy in Africa: Afro-European couples, cross cultural transactions, and social changes in Islamic Zanzibar 2018
49 PBDM Payoff-Based Decision-Making 2018
50 APMPAL-HET Asset Prices and Macro Policy when Agents Learn and are Heterogeneous 2018
51 ToMSelfLink Understanding Others and the Self - What does brain maturation tell us about early Theory of Mind development and its relation to the emergence of a self-concept in early childhood? 2018
52 MIDA Mediating Islam in the Digital Age. Present issues and past experiences of technological revolutions 2019
53 WhoP Whales of Power: Aquatic Mammals, Devotional Practices, and Environmental Change in Maritime East Asia 2019
54 VARME Varieties of Media Effects 2019
55 CONCISE Communication role on perception and beliefs of EU Citizens about Science 2018
56 METABODY METABODY: Body Metacognition, Mentalization and Metamorphosis 2019
58 EMUSIG Emotional Musical Signals 2019
59 METAPoF Metaphor as the Purpose of the Firm 2019
60 PLEDGEDEM Pledges in democracy 2019
61 PersVR Unraveling the persuasive power of 360º-video Virtual Reality narratives 2019
62 PLPUK Parental leave policies in the UK: an intersectional analysis of policy development and use 2020
63 COMPLIT Complicity: A Crisis of Participation in Testimonies of Totalitarianism in Contemporary German-language Literatures 2019
64 ENR Expressivism and Normative Realism 2019
65 ASSESSnet Language assessment in virtual mobility initiatives at tertiary level – teachers’ beliefs, practices and perceptions 2019
66 Help4ME Evidence-based probiotic for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 2019
67 Water-Cultures The Water Cultures of Italy, 1500-1900 2019
68 CausalBrain Dynamic directed functional connectivity of causal learning 2019
69 ToMComputations How other minds are represented in the human brain: Neural computations underlying Theory of Mind 2019
70 TRACTION Opera co-creation for a social transformation 2020
71 EXTREME The Epistemology and Ethics of Fundamentalism 2020
72 SunSHINE The Sun-chariot’s Journey Towards the Nordic Sky: on the (Pre-)History of Ideas on Sky, Sun, and Sunlight in Northern Europe 2020
73 RESIDUE Mongolian Buddhist Waste and the Recalcitrant Materiality of Blessings. 2020
74 WiseWomen Wise Women: Beliefs and Networks of Female Spiritual Figures in Central European Vernacular Religion 2020
75 SWEET The sweetest gender: feminine subjectivities and the gendering of sweets in Barcelona (1650-1800) 2020
76 SOCIENTITY_PR The Role of Social Identity on Preferences for Redistribution 2020
77 OriGen Origen on Gender. The feminine as an intellectual category in the works of Origen of Alexandria. 2020