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H2020 projects about "explored"

The page lists 491 projects related to the topic "explored".

# achronym  title  year 
1 RNEst14-15 Estonian Researchers' Nights 2014-2015 2014
2 i3-Food Process integration for rapid implementation of sustainable innovative food processing 2015
3 IN2RAIL Innovative Intelligent Rail 2015
4 HUCO Human Cooperation to Protect the Global Commons 2015
5 EQUALIZE Equalizing or disequalizing? Opposing socio-demographic determinants of the spatial distribution of welfare. 2015
6 SYNTECH Synthesis Technologies for Reactive Systems Software Engineers 2015
7 XBCBCAT From Supramolecular Chemistry to Organocatalysis: Fundamental Studies on the Use of Little-Explored Non-Covalent Interactions in Organic Synthesis 2015
8 PHySIS Sparse Signal Processing Technologies for HyperSpectral Imaging Systems 2015
9 BetaDropNMR Ultra-sensitive NMR in liquids 2015
10 TheLiRep Exploring the Potential for Therapeutic Lineage Reprogramming of Diabetes 2015
11 DiStruc Directed Colloidal Structure at the Meso-Scale 2015
12 MEL-PLEX Exploiting MELanoma disease comPLEXity to address European research training needs in translational cancer systems biology and cancer systems medicine 2014
13 CRITICS Critical Transitions in Complex Systems 2015
14 RADIO Robots in assisted living environments: Unobtrusive, efficient, reliable and modular solutions for independent ageing 2015
15 MEDILIGHT Miniaturized smart system for light stimulation and monitoring of wound healing 2015
16 MixedEmotions Social Semantic Emotion Analysis for Innovative Multilingual Big Data Analytics Markets 2015
17 QT21 QT21: Quality Translation 21 2015
18 PROTINUS PROviding new insighT into INteractions between soil fUnctions and Structure 2015
19 Bin2Grid Turning unexploited food waste into biomethane supplied through local filling stations network 2015
20 CHILE A Comparative History of Insurance Law in Europe 2015
21 FlexNets Quantifying Flexibility in Communication Networks 2015
22 LEXICAL Lexical Acquisition Across Languages 2015
23 GLOBIS-B GLOBal Infrastructures for Supporting Biodiversity research 2015
24 GETUI Gestures in Tangible User Interfaces 2015
25 NANO-Q Cavity Cooling of Nanosilicon for Quantum Interference Experiments 2015
26 FeSensor Finding the iron sensing protein in crop plants 2015
27 MUSAL Multi-scale modelling of waves of porous media with applications to acoustic control and biomechanics 2015
28 Art and Brain Art and Brain: An integrated approach to causative analysis of neural function in perception of art using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation 2015
29 DC FlexMIL Development and Control of Flexible Mode-locked Integrated Laser 2016
30 NPL Synthesis of Natural Product Like Compounds for Drug Discovery 2016
31 DRC-ECSA Hierarchical surface patterns from dissolution-reaction-crystallisation mediated evaporation controlled self-assembly (DRC-ECA) and its antimicrobial coating application 2015
32 QuantMR7 Quantitative MRI of the brain using magnetic resonance fingerprinting 2016
33 LOGIVIS The logics of information visualisation 2015
34 MOCT Spectral Theory of Non-Selfadjoint Markov Processes with Applications in Self-Similarity, Branching Processes and Financial Mathematics 2015
35 NeWMaBIL Neural correlates of working memory control in aged bilinguals 2016
36 ECECWorkforce Knowledge, Skills and Attitudinal Competences for Quality Early childhood Education and Care 2015
37 NICOS Nonlinear optical coatings at high intensities 2015
38 HS-GLASSion Highly stable glasses applied for lithium ion battery electrolytes 2015
39 seQureNet Secure information processing in quantum networks 2015
40 CREAM Control of Energy by Advanced Artificial Materials 2015
41 East-West Exploring the Eastern and the Western Debate: the Case of Mathematics Teachers’ Professional Knowledge and Students’ Achievement - A Comparative Study between Germany and China 2016
42 SCEL-TA Surfactant controlled Cation Exchange Lithography - Towards Application 2015
43 STEPDYN H2 and CH4 Dissociation Dynamics on Stepped Metal Surfaces via First-Principles Simulations 2016
44 VascColl Temporally controlled delivery of vascular therapeutics from a regenerative template for diabetic wound healing 2015
45 2DSi Magnetic Sensors based on Two-Dimensional Materials/Si 2015
46 MEMOTION Changing the course of cognitive decline in normal aging with positive emotions by training brain plasticity 2016
47 S-OS Exosomes as microenvironmental cue for engaging mesenchymal stem cells in osteosarcoma progression 2016
48 WATER INCENT Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Water Scarce and Drought Prone Irrigated Areas 2015
49 ECOHYDRY Advancing dryland ecohydrology: factors and mechanisms determining catastrophic shifts 2016
50 HUMANITECH Humanitarian Technology Interventions 2015
51 INDLINK Growth and Diversification in the Presence of Industry Linkages 2015
52 TePaChe Temperature, Pathogens and Chemicals: Stressors in a Changing World 2015
53 ReversePlasticity Evolution of the thermal plasticity of gene expression: a reverse evolution experiment using Drosophila simulans. 2015
54 BLOBREC A gene expression test in blood for breast cancer 2015
55 SOMATCH Support IT solution for creative fashion designers by integrated software systems to collect, define and visualize textile and clothing trends through innovative image analysis from open data 2015
56 GLASUNTES Innovative high temperature thermal energy storage concept for CSP plants exceeding 50% efficiency 2016
57 CD-LINKS Linking Climate and Development Policies - Leveraging International Networks and Knowledge Sharing 2015
58 QuantumMagnonics Interfacing spin waves with superconducting quantum circuits for single magnon creation and detection 2015
59 Zoterac Zinc Oxide For TeraHertz Cascade Devices 2015
60 MENUTERRANEUS Algorithm for healthy eating habits 2015
61 TopFront Expanding the Topological Frontier in Quantum Matter: from Concepts to Future Applications 2015
62 ER_disease Defining hormonal cross-talk and the role of mutations in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer 2015
63 SURFINK Functional materials from on-surface linkage of molecular precursors 2015
64 CONC-VIA-RIEMANN High-Dimensional Convexity, Isoperimetry and Concentration via a Riemannian Vantage Point 2015
65 DAFNEOX Designing Advanced Functionalities through controlled NanoElement integration in OXide thin films 2015
66 ActIng Addiction of Insects for Biosensoring 2015
67 GEDII Gender Diversity Impact – Improving research and innovation through gender diversity 2015
68 BRAINSTRUCT Building up a brain: understanding how neural stem cell fate and regulation controls nervous tissue architecture 2015
69 MaTissE Magnetic approaches for Tissue Mechanics and Engineering 2015
70 NEWPHYS-MOLECULES Probing Physics beyond the Standard Model from Molecules 2015
71 IntRanSt Integrable Random Structures 2015
72 FAKIR Focal Adhesion Kinetics In nanosurface Recognition 2015
73 CESSDA-SaW Strengthening and widening the European infrastructure for social science data archives. 2015
74 IPPAD Effect of 4500bar injection pressure and super-critical phase change of surrogate and real-world fuels enriched with additives and powering Diesel engines on soot emissions reduction 2015
75 Supramol Towards Artificial Enzymes: Bio-inspired Oxidations in Photoactive Metal-Organic Frameworks 2015
76 EQuO Electron Quantum optics in quantum Hall edge channels 2015
77 MYOP-PATH Towards solving myopia: from genes to pathways using an integrated approach 2015
78 PERFORM Participatory Engagement with Scientific and Technological Research through Performance 2015
79 ObesityDevelop Effects of maternal gestational adiposity on fetal development and perinatal, postnatal and next generation health. 2015
80 SCALE Scalable Quantum Photonic Networks 2015
81 HADES Benthic diagenesis and microbiology of hadal trenches 2016
82 Q4HEALTH Quality of Service and prioritisation for emergency services in the LTE RAN stack 2016
83 StronGrHEP Strong Gravity and High-Energy Physics 2016
84 SORBET Spin Orbitronics for Electronic Technologies 2015
85 SYNERGY Synergy for Smart Multi-Objective Optimisation 2016
87 L2TOR Second Language Tutoring using Social Robots 2016
88 MOS-QUITO MOS-based Quantum Information TechnOlogy 2016
89 DynaMech Linking Transcription Factor Binding Dynamics to Promoter Output 2016
90 INSTRUCTIVE INfrared STRUctural monitoring of Cracks using Thermoelastic analysis In production enVironmEnts 2016
91 DYNAP Dynamic Penetrating Peptide Adaptamers 2016
92 COHEGRAPH Electron quantum optics in Graphene 2016
93 MiCARF Multi-tubular Catalytic Reactor for Flexible Production of Fine Chemicals 2016
94 YlideLigands Tailoring Ylidic Compounds as Ligands for Organometallic Chemistry 2016
95 EDeN Ependymal cell Development: New insight into neurological diseases 2015
96 HUMO What is everybody doing? Social prediction, categorization, and monitoring in the Prefrontal Cortex of the Macaque adopting a new human-monkey (H-M) interactive paradigm. 2016
97 Angiolnc Endothelial long non-coding RNAs 2016
98 ISECO Information services: competition and externalities 2015
99 Lost Frontiers Europe’s Lost Frontiers: exploring climate change, settlement and colonisation of the submerged landscapes of the North Sea basin using ancient DNA, seismic mapping and complex systems modelling 2015
100 METRO4-3D Metrology for future 3D-technologies 2016
101 DESIREE Decision Support and Information Management System for Breast Cancer 2016
102 nanoBAT Enhanced brown adipose tissue activity using nanotechnology approaches 2016
103 CoHERE Critical Heritages: performing and representing identities in Europe 2016
104 LDMThExp Going Beyond the WIMP: From Theory to Detection of Light Dark Matter 2016
105 TM-FLPS Bond Activation and Catalysis by Transition Metal Frustrated Lewis Pairs 2016
106 WeGovNow Towards We-Government: Collective and participative approaches for addressing local policy challenges 2016
107 FUNBIT Imaging Mass Spectrometry of Fungal – Bacterial Interplay 2016
108 HEFTinLOOPS Effective Field Theory predictions for Higgs production processes at the Large Hadron Collider 2017
109 TIMBER Northern Europe's timber resource - chronology, origin and exploitation 2016
110 Q-PHOTONICS Quantum fluids of photons in optically-induced structures 2016
111 WINDMIL Smart Monitoring, Inspection and Life-Cycle Assessment of Wind Turbines 2016
112 CAtMolChip Cold Atmospheric Molecules on a Chip 2016
114 ConAQuMe Quantum Control for Advanced Quantum Metrology 2016
115 LWIMT Main group chemistry, inorganic polymers, catalysis, silicon- and phosphorus-based polymers 2016
116 ACQUIRE The mechanism of acquired thermotolerance in potato 2016
117 PAEDS Prevalence and Experience of Diagnostic Shifts in Youth Mental Healthcare 2017
118 HURIME Human Rights in the Post-Uprisings Middle East: Emerging Discourses and Practices in Egypt and Tunisia 2017
119 DipInQuantum Dipolar quantum gases of Dysprosium 2016
120 BrainCrossTalk Large-scale cortical communication: Brain oscillatory mechanisms of attention allocation and selective inhibition 2017
121 BosQuanTran Quantum simulation of transport properties in arbitrary shaped potential landscapes with ultracold bosonic atoms 2016
122 CharmingAntimatter Measurement of charm matter-antimatter asymmetries 2017
123 N-MuQuaS Non-locality in Multipartite Quantum Systems 2016
124 SAGE-CPSoC Self-Aware CPSoCs with Hierarchical Goal Management 2016
125 REINVENT Re-inventory-ing Heritage: Exploring the potential of public participation GIS to capture heritage values and dissonance 2016
127 TalkingHeads TalkingHeads: Audiovisual Speech Recognition in-the-wild 2016
128 EQUIANFUN Equidae Hindgut Anaerobic Fungi: A key unexplored taxa of central importance to dietary fibre degradation 2016
129 Gut-InflammAge Age-associated signatures in the composition and pro-inflammatory status of the gut microbiome in humans and mice, and the impact of a periodic fasting intervention to promote healthy aging 2016
130 EARTHSCAPES From Landscapes to Earthscapes: Understanding Visual Cultures of Global Environmental Crisis and the Making of Global Environmental Images, 1945-present (EARTHSCAPES) 2017
131 ULKCOND Zero damage Ultra-Low-K etch using the precursor CONDensation technique 2016
132 nanoOIPC Surface characterization of nano-particle embedded organic ionic plastic crystals and ionic liquid using advance 3D high resolution optical and electrochemical imaging 2016
133 PyroPhosphoProtein Site-selective chemical pyrophosphorylation of proteins using tag-and-modify approach. 2016
134 CRESO Cognition and Representation of Self and the Other in North African Rock Art 2017
135 Dynasore Dynamical magnetic excitations with spin-orbit interaction in realistic nanostructures 2016
136 e-Cat The Electron as a Catalyst 2016
137 PROPERA The Profanation of Opera: Music and Drama on Film 2017
138 PhiSi The Role of Philanthropy and Social Investments in Fostering Research and Innovation. New financing forms and partnerships. 2016
139 SMART-Plant Scale-up of low-carbon footprint material recovery techniques in existing wastewater treatment plants 2016
140 CHIKV-FBDD Structural investigation into functionality of Chikungunya virus nsP2 in replication complex and screening of small molecules for its inhibition 2016
141 SACRIMA The Normativity of Sacred Images in Early Modern Europe 2016
142 RISEWISE RISEWISE -RISE Women with disabilities In Social Engagement 2016
143 FIRSTORM Modeling first-order Mott transitions 2016
144 TBO-MET Meteorological Uncertainty Management for Trajectory Based Operations 2016
145 THaCH The effects of hypercholesterolemia on tendon health (Tendon Health and CHolesterol) 2016
146 SCEON Scanning Electron Optical Nanoscopy 2016
147 reSEARCH Re(search) 2016
148 MeerTRAP Discovering Fast Transients and Pulsars with MeerKAT for Cosmology and to Test the Laws of Gravity 2016
149 PROTEGO Procedural Tools for Effective Governance (PROTEGO) Patterns, Outcomes and Policy DesignProcedural Tools for Effective Growth: Patterns, Outcomes and policy Design 2016
150 Rmat3 Theoretical study of cold and ultracold collisions in triatomic systems using inner-region nuclear motion wavefunctions and outer-region R-matrix propagation 2016
151 POnTE Pest Organisms Threatening Europe 2015
152 DrugSynergy DrugSynergy: A data-driven systems biology approach to optimize drug combination strategies 2016
153 NaTuRe Nanotube Mechanical Resonator, Spin, and Superfluidity 2017
154 CUNDA Causality Relations Using Nonlinear Data Assimilation 2016
155 RespeCT Respiratory Disease Screening with Dark-Field Computed Tomography 2016
156 ProCovar Exploring new applications of amino acid covariation analysis in modelling proteins and their complexes 2016
157 FORECASTING Forecasting with large datasets: A time varying covariance matrix 2016
158 NaToxAq Natural Toxins and Drinking Water Quality - From Source to Tap 2017
159 InDIRECT Direct and indirect biorefinery technologies for conversion of organic side-streams into multiple marketable products 2016
160 DownToTen Measuring automotive exhaust particles down to 10 nanometres 2016
161 TaGFrag Stabilising Protein-Protein Interactions: A Target-Guided Fragment-Based Approach 2016
162 MAGIC Metal Assisted chemical etching of Gratings for X-ray InterferometriC systems 2016
163 SPLICECODE Alternative Splicing Codes for Synaptic Specificity 2016
164 MOFcat Fundamental and Applied Science on Molecular Redox-Catalysts of Energy Relevance in Metal-Organic Frameworks 2017
165 FORAM Towards a World Forum on Raw Materials (FORAM) 2016
166 CHROMIC effiCient mineral processing and Hydrometallurgical RecOvery of by-product Metals from low-grade metal contaIning seCondary raw materials 2016
167 MECHANO-FLUO Mechanofluorochromism: from molecular engineering to the elaboration of smart materials 2017
168 DAFIA Biomacromolecules from municipal solid bio-waste fractions and fish waste for high added value applications. 2017
169 NONCODRIVERS Finding noncoding cancer drivers 2016
170 EVALVE Biomechanics and signaling in models of congenital heart valve defects 2016
171 3D-Plant2Cells Exploring the Impact of Pesticide on the 3D Metabolome and the Microbiota from the Whole Plant to the Cell Scale 2017
172 SMART Structured nonlinear Metamaterials for efficient generation and Active functional control of Radiation of THz light 2017
173 MAGNAMED Novel magnetic nanostructures for medical applications 2017
174 AMPLIFY Amplifying Human Perception Through Interactive Digital Technologies 2016
175 NANOPHOM Nanophosphor-based photonic materials for next generation light-emitting devices 2017
176 MIR-BOSE Mid- and far-IR optoelectronic devices based on Bose-Einstein condensation 2017
177 FAST-bact A novel fast test for antibiotic susceptibility testing for Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria 2016
178 CO2MPRISE CO2 absorbing Materials Project- RISE 2017
179 NMR4Nanos Development and application of NMR-based tools to inorganic nanocarriers for effective vaccine delivery 2017
180 MONONANOCHEM In vivo engineering of monocytes loaded with nano-chemotherapeutic formulations: a novel live-cell mediated drug delivery system for the treatment of cancer 2017
181 GLYCONEOBRAIN Exploring glycosidic neo-epitopes of degenerative hippocampal granules in aged mice and humans: implications for ageing and dementia 2017
182 TSuNAMI Trans-Spin NanoArchitectures: from birth to functionalities in magnetic field 2017
183 CompDB The Computational Database for Real World Awareness 2017
184 ECOFUNEL Eco Design: Composite functionalization: thermal and electrical conductivity 2017
185 TOPOQDot A bottom-up topological superconductor based on quantum dot arrays 2017
186 FIBRANET Fibres in Ancient European Textiles 2017
187 LIGER Identification of novel substrates for ubiquitin ligases involved in cell cycle and cell migration 2017
188 FluCoMa Fluid Corpus Manipulation: Creative Research in Musical Mining of Large Sound/Gesture Datasets through Foundational Access to the Latest Advances of Signal Decomposition. 2017
189 DSR Dissipative Self-Replication 2017
190 NExtNCNaBatt Novel Extended solids based on N=C chemistry for future Na-ion Batteries 2017
191 SupramolecularWires Multicomponent supramolecular wires as a platform for the control of protein functions 2017
192 GLYCONHC Exploiting carbohydrate/N-heterocyclic carbene hybrid complexes as innovative multifunctional oxidation catalysts with tailoring of weak interactions allowing for development of enzyme mimics 2017
193 CustomCOF New strategies for the formation of two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks (2D-COFs) on surfaces. 2017
194 FishMan Unwanted catches of trawl fisheries: ecosystem effects and advances to an integratedmanagement approach in the Mediterranean 2017
195 EROSIVE The influence of Earth-surface processes on solid-Earth, ice-sheet, and sea-level interactions for Scandinavian Ice-Sheet collapse 2018
196 SPEAKER DICE Robust SPEAKER DIariazation systems using Bayesian inferenCE and deep learning methods 2017
197 DOC Dark Ocean Cosmeceuticals -DOC-: The Cosmetical and Pharmaceutical Potential of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter 2017
198 SCAVENGER Determining the drivers and importance of scavenging behaviors in a changing world using agent based modeling approaches. 2017
199 ULTIMATE Towards the ultimate dark matter detector 2017
200 Renaissance Idiocy Representing Idiocy and Intellectual Disability in Early Modern English Literature, 1500-1640 2017
201 Basquesmith Ironworking technology and social complexity of rural comunities during the Early Medieval Ages 2017
202 VAIM Stereoregular Inorganic Polymer Analogues of Polyolefins 2017
203 ILBIB Ireland and Late-Georgian British Imaginings of Belonging: With Particular Reference to William Wordsworth 2017
204 SYMBODIN The Symbolism of the Body in Northern Europe. Cognitive Metaphors and Old Norse Myth from the Viking Age to Late Medieval Times 2018
205 MSCFate Fate of mammary stem cells during tumorigenesis and clinical implications 2017
206 SOLSTORE Solid-state reactions for thermal energy storage 2017
207 RECHARGE Photon-recycling for high-efficiency energy harvesting in GaAs photovoltaic devices on silicon 2017
208 PhARRAO Photo- And Radical induced Reactivity of Atmospheric Oxidants 2017
209 RE-mapping Tackling early school leaving and low school performance through working with students’ representational spaces. The case of 15 years old students in France, Italy and Greece. 2017
210 JTIM Biodegradable Water-Soluble Cylindrical Block Copolymer Micelles and their Applications in Nanomedicine 2018
211 TNFaLysMyr Unique TNFα lysine myristoylation; elucidating its function, regulation and integration into inflammation 2018
212 CINK Advancing cancer immunotherapy using natural killer cells for hematological and metastatic cancers 2018
213 HBVssNMR Investigating the structural role of the Hepatitis B virus core protein C-terminal domain in assembly and maturation using solid-state NMR 2017
214 CPR A cross-country comparison of Communications designed to Prevent Radicalisation 2017
215 BioALFA The effect of pro-aging and pro-youthful blood factors in normal ageing and Alzheimer’s disease: a multimodal approach 2018
216 MMoBEER Mathematical models of bone externally excited remodelling 2017
217 IASIS Integration and analysis of heterogeneous big data for precision medicine and suggested treatments for different types of patients 2017
218 TheONE The Janus-face of the localized carrier in cuprates: Generating the pseudogap and high temperature superconductivity 2017
219 VADIS Variance Aware Determinate assembly Integrated System 2017
220 LogCorRM Log Correlations and Random Matrices 2017
221 Vis-a-Vis Collective Infectious Units and the Social Evolution of Viruses 2017
222 HOPE Humans On Planet Earth - Long-term impacts on biosphere dynamics 2018
224 MAP Mapping Ancient Polytheisms Cult Epithets as an Interface between Religious Systems and Human Agency 2017
225 ToDL Systems Chemistry: Steps Towards De-Novo Life 2017
226 WESTRAT Western Strategies in East Asia. The Reconfiguration of US, British and French security policies in the Pacific Century 2017
227 FRAGMENT2DRUG Jigsaw puzzles at atomic resolution: Computational design of GPCR drugs from fragments 2017
228 BuddhistRoad Dynamics in Buddhist Networks in Eastern Central Asia, 6th-14th Centuries 2017
229 EUCLEG Breeding forage and grain legumes to increase EU's and China's protein self-sufficiency 2017
230 CONNECT Innovative smart components, modules and appliances for a truly connected, efficient and secure smart grid. 2017
231 CLUNATRA Discovering new Catalysts in the Cluster-Nanoparticle Transition Regime 2017
232 FastBio A genomics and systems biology approach to explore the molecular signature and functional consequences of long-term, structured fasting in humans 2017
233 Super-Vaccine Exploring the potential applications of live viral vaccine encoded small-hairpin-RNAs in improving both vaccine safety and efficacy through RNA-interference and stimulation of the innate immune system 2018
234 DESIGNSCAPES Building Capacity for Design enabled Innovation in Urban Environments 2017
235 Multiscreen Multiple cellular screens using microfluidic droplets 2017
236 POWERSHIFTS Shifting political power: the nature and consequences of distributed renewable energy transitions 2017
237 ROCKY Forests and Trees: the Formal Semantics of Collective Categorization 2017
238 ThermalMR Thermal Magnetic Resonance: A New Instrument to Define the Role of Temperature in Biological Systems and Disease for Diagnosis and Therapy 2018
239 XSTREAM X-ray-waveforms at the Space-Time Resolution Extreme for Atomic-scale Movies 2017
240 CSRS A Comparative Study of Resilience in Survivors of War Rape and Sexual Violence: New Directions for Transitional Justice 2017
241 ASPIN Antiferromagntic spintronics 2017
242 DeAge Deconstructing Ageing: from molecular mechanisms to intervention strategies 2017
243 FuSuMaTech Future Superconducting Magnet Technology 2017
244 MEMO Mechanics with Molecules 2017
245 SAHR Skill Acquisition in Humans and Robots 2017
246 APES Accuracy and precision for molecular solids 2018
247 MalPar.NET Malaria Parasite Networking: Discovering Modes of Cell-Cell Communication 2017
248 SUPREMA SUpport for Policy RElevant Modelling of Agriculture 2018
249 MoThal Functional exploration of the contributions of brainstem-motor thalamic pathways to motor execution and learning 2018
250 MEMORISING Remembering the Sound of Images: Cross-cultural study of rock art soundscapes and knowledge transmission in the New and Old Worlds. 2018
251 STRONG Strong Coupling Between Molecules and Vacuum Fields: New Molecular Properties 2018
252 QUSCO Quantum superiority with coherent states 2018
253 BLOOM Boosting European citizens knowledge and awareness of bioeconomy 2017
254 OACTIVE Advanced personalised, multi-scale computer models preventing OsteoArthritis 2017
255 EUMarineRobots Marine robotics research infrastructure network 2018
256 CIO Common Interactive Objects 2017
257 MAGSPEC Spectra of Molecules in Strong Magnetic Fields 2018
258 MESI-STRAT Systems Medicine of Metabolic-Signaling Networks: A New Concept for Breast Cancer Patient Stratification 2018
259 TRIBAL A TRranslational approach to Identify Biomarkers for Asthma and Lung function impairment 2017
260 HEFT Hidden Emissions of Forest Transitions: GHG effects of socio-metabolic processes reducingpressures on forests 2018
261 CHIC Chicory as a multipurpose crop for dietary fibre and medicinal terpenes 2018
262 BIOCONCO2 BIOtechnological processes based on microbial platforms for the CONversion of CO2 from ironsteel industry into commodities for chemicals and plastics 2018
263 INFACT Innovative, Non-invasive and Fully Acceptable Exploration Technologies 2017
265 NovAnI Indentification and optimisation of novel anti-infective agents using multiple hit-identification strategies 2018
266 MRS in diabetes Novel methods in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to investigate mechanisms underlying metabolic disease 2018
267 LOQO-MOTIONS Local quantum operations achieved through the motion of spins 2018
268 APOGEE Atomic-scale physics of single-photon sources. 2018
269 THE FALL The Fall of 1200BC: The role of migration and conflict in social crises at end of the Bronze Age in South-eastern Europe 2018
270 LIMA Controlling light-matter interactions by quantum designed 2D materials 2018
271 KEELBEMAN Keel beam manufacturing oriented solution 2018
272 BCPPlus New directions in bicyclopentane research 2018
273 ZEOCO2 ZEOlites for the conversion of CO2 to fuels and chemicals 2018
274 ECOMAT Encapsulation and contacting of two-dimensional materials 2018
275 BiHyOMat BioHybrid Optoelectronic Materials 2018
276 ChiralComm Chiral Communications at the Nanoscale 2018
277 CHROMREP An integrative approach linking chromosomal evolution and biodiversity in reptiles from Madagascar 2018
278 COMEX COmputational Modelling for EXtreme conditions 2018
279 COMFECTION Communication for Food Protection 2019
280 COOLEFIN Novel Dinuclear Late Transition Metal Catalysts for CO2/Olefin and CO2/Epoxide/Olefin Copolymerization 2019
281 covtrans Functional/Harmonic Analysis of Covariant Transforms 2019
283 DSMFACIL Facilitating a digital single market in Europe through cross-border alliances 2018
284 ECOMIG Ecological Migration During High Imperialism. German Qingdao As Meeting Point of International Species, 1898-1914. 2019
285 DREAM Drafting and Enacting the Revolutions in the Arab Mediterranean.In search of Dignity, from the 1950’s until today 2018
286 FatTryp Exploring the hidden life of African trypanosomes: parasite fat tropism and implications for disease 2018
287 HydroSocialExtremes Uncovering the Mutual Shaping of Hydrological Extremes and Society 2018
288 TRANSHOLOMORPHIC New transversality techniques in holomorphic curve theories 2018
289 VOICEs Controversies in Childbirth: from Epistemology to Practices 2018
290 NUCLITEX Producing transnational nuclear expertise in Italy (1955-1987): a historical-ethnographic approach 2019
291 PRECALI PREeclampsia risk stratification test: development of a suitable CALIbration framework for the analysis of a multiplex panel of endogenous compounds by LC-MS 2018
292 iCOMM New Frontiers in Nanophotonics: Integrating Complex Beams and Active Metasurface Devices 2018
293 THESIS The Single Optical Fibre Scalpel 2018
294 ISOMAXENT Development of a design-through-analysis methodology based on a coupled isogemetrcic-maximumentropy approach 2018
295 FADAMES Fatigue damage at mesoscopic level. Fatigue life prediction in conjunction with acoustic emission signals 2018
296 ENVIROSTOME Exploring the contribution of bacteriophages to the emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance in environmental settings 2019
297 FunGraW Fundamental physics in the era of gravitational-wave astronomy 2019
298 MMSA Molecular Motors for Surface Applications 2018
299 STARFLOOD Space-Time scAling of the Rainfall to FLOOD transformation 2018
301 GAE Genomics of Ageing in Elephants: Genomic architecture of senescence in a long-lived mammal 2018
302 WolAntiS Using antisense inhibition to understand Wolbachia symbiosis and antiviral protection 2019
303 LIMO Light Driven Stomatocyte Nanomotors 2018
304 rSAMs-NANO Nanoparticles with switchable shells for virus sensing and inhibition 2018
305 Metabeyond Beyond metamaterials: Designing novel optical materials from Angstrom-scale interactions 2019
306 UGMNanoSens Black phosphorous quantum dots as fluorescent nanosensing platforms for detecting unauthorised genetically modified material 2018
307 Gut-AnorexiaNervosa Metagenomics and metabolomics studies of patients with Anorexia Nervosa to identify intestinal microbial mechanisms contributing to pathogenesis 2018
308 GEiMS GridEye State Estimation of Medium Voltage Distribution Systems 2018
309 NanoPyroMat ZnS Wurtzite Nanotextured Ceramic Materials for Pyroelectric Energy Harvesting 2018
310 3DPRINT-VASCU-CHIP 3D Printed Vascular Model-on-Chip Platform with Automated Customization 2018
311 MaLeR Machine Learning applied to Reactivity: combination of HDNNs with ReaxFF 2018
312 FEMAGREE Female Agricultural Entrepreneurs: Identifying Institutional Barriers to Equality 2018
313 NEO-QE NEtwork-aware Optimization for Query Executions in Large Systems 2018
314 SEU-FER Southern Europe and low fertility: micro and macro determinants of a crucial demographic and cultural revolution 2018
315 ESSINDEX Essential Indexicality 2019
316 3D-SITS 3D Stretchable Inductive Tactile Sensors for Soft Artificial Touch 2018
317 SUPER Synthetic Utilization of Photoredox-generated Electrophilic Radicals 2018
318 MONMETAL Generation of monolayer thin 2D nanosheets of noble/semi-noble metals: Investigation of their structural, electronic and catalytic properties 2018
319 MUSIC-haic 3D MUltidisciplinary tools for the Simulation of In-flight iCing due to High Altitude Ice Crystals 2018
320 MechaDynA Multi-scale mechanics of dynamic leukocyte adhesion 2018
321 SPACE-UP Assisting European SPACE Start-ups in scaling UP 2018
322 TAPES3 Technology Advances for Pilotline of Enhanced Semiconductors for 3nm 2018
323 NEEM The New Ecology of Expressive Modes in Early Modern South India 2018
324 IslamAnimals Animals in the Philosophy of the Islamic World 2018
325 Paget-Advance Advancing knowledge to improve outcome in Paget’s disease of bone 2018
326 QUANTUM-N Quantum Mechanics in the Negative Mass Reference Frame 2018
327 BANK-LASH Banks, Popular Backlash, and the Post-Crisis Politics of Financial Regulation 2018
328 ReAct Remembering Activism: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe 2019
329 LAKEBOS The role of cattle at Prehistoric lake-dwelling sites in Switzerland: an investigation of husbandry practices and the spread of cultural influence. 2018
330 SE-SBR Sorbent-enhanced Steam Biomass Reforming for Integrated Bio-energy with Carbon Capture and Storage 2018
331 TImPANI Twinning in atmospheric Plasma science and applications 2018
332 EvoTrap Mechanisms to emerge and replicate the first sequence information of life in geothermal microfluidics of early Earth 2018
333 CIRGEN Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment: Ideas, Networks, Agencies 2019
334 GENESE 17 Geometries of Exotic NuclEar StructurE 17 2018
335 VIPRISCAR Validation of an industrial process to manufacture isosorbide bis(methyl carbonate) at pilot level 2018
336 RAPID RNA particles for Preparedness against Infectious Diseases 2018
337 FREESPACE Free-space optical transmission links with unprecedented receiver sensitivity 2018
338 MaCChines Molecular machines based on coiled-coil protein origami 2018
339 PECREGEN Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production from H2S in a Regenerative Scrubber 2019
340 DeCO-HVP Decouple Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to High Value Products 2018
341 SPARE Full scale innovative composite pax and cargo floor grids for regional Aircraft Fuselage barrel on -ground demonstrators. 2018
342 AURES II Auctions for Renewable Energy Support II 2018
343 NanoPol Soft Biocompatible Polymeric Nanostructures: A Toolbox for Novel Generation of Nano Pharmaceuticals in Ophthalmology 2019
344 REMIND Renewable Energies for Water Treatment and REuse in Mining Industries 2018
345 Topo2DEG Topological states in superconducting two-dimensional electron gases 2019
346 TerAqua Compact and powerful strong-field terahertz light source for exploring water in new regimes 2019
347 RE-CITY Reviving shrinking cities – innovative paths and perspectives towards livability for shrinkingcities in Europe 2018
348 BioMedaqu Aquaculture meets Biomedicine: Innovation in Skeletal Health research. 2018
349 BEATS Beamline for Tomography at SESAME 2019
350 TopSurgeons Understanding the influence of human and organizational factors on surgeon performance to enhance patient outcomes: experimental evaluation of a customized coaching program 2019
351 COSMOLOCALISM Design Global, Manufacture Local: Assessing the Practices, Innovation, and Sustainability Potential of an Emerging Mode of Production 2019
352 JPCOFUND2 ERA-NET to support the Joint Programming in Neurodegenerative Diseases strategic plan (JPND) 2019
353 REFREAM Re-Thinking of Fashion in Research and Artist collaborating development for Urban Manufacturing 2018
355 RADDICS Reliable Data-Driven Decision Making in Cyber-Physical Systems 2019
356 FutureTrophicFactors Elucidating therapeutic effects and mode of action of future trophic factorsin ALS and Parkinson’s disease 2019
357 AGENSI A Genetic View into Past Sea Ice Variability in the Arctic 2019
358 SOS.aquaterra Respecting safe operating spaces: opportunities to meet future food demand with sustainable use of water and land resources 2019
359 incPRINT-DRUG incPRINT as a platform for RNA-targeted drug discovery 2019
360 E.T.PACK Electrodynamic Tether Technology for Passive Consumable-less Deorbit Kit 2019
361 SHERO Self-HEaling soft RObotics 2019
362 FIDELIO Forecasting social Impacts of bioDiversity consErvation poLicies In EurOpe 2019
363 PRODUCE-H2 PROtotype Demonstration Using low-cost Catalysts for Electrolysis to H2 2019
364 MIX2FIX Hybrid, organic-inorganic chalcogenide optoelectronics 2019
365 FOODCULT Food, Culture and Identity in Ireland, 1550-1650 2019
366 makingtheretina Principles of retinal neuronal lamination from zebrafish to humans 2019
367 PoliticsOfPatents Politics of Patents: Re-imagining citizenship via clothing inventions 1820 - 2020 2019
368 iHEAR Gene therapy of inherited and acquired hearing loss 2019
369 MindGAP Bridging the gap between Mind, Brain and Body: exosome role and monitoring 2019
370 eleGaNt The first high performance gallium nitride wafers for mainstream power electronics 2019
371 SU-DG-IWG Support Unit for the Deep Geothermal Implementation Working Group 2019
372 IMAGINE Geographical imaginations and the (geo)politics of volcanic risk: cultures, knowledges, actions 2019
373 GREENER InteGRated systems for Effective ENvironmEntal Remediation 2019
374 HyPPOCRATES Medical Hyperspectral Image and Video Processing and Interpretation via Constrained Matrix and Tensor Factorization 2019
375 HOCOM A Transparent Hole Conductor by Combinatorial Techniques for Next-Generation Energy Conversion Devices 2019
376 LEAFINNOX Development of the Lean Azimuthal Flame as an Innovative aviation gas turbine low-NOX combustion concept 2019
377 POTENT A new model for potato tuber initiation and yield development 2019
378 StabPerov Stable Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals for Efficient Optoelectronic Devices 2019
379 NAVSCHEN Navigating Schengen. Historical Challenges and Potentialities of the EU Free Movement of Persons, 1985-2015 2019
380 PhoQuS-G Phononic Quantum Sensors for Gravity 2019
381 SpinScreen Screening of an electron spin by an epitaxial superconducting island in a semiconductor nanowire 2019
382 ONTOP On-demand Non-hermitian TOPology 2019
383 E-PILOTS Evolution of cockPIt operations Levering on cOgnitive compuTing Services 2019
384 MOVAC Maintenance of variation in aposematic colouration 2020
385 SyLeNCe Synapses between Leukaemia and its Neighbouring Cells 2020
386 Natural BionicS Natural Integration of Bionic Limbs via Spinal Interfacing 2019
387 INDITOL Individual variation in tolerance of hypoxia and high temperatures in teleost fish: mechanisms and implications 2019
388 INTERACT Phylogenetic association mapping and its application to secondary metabolite variation in Brassicaceae species 2019
389 ImagiDem Imagi(ni)ng Democracy: European youth becoming citizens by visual participation 2019
390 RES4BUILD Renewables for clean energy buildings in a future power system 2019
391 SESAME Sex-specific and multi-generational effects of an optimized diet 2020
392 RuCat New Horizons in C–H Activation: the ‘Real-World Molecules’ Challenge 2019
393 FORMSofLABOUR Forms of Labour: Gender, Freedom and Experience of Work in the Preindustrial Economy 2019
394 MOSAiC Multimode cOrrelations in microwave photonics with Superconducting quAntum Circuits 2019
395 A-PREACH Asymmetric Photochemical Reactions in confined Chiral space 2019
396 ReproDev Reprogramming plant development with microbial organic volatile compounds for sustainable food production 2020
397 Founders Assessing the economic role of the founder crops prior to the emergence of agriculture 2020
398 ISULO Innovative Statistical modelling for a better Understanding of Longitudinal multivariate responses in relation to Omic datasets 2020
399 GRISOTO GRaphene-Interfaced heterostructures for Spin Orbit TOrques 2020
400 InvADeRS Investigating the Activity of transposon Derived Regulatory Sequences in the placenta 2019
401 SCSC The molecular diversity of regeneration in the zebrafish spinal cord 2020
402 DarkSphere Search for light Dark Matter with a Spherical Proportional Counter 2019
403 ProTOC Functional Electrical Contacts to Two-Dimensional Materials with Tunable Interfacial Oxides 2019
404 Au-MLC Cooperative Au catalysis with chemically non-innocent ligands. 2019
405 FromObjectsToScenes Exploring the continuum between objects and scenes: The neural basis of object-constellation processing 2019
406 SignEd.Math Signs of Mathematics: Fostering the Emergence of Conceptual Gesture Among Deaf Students 2019
407 contactVIRT Intergroup Contact in Virtual Reality: Comparative Effects of Two Contact Strategies on Reducing Prejudice and Increasing Trust Between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland 2019
408 LABandFAB Enabling the scalable and cheap production of efficient and stable organic-based photovoltaic technology realized via printing techniques, for electricity generation 2020
409 ChemicalWalks Reactive Transport and Mixing in Heterogeneous Media: Chemical Random Walks under Local Non-equilibrium 2019
410 HeriCare 2D Materials/Polyoxometalate Hybrids for Heritage Conservation 2019
411 PulsatERK Intracellular ERK signalling dynamics mediated epidermal stem cell fate control 2019
412 LCxLCProt Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography for the characterization of protein biopharmaceuticals at the protein level 2020
413 ETE SPEAKER Robust End-To-End SPEAKER recognition based on deep learning and attention models 2019
414 NITRATE Nitrate Imbalance-control by TRAnsformative Technologies that are Electrochemically-driven 2019
415 QuanToPol Quantum Topological Polaritonics 2020
416 UEMHP Unravelling Earth’s magnetic history and processes 2019
417 EVOMORPHYS Identifying how Evolution exploits physical properties of tissues to generate the complexity and diversity of Life 2019
418 Metabinnate Metabolic crosstalk in the regulation of inflammation 2019
419 VIAMEDIAITALICA The Scholar, the Jurist, the Priest: Moderation on the Italian Peninsula, 1700-1750 2020
420 ALICE Active Living Infrastructure: Controlled Environment 2019
421 FABLABIA FabLab as Entrepreneurship supporting tool for innovation agencies 2019
422 CIFTRESS Climatic Impact on Food Trade RESilience and Security 2019
423 DYNNET Opinion Dynamics 2018
424 PRECIOUS Making and wearing semi-PRECIOUS stone beads in the Near East and the Nile Valley during the Neolithic: A biographical perspective and microwear approach 2020
425 PULCHRA Science in the City: Building Participatory Urban Learning Community Hubs through Research and Activation 2019
426 AB-DiRecT Antibiotic Distribution and Recovery in Tissue 2019
427 COLLEXISM Collisional excitation of interstellar molecules: towards reactive systems 2019
428 LPIGMANN Labour Policies for Inclusive Growth 2019
429 CHRONO Chronotype, health and family: The role of biology, socio- and natural environment and their interaction 2019
430 eleGaNt The first technology enabling large-scale gallium nitride industrialisation for mainstream power electronics and RF applications 2019
432 SYNPEP Synthetic biology of non-ribosomal peptide synthetases to generate new peptides 2019
433 ELICA ELectric Innovative Commuter Aircraft 2019
434 PepZoSkin PepZoSkin: Biocompatible Self-powered Electronic Skin 2019
435 ORIGENAL Origami electronics for three dimensional integration of computational devices 2019
436 Let-it-Bi Bismuth Redox Catalysis for Sustainable Organic Synthesis 2020
437 REBOOT Resource efficient bio-chemical production and waste treatment 2020
438 SHIFTFEEDBACK Ecosystem response to drought: unravelling the unexplored role of plant-soil feedback 2020
439 IN-FET Ionic Neuromodulation For Epilepsy Treatment 2020
440 PEPSA-MATE Nanopeptides and Nanosaccharides for Advanced and Sustainable Materials 2020
441 Immune-Image Immune-Image: Specific Imaging of Immune Cell Dynamics Using Novel Tracer Strategies 2019
442 PeVSPACE Direct Detection of TeV--PeV Cosmic Rays in Space 2020
443 THERAUTISM New molecular targets and proof-of-concept therapies for Autism Spectrum Disorders 2020
444 SYSAGING A platform for rapidly mapping the molecular and systemic dynamics of aging 2020
445 GOforISOBIF Probing the Geochemistry of the First Oceans with Novel ISOtope Proxies in Banded Iron Formations (BIFs): New Perspectives into Early Continental Weathering, Ocean Oxygenation and Mantle Geodynamics 2020
446 SPACE END Endeavour Space Hub 2019
447 HYPOS HYdro-POwer-Suite 2019
448 TIMECODE How does the brain code time? 2020
449 SPOT Social and innovative Platform On cultural Tourism and its potential towards deepening Europeanisation 2020
450 PEriTiA Policy, Expertise, and Trust in Action 2020
451 HALOSPATH Halogen metabolism of brown macroalgae and its biological significance in the context of pathologies - An omics approach 2020
452 FORCEDMIGDEV Forced Migration and Development 2020
453 CARBODIN Car Body Shells, Doors and Interiors 2019
454 IMPACT DIABETES B2B Implementation Action to prevent Diabetes from Bump 2 Baby (IMPACT DIABETES B2B): a low-resource system of care intervention for appropriate gestational weight gain and improved postnatal outcomes 2020
455 SEQUENCE Cryogenic 3D Nanoelectronics 2020
456 BOWI Boosting Widening Digital Innovation Hubs 2020
457 NanoEP Enabling Novel Electron-Polariton Physics with Nanophotonic Platforms 2020
458 SYN-TOOLKIT A Diagnostic Testing Package for Childhood Synaesthesia 2020
459 NEXTGEAR NEXT generation methods, concepts and solutions for the design of robust and sustainable running GEAR 2019
460 NONLOCAL Foundations of nonlocal and nonabelian condensed-matter systems 2020
462 SAPIENTIAM Secondary organic Aerosols Production in pre and post-Industrial-like ENvironments : The Impact of biogenic and Anthropogenic emissions on cliMate 2020
463 SILENT Silent mutations in cancer 2020
464 3DPBio Computational Models of Motion for Fabrication-aware Design of Bioinspired Systems 2020
466 B-HUB FOR EUROPE Blockchain HUB FOR EUROPEan startups acceleration and growth 2020
467 SIND The Social INdividual’s Decisions: how are they shaped by group affiliation during collective decisions? 2021
468 AMI Animals Make identities. The Social Bioarchaeology of Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic Cemeteries in North-East Europe 2020
469 SNeX The origins of thermonuclear supernova explosions 2020
470 BraINstorm Engineered nanocarriers for simultaneous anticancer immune response and “switching” of tumor-associated macrophages for intranasal glioblastoma treatment 2020
471 EpiStress Epigenetic mechanisms controlling hypoxia and pathogen Stress responses in plants 2021
472 NURoFE Nuclear Regulators of Fungal Enzymes 2021
473 CHICC Culture, Heritage and Identities: Impacts of Climate Change in North West Europe 2020
474 OXYPRO Global biological productivity during abrupt climate change 2021
475 SmartLube Surface functionalized-MoS2 nanofluids as high temperature lubricant additives 2020
476 Net2Gel Double network hydrogels for topical drug delivery applications 2020
477 NEANDER-TALe Origins and Evolution of the Neanderthal Cranial Morphology 2021
478 DEFINE DEciphering mechanisms of presynaptic reFINEment 2020
479 WiseWomen Wise Women: Beliefs and Networks of Female Spiritual Figures in Central European Vernacular Religion 2020
480 CARBOFLOW Streamlined carbon dioxide conversion in ionic liquids – a platform strategy for modern carbonylation chemistry 2020
481 InnovaTron Design study of an innovative high-intensity industrial cyclotron for production of Tc-99m and other frontier medical radioisotopes 2020
482 AscNet Favorable Conditions of the Spread of the Cult of Asclepius across the Transportation Network of the Roman Mediterranean: A Quantitative Evaluation 2020
483 3D MAGiC Three-dimensional magnetization textures: Discovery and control on the nanoscale 2020
484 GenFem Generational Feminisms in Contemporary Northern Irish Performance 2020
485 PyroSuL Pyrophosphate Surrogates with Low polarity as part of glycosyltransferase ligands 2021
486 LyrA Lyric Authority: Editing and Rewriting Dante’s Lyric Poetry (14th – 16th c.) 2020
487 ViRMA Virtual Reality Multimedia Analytics: An interactive approach to large-scale multimedia analysis in a virtual environment 2020
488 SUBIMAP SUBduction Initiation at Magma-poor rifted margins: an Atlantic Perspective 2021
489 HTS MALDI-TOF MDD MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry metabolite screening assays for drug discovery in human disease 2020
490 TweeTERS Coupling of Optical tweezers with Tip-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for single-molecule investigation of supramolecular systems 2020
491 SILVERPATH A silver path to a new generation of quantum materials. 2020