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H2020 projects about "returning"

The page lists 54 projects related to the topic "returning".

# achronym  title  year 
1 ARIA-VALUSPA Artificial Retrieval of Information Assistants - Virtual Agents with Linguistic Understanding, Social skills, and Personalised Aspects 2015
2 MOSART Advanced Automated Process for Low Cost Efficient Custom Mosaic Manufacturing 2014
3 FIBERSTAR FIBER-optic sensors for Smart Thermal Ablation at Radiofrequency 2016
4 CITISEX Understanding the role of sensory ecology and species interactions during sexual signal adaptation to an urbanizing world 2015
5 NITRIDE-SRH Energy losses in nitride light-emitting diodes 2015
6 CuPESS Catchments under Pressure: Ecosystem Service Solutions 2015
7 ToothPic ToothPic, a large-scale camera identification system based on compressed fingerprints 2015
8 Sniff-Nose A novel double-point intravascular diagnostic probe with continuous monitoring of the biomarker panel, dual oxygen tension PcvO2 and PcsO2, for clinical assessment of heart failure 2015
9 Key Cloud Mobile phone as a Key - A new access ecosystem for 112, service companies and citizens “Key Cloud” 2015
10 PReDicT Predicting Response to Depression Treatment 2015
11 FITSYOU Development of a low cost, high resolution 270° 3D solution for full face capture to provide low cost customised eyewear 2016
12 DEMETROPIS Degradation of ozone-depleting methyl halides in the troposphere characterized by isotopes 2016
13 AsLife Life in Arsenic rich environments: a challenge or an opportunity? 2016
14 HEAPPs Harvesting energy via aligned porosity pyroelectrics 2016
15 ELSi Industrial scale recovery and reuse of all materials from end of life silicon-based photovoltaic modules 2016
16 PlantCellMech Quantification of the role of mechanical stresses in plant cell morphogenesis. 2016
17 Dycare Dynamic Care Solutions for clinical assessment of musculoskeletal and neurological disorders 2016
18 FINESSE Fibre Nervous Sensing Systems 2016
19 MECHANISM The effect of water on the Fischer-Tropsch reaction mechanism and kinetics over bimetallic Co-based catalysts: Theoretical and experimental studies 2017
20 TEROPPLATE Testing the role of thermo-chemical piles in the generation and continuation of plate tectonics 2018
21 ILTIS Innate-Like T-Cells In Sepsis (ILTIS): Implications for Early Diagnosis and Rescue of Immune Suppression. 2017
22 MODCOMS Modulated Composite Structures: A 3D Bulk Approach to Incoherent Hetero-Structure Interface Engineering in Oxides for Future Low Temperature Energy Applications 2018
23 BIOSTASIS BIOlogical SignaTures of AnhydrobioSIS via comparative transcriptomics on different evolutionary lineages within tardigrades 2018
24 METCLL Discovery and validation of ‘epidrivers’ of cancer evolution and resistance to therapy 2018
25 MEMENTO MEMory processing in the human ENTOrhinal cortex 2017
26 MOBILIMA Mobility in situ: Debating emigration and return in Western Mali 2017
27 MAPS MAPS – Migrants And People Smugglers: A Comparative Study of Smuggling Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Central American corridors 2017
28 MATURATION Age at maturity in Atlantic salmon: molecular and ecological dissection of an adaptive trait 2017
29 INNOVATE INtelligeNt ApplicatiOns oVer Large ScAle DaTa StrEams 2018
30 CMEQIP Cavity-mediated entanglement of trapped-ion qubit arrays for quantum information processing 2018
31 RIBATI Radically innovative bacterial treatment for recalcitrant industrial wastewater 2017
32 SPLINTER Signaling of plant intracellular immune receptors 2018
33 GRANDPA GeometRic ANalysis of Dilute PlasmAs 2018
34 SHIPWORM 'A transregional and interdisciplinary study of the societal impact of the shipworm epidemic in the North Sea region in the eighteenth century' 2018
35 iCARE-2 International Cancer Research Fellowships - 2 2018
36 oilywatertreat The most effective and economically attractive solution for treating oily waste water on vessels and keeping our oceans cleaner 2018
37 photonicIons Cavity-mediated entanglement of trapped-ion qubit arrays for quantum information processing 2019
38 ORTIKA Toward sustainable fashion: nettle and blueberry garments to promote sustainable development of mountain areas and to boost young talents 2018
40 SUMMIT Novel roles of dimethylated sulphur in marine microbial interactions 2019
41 TEG AGS Incorporation of Thermoelectric Generator into Advanced Glazing Systems and Vacuum Glazing Systems 2020
42 FEN INHIBITORS Development of Kinetoplastida Flap Endonuclease Inhibitors in Search for Novel Therapeutics 2020
43 UEMHP Unravelling Earth’s magnetic history and processes 2019
44 KW Rebel Integration The International Rebel Integration Toolkit Revisited: What Approaches Work for the Successful and Sustainable Incorporation of Former Rebel Groups after Civil War? 2019
45 EDULIBERA Education as an instrument for liberation in Mozambique and Timor-Leste — histories of solidarity and contemporary reflections 2019
46 YooniK Seamless Guest Experiences through Biometrics in Things 2019
47 Euraxess-AM Setting up Armenian Euraxess Service Network 2019
48 IRPV Chalcopyrite-perovskites for infrared photovoltaics 2020
49 ArcticRisk Risk and Business continuity management in the Arctic 2020
50 UNCARIA UNCARIA: UNcertainty estimation in CARdiac Image Analysis 2020
51 ReMiCom The Challenges of Return Migration in Africa in the Age of Complex Emergencies: Comparing Multilevel Governance Systems in Ethiopia and Nigeria 2020
52 Glueballs at BESIII Search for the scalar glueball in a coupled channel amplitude analysis of J/psi decays with the BESIII experiment 2020
53 IRTEMS Instantaneous Road Traffic Emissions Modelling System for cities 2020
54 MARACHAS MAss RAtio evolution in Clusters between HAlos and Sub-halos 2020