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H2020 projects about "anthropology"

The page lists 163 projects related to the topic "anthropology".

# achronym  title  year 
1 Highland Connections Remoteness and Connectivity: Highland Asia in the World 2015
2 ENHANCE Environmental Humanities for a Concerned Europe 2015
3 ALIGNED Aligned, Quality-centric Software and Data Engineering 2015
4 IMPACT Impact of Cultural aspects in the management of emergencies in public Transport 2015
5 DEVOLEMPA The developmental and evolutionary basis of human intersubjectivity 2015
6 ITNUN Family, Power, Memory: Female Monasticism in Italy from 700 to 1100 2015
7 StrategicVillages Violent settlements: strategic villages and clandestine burial sites in Latin America 2016
8 NeoGenHeritage Neotithic transition in the Iberian Peninsula: reviewing an old question from new technological and computational genome wide approaches 2015
9 ADRIA Adriatic Perspectives: Memory and Identity on a Transnational European Periphery 2016
10 BURIAL Forming Idendities in a Transitional Area 2015
11 EnAct Enacting heritage: The aesthetic dynamics of cultural transmission 2016
12 TEMPEA Temporality of permanence –material and socio-spatial practices in African urbanism 2015
13 RES.CO.PART Research Consultation and Participation:developing a tool for managing cultural heritage and landscape 2015
14 Hadza communication Communication Development in Infants: the Case of the Hadza Hunter-Gatherers of Tanzania 2015
15 PS-IRAQ Performing a State: State-building in Iraq (2003-2006). 2016
16 Transpacific Assembling the Transpacific: Indigenous Curatorial Practices, Material Cultures and Source Communities 2015
17 HOOKaWORM Hook a Worm to Catch a Man: Tracking Historical and Recent Human Settlement, Land use and Migration in Neotropical Rainforests using Ecosystem Engineers 2015
18 AnCon A Comparative Anthropology of Conscience, Ethics and Human Rights 2015
19 CARISMAND Culture And RISkmanagement in Man-made And Natural Disasters 2015
20 TRODITIES Trust, Global Traders, and Commodities in a Chinese International City 2015
21 SICLE Saadian Intellectual and Cultural Life 2016
22 I-Media-Cities Innovative e-environment for Research on Cities and the Media 2016
23 Hidden Galleries Creative Agency and Religious Minorities: ‘hidden galleries’ in the secret police archives in 20th Century Central and Eastern Europe 2016
24 DigitalDoctors Making Clinical Sense: A comparative study of how doctors learn in digital times 2016
25 EVIDENCITY Documenting Sarajevo: City and Society During and After the War 2016
26 HEGNAT Naturalism in German Classical Philosophy: Nature, Recognition and Freedom in the Hegelian Theory of Social Interaction and Cooperation 2016
27 HairGen Genetics of human hair form diversity 2016
28 INDSOC Individualising Socialism. Individual Agency and Social Change in Socialist Yugoslavia's Periphery, 1950s-1970s 2017
29 CHODIA Cultural Heritage of Dictatorship in Albania 2016
30 MAPS-URBE The invisible city. Mapuche mapping of Santiago de Chile. 2017
31 METODA Methodological Explorations between Design and Social Sciences 2016
32 BAR2LEGAB Women travelling to seek abortion care in Europe: the impact of barriers to legal abortion on women living in countries with ostensibly liberal abortion laws 2016
33 DySoMa The Dynamics of Solidarity on Madagascar: An Ethnography of Political Conflicts and Appeasement Strategies in the Context of a Pronounced Consens Norm 2016
34 DiseaseRecognition Selection to outsmart the germs: The evolution of disease recognition and social cognition 2017
35 AIDSsilences The Power of Silence: A Medical Anthropological Approach to AIDS Care Narratives 2017
36 Outgroup Consequences of out-group conflict 2016
37 MINDPICS When a Profile is worth more than a Thousand of Hashtags: Automatic Inference of Personality Traits based on Images Shared in Social Networks 2016
38 VERTEBRATE HERBIVORY Evolution of herbivory in vertebrates: developing combined isotope (Ca, Sr) and dental surface texture analysis as deep time diet proxies 2016
39 SFS Situating Free Speech: European parrhesias in comparative perspective 2016
40 BROKERS Participatory Urban Governance between Democracy and Clientelism: Brokers and (In)formal Politics 2016
41 APOLOGY Political Apologies across Cultures 2016
42 SEXHUM Sexual Humanitarianism: understanding agency and exploitation in the global sex industry 2016
44 IN-TOUCH IN-TOUCH: Digital Touch and Communication 2016
45 ARTIVISM Art and Activism : Creativity and Performance as Subversive Forms of Political Expression in Super-Diverse Cities 2016
46 OBSTETRICVIOLENCE Obstetric violence.The new goal for research, policies and human rights on childbirth 2016
47 ECSAnVis Extreme Citizen Science: Analysis and Visualisation 2016
48 TRANSNATIONALaw Transnationalism and Unofficial Law: The Case of Kurds in Turkey and Germany 2017
49 AGATM A Global Anthropology of Transforming Marriage 2017
50 MEXRES Restoration and Faith: practicing religion and conservation in Mexico's historic churches 2016
51 MUP-Trans-Zagros Tracking the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in the Kermanshah Valley, West Central Zagros Mountains, Iran. 2016
52 COMPUS Civic community and public space in the ancient Near East. The case of Hittite Anatolia at the end of the Late Bronze Age (14th-13th centuries BCE). 2017
53 MUSDEWAR Music in Detention during the (Post) Civil-War Era in Greece (1947-1957) 2017
54 STONECULT Do early stone tools indicate a hominin ability to accumulate culture? 2017
55 MORA Muslim Antisemitism in Colonial Morocco 2017
56 EPICC Experimental Programme Investigating Cumulative Culture 2017
58 AGORA Alternative Grassroots Organizations as a Response to Austerity: perspectives from Southern Europe 2017
59 MYSOBIO MYcenaean SOcial BIOarchaeology: Deciphering the interplay of funerary treatment and social dynamics in the Mycenaean period 2018
60 Mobilising Archives Mobilising Archives: photography in Southwest Angola 2017
61 ConscriptedVolunteer Conscripted Volunteering: An Ethnographic Study of Community Engagement Schemes in the Israeli Military 2017
62 OWNERS ‘This country is ours’: Collective psychological OWNERShip and ethnic attitudes 2017
63 TIP-N-POINT Middle Palaeolithic projectile weapon TIPs: a regional and assemblage scale perspective on Neanderthal POINT technologies across Europe 2017
64 WACE Women at the Cutting Edge. Assessing the gendered impact of industrial logging on well-being in Solomon Islands. 2017
65 SYMBODIN The Symbolism of the Body in Northern Europe. Cognitive Metaphors and Old Norse Myth from the Viking Age to Late Medieval Times 2018
66 DENPH Dental anthropology at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition – insights on lifestyle and funerary behaviour from Neolithic Liguria (Italy) 2017
67 WILDCAT Wildcat Economics: Informal Mining and Gold from the Global Margins in Contemporary Latin America 2017
68 RoyalCities The King’s City: A Comparative Study of Royal Patronage in Assur, Nineveh, and Babylon in the First Millennium BCE 2018
69 GINGER Perception of Eastern Religions in Europe 2017
70 EBODAC Communication strategy and tools for optimizing the impact of Ebola vaccination deployment – Sofia ref.: 115847 2014
71 ARTEFACT The Global as Artefact: Understanding the Patterns of Global Political History Through an Anthropology of Knowledge -- The Case of Agriculture in Four Global Systems from the Neolithic to the Present 2017
72 SENSIS The Senses of Islam: A Cultural History of Perception in the Muslim World 2017
73 ChildEmp Understanding children's empathy: an ethnographic study among the indigenous Runa of the Ecuadorian Amazon 2018
74 ELITE Exploring LIfestyle Transitions: a molecular and physical anthropology approach of ancient Yakut people 2017
75 Road Diplomacy Road Diplomacy: International Infrastructure and Ethnography of Geopolitics in 21st Century Asia 2018
76 BRASILIAE Indigenous Knowledge in the Making of Science: Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (1648) 2018
77 SKELETON-ID Soft Computing and Computer Vision for Comparative Radiography in Forensic Identification 2018
78 VIRTUE Wealth, Virtue and Social Justice in Contemporary Tibet 2017
79 MOBILIMA Mobility in situ: Debating emigration and return in Western Mali 2017
80 WoRD-DoME Women's Economic Rights and Cultural Difference: Defining Development for the Middle East 2017
81 iHEAR Investigating the meanings and mechanisms of psychotic experiences in young people: a novel, mixed-methods approach 2017
82 SmartPhoneSmartAging Smartphones, Smart Ageing and mHealth 2017
83 URBAN_CHINA Urbanization in China's South-western Borderlands. The case of Jinghong, Xiguangbanna 2018
84 ANTHUSIA Anthropology of Human Security in Africa 2018
85 MEMORISING Remembering the Sound of Images: Cross-cultural study of rock art soundscapes and knowledge transmission in the New and Old Worlds. 2018
86 DISCOMPOSE Disasters, Communication and Politics in South-Western Europe: the Making of Emergency Response Policies in the Early Modern Age 2018
87 NetRom Early Marriage between Dynamism of Social Network and Legal Autonomy: The case of transnational Romanian Roma 2018
88 BUDDHISMAFRICA East-Asian Buddhism in Post-Apartheid South Africa 2018
89 CLAIMS CLAIMing land in early medieval localitieS: an interdisciplinary study of land claims and property regimes in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula (9th-11th) 2019
91 Healing Encounters Healing Encounters: Reinventing an indigenous medicine in the clinic and beyond 2018
92 HANDMADE Handmade: Understanding Creative Gesture in Pottery Making 2018
93 NOTAE NOT A writtEn word but graphic symbols. NOTAE: An evidence-based reconstruction of another written world in pragmatic literacy from Late Antiquity to early medieval Europe. 2018
94 ILLR Intellectual Life and Learning on Rhodes (168BC-AD44) 2018
95 GenderQuotas Gender Quotas and the Democratic Quality of Local Decision-Making Processes in Clientelistic Regimes 2018
96 SKILL Individual Variations and Cultural Evolution: The pottery wheel-throwing skill as a case study 2018
97 ADMEHE Mental health advocacy: Reassessing the history of mental health organizations in the second half of the twentieth century 2019
98 FriendCoop The role of friendship in cooperation: a comparative and cross-cultural developmental approach 2019
99 IAL Imagination As A Lens 2018
101 INTIMIZ Interracial intimacy in Africa: Afro-European couples, cross cultural transactions, and social changes in Islamic Zanzibar 2018
102 NEO Living in Europe in the late Neolithic: A trans-disciplinary temporal perspective on present-day Europeans 2018
103 TRANSIMAMS Spreading Whose Word? Transnational Imams, Religion and Politics in Turkey’s Mosques Abroad (France, UK, USA) 2018
104 MediterraneanGypsies Mediterranean Gypsies. A forgotten history beyond diaspora, nomadism, marginality in three Western Mediterranean areas of the Spanish Crown (Andalusia, Sicily, Sardinia, 16th- early 18th century) 2018
105 INRES Inquiring gaps, discrepancies and contradictions in response to domestic gender-based violence. Gender relationships, practical norms and public services in Senegal. 2018
106 LIDIA Living with Others, Living with Diabetes: Relational Care among Diabetes Patients in Delhi, India 2018
107 HG-Emo How sociocultural forces shape the emotion lexicon in hunter-gatherer languages 2018
108 INSCRIBE INvention of SCRIpts and their BEginnings 2018
109 MaCoTech Material counting technologies in numerical cognition 2018
110 CRYOSOCIETIES Suspended Life: Exploring Cryopreservation Practices in Contemporary Societies 2019
111 ArchFarm Revisiting funerary practices: A methodological approach to the study of funerary sequences and social organisation in the Neolithic Near East, integrating forensic experiments in archaeo-anthropology 2018
112 Global Horizons Global Horizons in Pre-Modern Art 2018
113 ECOBOTICS.SEA Bio-inspired Technologies for a Sustainable Marine Ecosystem 2019
114 ASArt-DATA Ancient Saharan Art – Decoding Art through Theoretically-sounded Archive 2019
115 SYNCHROS SYNergies for Cohorts in Health: integrating the ROle of all Stakeholders 2019
116 EvolvingEconomics Human motivation: evolutionary foundations and their implications for economics 2019
117 OFF-SITE Violence, State formation and memory politics: an off-site ethnography of post-revolution Iran 2019
118 CLD China, Law, and Development 2019
119 HANDLING Writers handling pictures: a material intermediality (1880-today) 2019
120 MEUS Multi-Religious Encounters in Urban Settings 2019
121 EMPORIGIN What are the origins of empathy? A comparative developmental investigation 2019
122 FUMI Future Migration as Present Fact 2019
123 IndiGen Indigeneities in the 21st century: From ‘vanishing people’ to global players in one generation 2019
124 VINCULUM Entailing Perpetuity: Family, Power, Identity. The Social Agency of a Corporate Body(Southern Europe, 14th-17th Centuries) 2019
125 VictPart Righting Victim Participation in Transitional Justice 2019
126 Amazonart Conquering Self-Representation: A Collaborative Approach to the Aesthetical-Political Dimension of Amazonian Contemporary Art 2019
127 DiaEthic Map value transformations in a global interconnection. How sensory experiences and cultural interpretations shape concepts of “ethical diamond” and “mining work ethic”. 2019
128 MeMuRu Places of Remembrance in Muslim Russia: Islamic Heritage and Moral Landscapes 2019
129 Domesticities Gender, Infrastructure and the Production of Domesticity in the (Post)Communist City 2019
130 BirthControlEnvirons Contraception meets the environment: everyday contraceptive practices, politics, and futures in a toxic age 2019
131 HONORLOGIC The Cultural Logic of Honor and Social Interaction: A Cross-Cultural Comparison 2019
132 FORMSofLABOUR Forms of Labour: Gender, Freedom and Experience of Work in the Preindustrial Economy 2019
133 EDIFOU Foucault's manuscripts on phenomenology (1950s) at BnF archive: a digital approach to the edition 2019
134 SACRASEC Sacralizing Security: Religion, Violence and Authority in Mega-Cities of the Global South 2019
135 LexPex The Lexicalisation of Perceptual Experience 2019
136 NIWGE New industrial workers of a globalizing Europe: Right-wing populism, working-class power and the legacy of state socialism in East Germany and Hungary 2020
137 VAPP Virtual Anthropology of Prehistoric Portugal 2020
138 DRIVE 0 Driving decarbonization of the EU building stock by enhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process 2019
139 Human Jigsaw The Human Jigsaw: Matching articulating skeletal elements from mass burials 2019
140 FACETS Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies 2019
141 HYSOTIB Global dynamics of hydro-sociality in river heritage landscapes of the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau. 2020
142 RecBord Recording the Borders: Sounding Displacement and Integration in Europe 2019
143 DUEL Fighting with Words: Poetic Duelling and its Performance across the Mediterranean 2019
144 SKELETONID Fast, Unbiased & Accurate Human Identification: Artificial Intelligence at the service of Physical and Forensic Anthropology 2019
145 PeopleAndWriting The Secret Life of Writing: People, Script and Ideas in the Iberian Peninsula (c. 900-1200) 2020
146 EoPPP A Global Comparative Ethnography of Parliaments, Politicians and People: representation, relationships and ruptures 2019
147 DISTRACT The Political Economy of Distraction in Digitized Denmark 2020
148 UrbTerr Urban Terrorism in Europe (2004-2019): Remembering, Imagining, and Anticipating Violence 2019
149 OCSEAN OCeanic and South East Asian Navigators. 2020
150 WorkFREE Slavery, Work and Freedom: What Can Cash Transfers Contribute to the Fight for Decent Work? 2020
151 LiLI Later Life Intimacy: Women’s Unruly Practices, Spaces and Representations 2020
152 Worlds of Lithium A multi-sited and transnational study of transitions towards post-fossil fuel societies 2020
154 TMIM Textiles and the Making of Israeli Modernism: From the Zionist Bauhuas to Feminist Art 2020
155 Absent Presences Absent Presences: an ethnographic study of the uncounted lives of people affected by leprosy in Latin America 2020
156 RESIDUE Mongolian Buddhist Waste and the Recalcitrant Materiality of Blessings. 2020
157 NEANDER-TALe Origins and Evolution of the Neanderthal Cranial Morphology 2021
158 ACU-AHvE Multiculturalism in the work of Aldo and Hannie van Eyck. Rethinking universalist notions in architecture. 2021
159 ARER Aesthetic and Anthropological Representations as Evidence of Racism: from Italian Unification (1861) to the Fall of Fascism (1943) 2020
160 LiVE Living with Vultures in the Sixth Extinction: An Ethnographic Study of Avian Conservation in Changing European Landscapes 2020
161 WiseWomen Wise Women: Beliefs and Networks of Female Spiritual Figures in Central European Vernacular Religion 2020
162 BOAR Veterinarization of Europe? Hunting for Wild Boar Futures in the Time of African Swine Fever 2020
163 FIOLENCE FIOLENCE: A New Research Space at the Food/Violence Nexus 2020