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H2020 projects about "borders"

The page lists 177 projects related to the topic "borders".

# achronym  title  year 
1 BS_Night_140926_150925 Crossing Borders - In jedem steckt ein Forscher / European Researchers Night 2014 + 2015 2014
2 DiViNe Sustainable downstream processing of vaccines through incorporation of nanobiotechnologies : novel affinity ligands and biomimetic membranes 2015
3 TILDA Towards Industrial LES/DNS in Aeronautics – Paving the Way for Future Accurate CFD 2015
4 ERACoSysMed ERACoSysMed - Collaboration on systems medicine funding to promote the implementation of systems biology approaches in clinical research and medical practice 2015
6 FREME Open Framework of E-Services for Multilingual and Semantic Enrichment of Digital Content 2015
7 COMANOID Multi-contact Collaborative Humanoids in Aircraft Manufacturing 2015
8 YDS Your Data Stories 2015
9 VIBRA Very fast Imaging by Broadband coherent RAman 2015
10 TransCrisis Enhancing the EU's Transboundary Crisis Management Capacities: Strategies for Multi-Level Leadership 2015
11 SMEphase1 Go to market strategy and technology roadmap towards development of a new license product based upon Onomondo's (form. Hello World Mobile) innovative telecommunications software technology 2015
12 C-BORD effective Container inspection at BORDer control points 2015
13 Invisibilia Tracing the Invisible. Old Norse and Latin in medieval manuscripts. 2016
14 ToEfDeCo Towards Guaranteeing the Right to Effective Assistance of Defence Counsel in Member States in Trans-border Criminal Cases 2016
15 TRANSIT The daily governance of transit migration in Turkey at European Union borders: The two-way influence of Turkish-European Union border and migration management practices 2015
16 MODFIN Model theory of finite and pseudofinite structures 2016
17 NETIA Neolithic textiles and clothing industries in the Aegean 2015
18 distraction Distraction as a Philosophical Concept and a Stylistic Device in France and Italy.17th-19th Centuries 2015
19 DENDRITESONBORDERS Neuronal and dendritic recruitment on neocortical area borders 2016
20 ITECCO Innovative Transport Equipment for Coal, Coke and Ore 2015
21 BODEGA BOrdDErGuArd - Proactive Enhancement of Human Performance in Border Control 2015
22 OTTOCONFESSION The Fashioning of a Sunni Orthodoxy and the Entangled Histories of Confession-Building in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire, 15th-17th Centuries 2015
23 EXCELLtoINNOV Leverage research EXCELLence and INNOVation potential of Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM) through translational biomedical research in immunity and infection. 2015
24 SYSTEM-RISK A Large-Scale Systems Approach to Flood Risk Assessment and Management 2016
26 MARmaED MARine MAnagement and Ecosystem Dynamics under climate change 2015
27 STARRY STARs that 'R' Young : When do stars form in clustered environments? 2016
28 AIRS Advanced Intelligent Raman System for detection of explosives and harmful substances at urban soft targets 2015
30 CENTRE-PD TWINNING for a Comprehensive Clinical Centre for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Parkinson's Disease 2016
31 INNO-4-AGRIFOOD Capitalising the full potential of on-line collaboration for SMEs innovation support in the Agri-Food ecosystem 2016
32 EuroDairy A Europe-wide thematic network supporting a sustainable future for EU dairy farmers 2016
33 VICINITY Open virtual neighbourhood network to connect intelligent buildings and smart objects 2016
34 FutureFlow Designing eTrading Solutions for Electricity Balancing and Redispatching in Europe 2016
35 EVIDENCITY Documenting Sarajevo: City and Society During and After the War 2016
36 TOFNITW Transformation of Family Norms in a Transnational World: How LGBT Migrants can Affect Change through Social Remittances 2017
37 Labour and Migration British workers emigrating to industrialising Europe, 1815-c.1870 2016
38 GlobalPolicyUncertainty Global Policy Uncertainty and International Asset Markets 2016
39 Mapping Anna The Politics of Cultural Exchange: Anna of Denmark and the Uses of European Identity 2017
40 FutureTrust Future Trust Services for Trustworthy Global Transactions 2016
41 Strengthening the Capabilities and Training Curricula for Conflict Prevention and Peace Building Personnel with ICT-based Collaboration and Knowledge Approaches 2016
42 iBorderCtrl Intelligent Portable Border Control System 2016
43 BROADMAP Mapping Interoperable EU PPDR Broadband Communication Applications and Technology 2016
44 RANGER RANGER: RAdars for loNG distance maritime surveillancE and SaR opeRations 2016
45 EduHubMig Knowledge migration flows in education hubs: Mobile students enrolled at Indian and British branch campuses in the United Arab Emirates 2017
46 ALERT Local Training Network on Novel Tailor-Made Antimicrobials and Delivery Strategies From Synthesis towards Clinical Applications 2016
47 SwiftBuild Swiftty web mobile builder 2016
48 COTCA Cultures of Occupation in Twentieth-century Asia 2016
49 GEPPS Globalization, Economic Policy and Political Structure 2016
50 RicciBounds Metric measure spaces and Ricci curvature — analytic, geometric, and probabilistic challenges 2016
51 CROSSLOCATIONS Crosslocations in the Mediterranean: rethinking the socio-cultural dynamics of relative positioning 2016
52 HOLOGRAM Holomorphic Dynamics connecting Geometry, Root-Finding, Algebra, and the Mandelbrot set 2016
53 INFIMOP International Finance and Monetary Policy 2016
54 AM4INFRA Common Framework for a European Life Cycle based Asset Management Approach for transport infrastructure networks 2016
55 Operation Condor Operation Condor: Accountability for Transnational Crimes in Uruguay 2016
56 ACCESS4SMES Access to Risk Finance and SMEs NCP cooperation network 2016
57 CLUSTERNANOROAD Driving Europe’s NMBP economy - Cross-cluster innovation and value creation through validated NMBP collaborative strategies and roadmap 2016
58 BASMATI Cloud Brokerage Across Borders for Mobile Users and Applications 2016
59 Inno4Grass Shared Innovation Space for Sustainable Productivity of Grasslands in Europe 2017
60 VITASEED the ultimate priming solution scaling up seed storability length 2016
61 SYRIANBORDERS The Fall of a Colonial Legacy: A Modern History of Syrian Borders (1920-2015) 2016
62 euBusinessGraph Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services 2017
63 INFO-LEG Understanding information for legal protection of people against information-induced harms 2017
64 SmILES Smart Integration of Energy Storages in Local Multi Energy Systems for maximising the Share of Renewables in Europe’s Energy Mix 2016
65 GLOBALPROD The Global and Local Organization of Production 2017
66 SHiELD European Security in Health Data Exchange 2017
67 STRENGTHS Fostering responsive mental health systems in the Syrian refugee crisis 2017
68 L.I.F.E. LIVING IN A FRINGE ENVIRONMENT - Investigating occupation and exploitation of desert frontier areas in the Late Roman Empire 2016
69 ALFA Advanced Low Flying Aircrafts Detection and Tracking 2017
70 EOSCpilot The European Open Science Cloud for Research Pilot Project. 2017
71 NESPINT NEutron Spectrometry to Prevent Illicit Nuclear Trafficking 2017
72 WONOWO Search engine for organising complete collaborative economy experiences. 2017
73 ANTARES Centre of Excellence for Advanced Technologies in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security 2017
74 REPLICIAS Architectural replicas in the scramble for the past: Politics of identity in Istanbul, Athens, Skopje 2017
75 MobileDeaf Deaf mobilities across international borders: Visualising intersectionality and translanguaging 2017
76 SYMBODIN The Symbolism of the Body in Northern Europe. Cognitive Metaphors and Old Norse Myth from the Viking Age to Late Medieval Times 2018
77 UCOC Understanding the Commitment in Organized Crime 2018
78 NARCOREADER Novel electrochemical strategies for rapid, on-site multiscreening of illicit drugs 2017
79 SPARK Supporting Pioneer doctoral Researchers through 3i Knowledge partnerships 2017
80 GLOBALMACRO Global Production Networks and Macroeconomic Interdependence 2017
81 ROBORDER autonomous swarm of heterogeneous RObots for BORDER surveillance 2017
82 MyCorridor Mobility as a Service in a multimodal European cross-border corridor 2017
83 IN-PREP An INtegrated next generation PREParedness programme for improving effective inter-organisational response capacity in complex environments of disasters and causes of crises 2017
84 CAMELOT C2 Advanced Multi-domain Environment and Live Observation Technologies 2017
85 SMILE SMart mobILity at the European land borders 2017
86 SMILE SMart mobILity at the European land borders 2017
87 EHW17 High Level eHealth Conference 2017 2017
88 GLOBALFIRMS Global Firms and Global Value Chains: Measurement and Mechanisms 2018
89 ImmuneCheckpointsAD Immune checkpoint blockade for fighting Alzheimer’s disease 2017
90 FamilyTies Family ties that bind: A new view of internal migration, immobility and labour-market outcomes 2017
91 INVITE Co-designing and piloting demand-driven mechanisms, skill-sets and measures for stimulating and facilitating open innovation across European innovation systems 2017
92 BORDER Towards a decentred history of the Middle East: Transborder spaces, circulations, frontier effects and state formation, 1920-1946 2017
93 Babbler Babbler feasibility study in adjacent market segments. 2017
94 Desert Networks Into the Eastern Desert of Egypt from the New Kingdom to the Roman period 2017
95 EOPEN EOPEN: opEn interOperable Platform for unified access and analysis of Earth observatioN data 2017
96 BIGlobal Firm Growth and Market Power in the Global Economy 2017
97 KET4CleanProduction Pan-European Access for man. SME on tech. services for clean production through a Network of premier KET Technology Centres with one stop shop access incl. EEN and discourse with policy makers on RIS3 2018
98 Smart-Trust Smart Trust: Secure Mobile ID for Trusted Smart Borders 2018
99 Lynx Building the Legal Knowledge Graph for Smart Compliance Services in Multilingual Europe 2017
100 ELEXIS European Lexicographic Infrastructure 2018
101 TopATLAS Topological Atlas: Mapping Contemporary Borderscapes 2018
102 SARA Search And Rescue Aid and Surveillance using High EGNSS Accuracy 2018
103 REJREG Rejection Regimes: An Ethnographic Study of the Social Life of Intra-EU Border Regimes 2018
104 CULTRAMACY Normalizing a Difficult Past? Cultural trauma and collective memory in Austria and Croatia 2019
105 BRIDGE Labour Market Integration: Consequences of Cross-Border Commuting 2019
106 PERSONA Privacy, ethical, regulatory and social no-gate crossing point solutions acceptance 2018
107 GENTES Genesis of Ethnicities and Nations in Textual Evidence for Scandinavia, c. 750-c. 1000 2018
108 OttMed Reassessing Late Ottoman Literatures within a Mediterranean Framework 2018
109 OilandEmp Crude Empire. British 'Oil Imperialism' and the making of the modern Middle East (c.1901-c.1935). 2019
110 RE-HOUSING The Refugees’ Right To Housing: State Policies and Housing Commons in Istanbul, Athens and Belgrade 2018
111 MIGREMOV Movements, Migration and Emotion: East/West Mobility, Transnational Bonding, and Political Identities in Polish Activists' Biographies 2018
112 EStages.UK EStages.UK. Spanish theatre in United Kingdom (1982-2019) 2019
113 iMED International Doctoral Programme in Molecular Mechanisms of Disease 2019
114 ENSEMBLE ENabling SafE Multi-Brand pLatooning for Europe 2018
115 EUSOL Solidarity in the European Union 2018
116 BroadWay Innovation activity to develop technologies to enable a pan-European interoperable broadband mobile system for PPDR, validated by sustainable testing facilities 2018
117 BiodivScen Promoting and implementing joint programming at the international level to reinforce research on the development of scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services 2017
118 AXIS Assessment of Cross(X)-sectoral climate Impacts and pathways for Sustainable transformation 2018
119 NETinfoPAY NETinfoPAY: a world of finance in your pocket 2018
120 SPOTT Pioneering ICT-platform setting the new standard on advertising and how consumers shop 2018
121 Governmigration Governing irregular immigration through detention: discourses and practices from an interdisciplinary approach 2018
122 ORGANITRA Transport of phosphorylated compounds across lipid bilayers by supramolecular receptors 2019
123 Cleopatra Cross-lingual Event-centric Open Analytics Research Academy 2019
124 COSMIC CBRNE Detection in Containers 2018
125 AURES II Auctions for Renewable Energy Support II 2018
126 TRA2020 The Transport Research Arena 2020 in Helsinki 2018
127 MIDA Mediating Islam in the Digital Age. Present issues and past experiences of technological revolutions 2019
128 5GCroCo Fifth Generation Cross-Border Control 2018
129 DisTerrMem Memory Across Borders: Dealing with the Legacy of Disputed Territories 2019
130 EASI-Genomics European Advanced infraStructure for Innovative Genomics 2019
131 CatRIS Catalogue of Research Infrastructure Services 2019
132 SPRINT Semantics for PerfoRmant and scalable INteroperability of multimodal Transport – SPRINT 2018
133 Smart4Health Citizen-centred EU-EHR exchange for personalised health 2019
134 COBAFRA Combatting Banking Fraud with SiS-id: A unique solution for preventing corporate payments fraud using AI and blockchain 2019
135 FOG Frequency protector generator for honeybees 2019
136 SERUMS Securing Medical Data in Smart Patient-Centric Healthcare Systems 2019
139 IMAGINE Geographical imaginations and the (geo)politics of volcanic risk: cultures, knowledges, actions 2019
140 SETWIND Supporting the SET-Plan implementation plan for offshore WIND energy 2019
141 SECURITY FLOWS Enacting border security in the digital age: political worlds of data forms, flows and frictions. 2019
142 CINECA Common Infrastructure for National Cohorts in Europe, Canada, and Africa 2019
143 LIMES The Hardening and Softening of Borders: Challenges for Europe and the World 2019
144 MAGYC MigrAtion Governance and asYlum Crises 2018
145 COART-INT Decentralizing Conceptual Art's Internationalism: Latin American artists in Western Europe, 1968-1979 2019
146 CLEFNI The choral life in the cities of Bern and Fribourg in the long nineteenth century 2019
147 HARBOR HARBOR. Humanitarianism and Refugees at the Border: A Transnational Feminist Analysis of Nonprofit Organizations 2019
149 RESILIENCE RESILIENCE: Understanding the role of resources in building resilience in marketing systems of refugee-run businesses in Europe 2019
150 TRIMANUAL TRIMANUAL coordination assistance for hemiplegic stroke individuals 2019
151 COMPASS2020 Coordination Of Maritime assets for Persistent And Systematic Surveillance 2019
152 BorderSens Border detection of illicit drugs and precursors by highly accurate electrosensors 2019
153 ARESIBO Augmented Reality Enriched Situation awareness for Border security 2019
154 VIR MAXIMUS Moral & Intellectual Qualities of the Political Man in the Translations of Gracián's Work (XVII-XXI cent.) 2019
155 MacMeninges Control of Central Nervous Sytem inflammation by meningeal macrophages, and its impairment upon aging 2019
156 S3FOOD Smart Sensor System for Food Safety, Quality Control and Resource Efficiency in the Food Processing Industry 2019
157 ZARAH Women’s labour activism in Eastern Europe and transnationally, from the age of empires to the late 20th century 2020
158 ANDROMEDA An EnhaNceD Common InfoRmatiOn Sharing EnvironMent for BordEr CommanD, Control and CoordinAtion Systems 2019
159 C-PlaNeT Circular Plastics Network for Training 2020
160 PCBIS Printed Circuit Board Innovative Solution 2019
161 Scale-up Champions Scale-up Champions: Scale up innovative businesses across the EU 2019
162 HyperBiota Exploring the diet-microbiota axis for immunomodulation and organ protection in hypertension 2020
163 DE4A Digital Europe for All 2020
164 PREVEX Preventing Violent Extremism in the Balkans and the MENA: Strengthening Resilience in Enabling Environments 2020
165 XEUROPE X-Europe 2020
166 ELEKTRORAIN Efficient and connected rain-gun sprinkler irrigator 2019
167 REDIM Regional disparities in cause-specific mortality in Europe: the role of local context and national health policies 2020
168 Translate4Rail Translation for breaking language barriers in the railway field 2019
169 DiFacturo The Unique International Independent Decentralized Invoice Network 2019
170 POPULIZATION Behavioral Foundations of Populism and Polarization 2020
171 GloQur The Global Qur’an. Shared Traditions, Imperial Languages and Transnational Actors 2020
172 BiodivClim Promoting and implementing joint programming to reinforce transnational research at the crossroad between biodiversity and climate change 2019
173 LIGHTCAP LIGHTCAP: Light, Cognition, Attention, Perception 2020
174 BV Building Vienna 2020
175 Absent Presences Absent Presences: an ethnographic study of the uncounted lives of people affected by leprosy in Latin America 2020
176 RightsLab Towards Transnational Labour Rights? Temporary Work Agencies and Third Country National Workers in the EU. 2021
177 ReMiCom The Challenges of Return Migration in Africa in the Age of Complex Emergencies: Comparing Multilevel Governance Systems in Ethiopia and Nigeria 2020