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H2020 projects about "attain"

The page lists 122 projects related to the topic "attain".

# achronym  title  year 
1 FoQAL Frontiers of Quantum Atom-Light Interactions 2015
2 PERASPERA PERASPERA (AD ASTRA) Plan European Roadmap and Activities for SPace Exploitation of Robotics and Autonomy 2014
3 COREGAL Combined Positioning-Reflectometry Galileo Code Receiver for Forest Management 2015
4 GoMyTri Golden Mycological Triangle – joining forces to exploit mycological biodiversity for novel anti-infectives and other beneficial metabolites 2015
5 NEXES NEXt generation Emergency Services 2015
6 EPOCH GeoChem Early POpulations in Cretan History: Investigating residential mobility in the eastern Mediterranean using isotope GeoChemistry 2016
7 MultiFUNGtionality Fungal diversity, ecosystem services and forest management: unravelling the role and dynamics of fungal communities in multifunctional Mediterranean forests. 2016
8 GRAFLEX Graphene curvature, flexibility and reactivity control by means of external fields: theory and computer simulations 2015
9 PhoLED Photonic nanostructures for Light-Emitting Devices. 2015
10 INNOVCITIES Institutional Innovation for Adapting to Climate Change in Water Governance within Cities 2015
11 MOLMAG New Spin for Molecular Magnets 2015
12 VascColl Temporally controlled delivery of vascular therapeutics from a regenerative template for diabetic wound healing 2015
13 ENERCAPSULE Nanoencapsulation for Energy Storage and Controlled Release 2015
14 BIODESERT Biological feedbacks and ecosystem resilience under global change: a new perspective on dryland desertification 2016
15 HOLOFRENPOSTMOD Un passé qui ne passe pas. The Ethics and Aesthetics of Contemporary French Holocaust Literature 2016
16 SEDAL Statistical Learning for Earth Observation Data Analysis. 2015
17 PIBD-SETQuality Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Network for Safety, Efficacy, Treatment and Quality improvement of care 2016
18 FORCE Imaging the Force of Cancer 2016
19 Sim4Blocks Simulation Supported Real Time Energy Management in Building Blocks 2016
20 FastFlowSim Fast particle-based time integrator for incompressible flows simulations 2016
21 Supra spin-selection Spin-Selection using Chirality: A Supramolecular Approach 2016
22 Crystal Tandem Solar Single-Crystal Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells For High Efficiency and Low Cost 2017
23 OUTCROSS Operator semigroup techniques in the control of delay systems 2016
24 IminoBoron Iminoboronate polymers as dynamic smart materials 2016
25 PEACH Parental Employment and Child Investments 2017
26 SELDOM SElective Deposition Of 2D Materials 2016
27 NGUEC Nanostructuring graphene under electrochemical control 2016
28 TalkingHeads TalkingHeads: Audiovisual Speech Recognition in-the-wild 2016
29 EQUIANFUN Equidae Hindgut Anaerobic Fungi: A key unexplored taxa of central importance to dietary fibre degradation 2016
30 EFFECT Effective environmental policies in Europe in the context of rebound effects 2017
31 STARBIOS 2 Structural Transformation to Attain Responsible BIOSciences 2016
32 InjectCHA Local delivery of PTH(1-34) from an injectable collagen-hydroxyapatite scaffold for non-invasive treatment of bisphosphonate associated atypical femoral fractures 2016
34 Goal Attribution in Groups Perceiving the intentions of the weakest link: How attributed individual and collective goals impact reactions to low performers in groups 2016
35 NEOBALLAST New high-performant and long-lasting ballast for sustainable railway infrastructures 2016
36 FuSEL FUnerals as public Services in long Eighteenth century London 2016
37 LIQUIDMASS High throughput mass spectrometry of single proteins in liquid environment 2016
38 EnzOx2 New enzymatic oxidation/oxyfunctionalization technologies for added value bio-based products 2016
40 BIOWAYS Increase public awareness of bio-based products and applications supporting the growth of the European bioeconomy 2016
41 SolTile A roof integrated solar tile system to develop cost-effective distributed solar power generation 2016
42 AGROinLOG Demonstration of innovative integrated biomass logistics centres for the Agro-industry sector in Europe 2016
43 CLIP Comprehensive Lifestyle Intervention Project (CLIP) 2017
44 EDUHEALTH Educating for Equitable Health Outcomes- the Promise of School Health and Physical Education 2017
45 MICROCYCLING Development of an Energy Efficient PET Recycling Process Based on Microwave Heating 2016
46 NANOPHOM Nanophosphor-based photonic materials for next generation light-emitting devices 2017
47 MARINERGI Marine Renewable Energy Research Infrastructure 2017
48 Safe2LPG Device for safety and security in liquid petroleum gas systems 2017
49 RODEO Robotized Orbital Drilling Equipment and Optimized residual stresses 2017
50 MYSOBIO MYcenaean SOcial BIOarchaeology: Deciphering the interplay of funerary treatment and social dynamics in the Mycenaean period 2018
51 HumRobManip Robotic Manipulation Planning for Human-Robot Collaboration on Forceful Manufacturing Tasks 2017
52 D-Noise Distributed Network of Active Noise Equalizers for Multi-User Sound Control 2017
53 NEURO_NMD Functional impact of alternative splicing coupled to nonsense-mediated decay in developing neurons 2017
54 NewCat4Bio Innovative sol-gel strategies for the production of homogeneous, hydrothermally stable, and porous mixed metal oxide catalysts for biomass conversion applications 2017
55 THEMIS Protecting Human Rights and Public Health in Global Pandemics: A Map of the Standards Applied by EU and US Courts 2018
56 DYNCON-ORC Dynamic performance modelling and controller design of a mini-scale organic Rankine cycle unit for heavy duty vehicles 2017
57 ECM_INK Cells-self Extracellular Matrices-based Bioinks to create accurate 3D diseased skin tissue models 2017
58 WorldlyMatter Worldly Matter: The Materials of Conceptual Art 2017
59 ImmuneCheckpointsAD Immune checkpoint blockade for fighting Alzheimer’s disease 2017
60 TransfoPneumo Structure and Function of the Bacterial Transformasome 2017
62 MAGYCO Mems based Appliance for GYro Compassing in general aviation and unmanned aircraft applications 2017
63 microSPIRE micro-crystals Single Photon InfraREd detectors 2017
64 OBELICS Optimization of scalaBle rEaltime modeLs and functIonal testing for e-drive ConceptS 2017
65 ONFIRE Future Optical Networks for Innovation, Research and Experimentation 2017
66 SpdTuM SPD nanostructured magnets with tuneable properties 2018
67 RISE Research Center on Interactive Media, Smart System and Emerging Technologies 2017
68 RESPECT Realizing Europe’s Soft Power in External Cooperation and Trade 2018
69 RECOVER-E LaRge-scalE implementation of COmmunity based mental health care for people with seVere and Enduring mental ill health in EuRopE 2018
70 GT POSITION High precision and scalable indoor positioning system 2017
71 FLEXICAT Upgrading waste glycerol to essential chemicals 2018
72 MEMBRASENZ Breakthrough of Hydrogen Energy and Hydrogen Mobility by Utilisation of MEMBRASENZ Membranes 2018
73 ADD-ON Advanced Damage Detection though Optical sensor Network 2018
74 WAVREP WAVe Resource for Electrical Production 2018
75 EnSurf Enantioselectivity at surfaces: covalent grafting as new tool for chiral surface modifications 2018
76 The insect cochlea The Insect cochlea: a non-invasive path towards enhanced sound detectors 2018
77 BRIDGING The function of membrane tethering in plant intercellular communication 2018
79 ARTISTIC Advanced and Reusable Theory for the In Silico-optimization of composite electrode fabrication processes for rechargeable battery Technologies with Innovative Chemistries 2018
80 HisTORIC Heat Transfer Enhancement during Oscillatory Flows: Impact Quantification of Heat Transfer Coefficient 2018
81 Small-scale CSP Numerical and experimental analysis of a novel thermal energy storage for a small-scale concentrated solar power plant 2018
82 Predict-Plan-Control Integrating robotic control and planning with human activity prediction for efficient human robot collaboration 2018
83 SEARCh SurfacE structure-Activity-Relationship in atomically-defined, ultrathin film perovskite Catalysts 2018
84 FASTEST Fully Air-Processable and Air-Stable Perovskite Solar Cells Based on Inorganic Metal Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals 2018
85 EMERALD ElectroMagnetic imaging for a novel genERation of medicAL Devices 2018
86 HydroPLAST A hydrophilic polymer material 2018
88 XCORE XCORE: Low Cost CFRP Production for the Next Generation of Lightweight Cars 2018
89 CircuBED Circular Built Environment Design - Applying the Circular Economy to the Design of Social Housing 2018
90 Morocco International Energy Agency Joint Work Programme with the Kingdom of Morocco to support the transition away from to a decarbonized energy system. 2018
91 Symptoma Symptoma, Better Diagnosis for Patients with Rare and Complex Diseases 2018
92 DTEU Decarbonising Transport in Europe 2018
93 HERA Integrating Environment and Health Research: a Vision for the EU 2019
94 LIMBo Zooming the link between diet and brain health: how phenolic metabolites modulate brain inflammation 2019
95 MAMSCAN New Method for Early Stage Breast Cancer Detection 2019
96 MOCCA Multiscale optical frequency combs: advanced technologies and applications 2019
97 UltimateCOMPASS Navigating the most challenging habitats on earth:unravelling the architecture of a universal compass system 2019
98 Foldmetcat Bioinspired Catalytic Metallofoldamers 2019
99 NANOZID DNA nanohydrogel loaded Liposomal formulations for high loading efficiency of antimicrobial drugs against intracellular bacterial and topical biofilm infections 2019
100 PIE ANIMALS Of beasts and men. The animals of the Proto-Indo-Europeans 2019
101 ReproDev Reprogramming plant development with microbial organic volatile compounds for sustainable food production 2020
102 PALEOCARBON PALEOcene greenhouse climate and the effect of basalt weathering on CARBON sequestration 2019
103 BOHNS-TV Batch Optimization of Process Parameters for Hot Working of High Nitrogen Stainless Steels and Thermodynamic Validation 2019
104 SuperVGE Supersonic Variable Geometry Turbine Expanders for High-Efficiency, High Temperature, Organic Rankine Cycle Applications 2019
105 VIP-2 Vienna International Postdoctoral Program 2020
106 SPARC First chemical free, sustainable & scalable disinfection system for intense agriculture in greenhouse facilities 2019
107 ENSEMBLE3 Centre of ExcelleNce for nanophotonicS, advancEd Materials and novel crystal growth-Based technoLogiEs 2019
108 KissAndSpitRhoptry Unravelling the secretion machinery for virulence factors in apicomplexan parasites 2020
109 MODSTABVAR Moduli spaces of stable varieties and applications 2020
110 HemaXis DX A patient-friendly blood collection device that produces pure plasma samples for simple laboratory analysis 2019
111 DIPVAR Digital Platforms: Pricing, Variety and Quality Provision 2020
112 DEXIM Deeply Explainable Intelligent Machines 2019
113 FUTPRINT50 Future propulsion and integration: towards a hybrid-electric 50-seat regional aircraft 2020
114 HEALIN Healthy lifespan inequality: Measurement, trends and determinants 2020
115 AntiViralEvo Unravelling the evolution of antiviral sensors and response systems in animals using the phylum Cnidaria 2020
117 emergenTopo Emergent topology in photon fluids 2020
118 OLEA Olea expansion and mosaic Landscape formation in an island Environment since human Arrival 2020
119 trans-argentina Was Sex Inflexible? Practices, Knowledge, Techniques, and Technologies of “Sex Change” Embodiment in Argentina during the Twentieth Century 2020
120 DISIPO Decarbonisation of carbon-intensive industries (Iron and Steel Industries) through Power to gas and Oxy-fuel combustion 2021
121 CriLiN An Atomic Quantum Simulator with long-range, multi-body interactions 2020
122 PRODIGI Digital Lemmatized Edition of Prose 2 (Franco-Italian prosification of Benoît de Sainte-Maure's Roman de Troie) 2020